Zestaw Diabetic: Berberyna, 60 kapsułek i Resweratrol, 60 kapsułek

Zestaw Diabetic: Berberyna, 60 kapsułek i Resweratrol, 60 kapsułek

107,90 zł
Diabetic to zestaw suplementów diety wspierający regulację poziomu cukru we krwi. Zestaw Diabetic to kompleksowe wsparcie dla osób zmagających się z cukrzycą, insulinoopornością oraz problemami związanych z wahaniami poziomu glukozy we krwi. Starannie dobrane składniki w zestawie pomagają w regulacji glikemii, poprawiają samopoczucie po posiłkach oraz wspierają ogólne zdrowie metaboliczne. W skład zestawu wchodzą Berberyna i Resweratrol Berberyna to naturalny alkaloid, który odgrywa kluczową rolę w regulacji poziomu cukru we krwi oraz wspomaga metabolizm. Znana ze swoich właściwości przeciwzapalnych i przeciwutleniających, berberyna wspiera zdrowie metaboliczne i może przyczynić się do poprawy wrażliwości na insulinę.Pomaga w regulacji poziomu glukozy we krwi, poprawia wrażliwość na insulinę, wspiera zdrowie metaboliczne i może przyczynić się do utraty masy ciała. Resweratrol to związek roślinny znany ze swoich właściwości przeciwutleniających i przeciwzapalnych. Wspiera zdrowie metaboliczne poprzez poprawę funkcji śródbłonka, regulację poziomu cukru we krwi oraz ochronę komórek przed uszkodzeniami wywołanymi stresem oksydacyjnym. Wspomaga regulację poziomu cukru we krwi, poprawia funkcje śródbłonka, działa przeciwutleniająco i przeciwzapalnie.   Dla kogo jest przeznaczony zestaw Diabetic? Zestaw Diabetic został opracowany z myślą o osobach, które pragną: Wspomóc leczenie cukrzycy i insulinooporności Poprawić wrażliwość na insulinę Regulować poziom glukozy we krwi Redukować wahania glikemii Poprawić samopoczucie po posiłkach Wspierać zdrową gospodarkę węglowodanową Wspierać zdrowie metaboliczne Redukować stany zapalne Odkryj, jak zestaw Diabetic może wspomóc Twoje zdrowie i poprawić kontrolę poziomu glukozy we krwi. Zadbaj o swoje zdrowie kompleksowo i ciesz się lepszym samopoczuciem każdego dnia! [[SKLAD]] Skład suplementu diety Berberyna. Składniki: ekstrakt z korzenia Berberies Aristata standaryzowany na 97% chlorowodorku berberyny, substancja wypełniająca: celuloza, substancja przeciwzbrylająca: dwutlenek krzemu, kapsułka celulozowa – hydroksypropylometyloceluloza. Zawartość w zalecanej do spożycia dziennej porcji produktu:   1 kapsułka 2 kapsułki Ekstrakt z korzenia Berberies Aristata, w tym: 515 mg 1030 mg -berberyny HCL: 500 mg 1000 mg   Skład suplementu diety Resweratrol. Składniki: ekstrakt z korzenia rdestowca japońskiego (Polygonum cuspidatium Sieb.) standaryzowany na zawartość 98 % trans – resveratrolu, środek przeciwzbrylający: dwutlenek krzemu; kapsułka celulozowa – hydroksypropylometyloceluloza. Zawartość w zalecanej do spożycia dziennej porcji produktu:   1 kapsułka  2 kapsułki Ekstrakt z korzenia rdestowca japońskiego: 255 mg 510 mg -w tym trans-resweratrol: 250 mg 500 mg   [[KONIEC_SKLADU]]
Berberyna 60 kapsułek - Intenson.pl Berberyna, 60 kapsułek

Berberyna, 60 kapsułek

59,99 zł
Berberyna - Naturalne wsparcie dla Twojego zdrowia metabolicznego Berberyna to potężny, naturalny suplement diety, który wspiera zdrowie metaboliczne i pomaga utrzymać optymalny poziom glukozy we krwi. Nasz produkt zawiera wysokiej jakości ekstrakt z korzenia Berberis Aristata, w tym berberynę HCL, znaną ze swoich licznych korzyści zdrowotnych, w tym wsparcia dla zdrowia serca, układu trawiennego oraz kontroli wagi. Składniki aktywne: Ekstrakt z korzenia Berberis Aristata: Naturalny ekstrakt z berberysu, znany ze swoich prozdrowotnych właściwości. Berberyna HCL: Kluczowy składnik aktywny, który działa jako silny przeciwutleniacz i wspiera zdrowie metaboliczne.   Korzyści z suplementacji berberyną: Wsparcie zdrowia metabolicznego: Berberyna HCL pomaga w regulacji poziomu glukozy we krwi, wspierając zdrowy metabolizm i zapobiegając wahaniom glukozy. Zdrowie serca: Regularne stosowanie berberyny może wspierać zdrowie układu sercowo-naczyniowego, pomagając w utrzymaniu zdrowego poziomu cholesterolu i ciśnienia krwi. Kontrola wagi: Berberyna może wspomagać kontrolę wagi poprzez regulację metabolizmu tłuszczów i glukozy, co może prowadzić do lepszego zarządzania masą ciała. Wsparcie układu trawiennego: Berberyna ma właściwości przeciwdrobnoustrojowe, które mogą wspierać zdrową florę jelitową i ogólne zdrowie układu trawiennego. Działanie przeciwzapalne: Berberyna działa jako silny przeciwutleniacz, pomagając redukować stany zapalne w organizmie.   Dla kogo jest dedykowana berberyna? Berberyna jest idealnym wyborem dla osób: Szukających naturalnego wsparcia dla regulacji poziomu glukozy we krwi. Pragnących wspierać zdrowie serca i układu krążenia. Dążących do utrzymania prawidłowej masy ciała i lepszego metabolizmu. Potrzebujących wsparcia dla zdrowego układu trawiennego. Szukających naturalnych sposobów na redukcję stanów zapalnych.   Zalety berberyny: Naturalne wsparcie zdrowia metabolicznego. Wysokiej jakości ekstrakt z korzenia Berberis Aristata. Kompleksowe korzyści zdrowotne, od wsparcia serca po zdrowie trawienne. Silne działanie przeciwutleniające i przeciwzapalne.   Dodaj Berberynę do swojej codziennej rutyny i ciesz się zdrowiem metabolicznym, lepszym samopoczuciem i wsparciem dla Twojego serca i układu trawiennego. Dzięki naszemu suplementowi Berberyna, możesz w naturalny sposób zadbać o swoje zdrowie i witalność. [[SKLAD]] Skład suplementu diety Berberyna.   Składniki: ekstrakt z korzenia Berberies Aristata standaryzowany na 97% chlorowodorku berberyny, substancja wypełniająca: celuloza, substancja przeciwzbrylająca: dwutlenek krzemu, kapsułka celulozowa – hydroksypropylometyloceluloza. Zawartość w zalecanej do spożycia dziennej porcji produktu:   1 kapsułka 2 kapsułki Ekstrakt z korzenia Berberies Aristata, w tym: 515 mg 1030 mg -berberyny HCL: 500 mg 1000 mg   [[KONIEC_SKLADU]]
Erythritol 1 kg – 0 kcal sweetener

Erythritol 1 kg – 0 kcal sweetener

18,99 zł
Erythritol is a natural low-calorie sweetener. Erythritol has a subtle sweet flavor similar to sugar.  It is used for baking and cooking, reducing the calorie content of prepared dishes. It prevents dental caries. It is quickly eliminated from the body after consumption. It can be used by diabetics. The advantage of this product is the fact that even when consumed in large amounts, it has no laxative effects. Use: It may be used for cooking, baking or sweetening. Remember that it is not as sweet as traditional sugar and has approximately 75% of its sweetness.  Erythritol has 0 calories, so it is perfect as a sugar substitute in the ketogenic diet. Eating foods which contain erythritol instead of sugar helps maintain tooth mineralization. Only a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet ensure the proper functioning of the body. Erythritol – perfect alternative for sugar Erythritol is a sweetener produced in a natural fruit fermentation process, which makes it a healthy and safe alternative for sugar, as opposed to popular sweeteners. It does not increase blood glucose levels The human body has no enzymes that can break down erythritol. It is absorbed into the bloodstream and then eliminated unchanged. As a result, it does not increase blood glucose levels and has no effect on insulin secretion. It also does not affect cholesterol or triglyceride levels. Due to these properties, it is a perfect alternative for sugar for diabetics or people suffering from metabolic disorders.It does not cause dental caries Dental bacteria love all kinds of sweets, because they give them the energy needed to multiply, which in consequence leads to caries. However, they are unable to break down erythritol, so it is not a growth medium for harmful bacteria. Some of the studies show a positive effect of erythritol on the oral cavity condition by reducing the numbers of harmful bacteria.Does not irritate the digestive system Erythritol is absorbed immediately in the small intestine, so it does not irritate the digestive system and does not cause diarrhea or indigestion like other sweeteners. No adverse effects were observed in the studies conducted so far, which means long-term use of erythritol is safe as well. Eating foods which contain erythritol instead of sugar helps maintain tooth mineralization. Only a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet ensure the proper functioning of the body. Nutritional value per 100 g of product* Energy value 0 kJ / kcal 0 Fat 0 g Carbohydrates, of which - sugars - starch - polyols 99 g 0 g 0 g 99 g Protein 0 g Salt 0 g Ingredients:100% erythritol Manufacturer: INTENSON S.A. 05 - 480 Karczew Całowanie 94 GPoland www.intenson.pl Store in a tightly closed original packaging. Protect from light.
Ksylitol Danisco (FINLANDIA) 1kg - Intenson.pl Xylitol Danisco (Finland) 1kg

Xylitol Danisco (Finland) 1kg

57,99 zł
Finnish xylitol Producer: Finnish Danisco. What is xylitol? Ksylitol - also called Xylitol), this is a sweetening substance of plant origin. It has a look and sweets similar to ordinary sugar, but contains 40% less calories. Xylitolis a natural ingredient for many fruits and vegetables, such as yellow plums,Strawberries, raspberries, cauliflower, lettuce and spinach. Hence, he was always present in humanDiet. Xylitol is produced from hard birch wood and beech wood. It is made of birch wood. It is a healthy alternative to white sugar, containing 40% less calories, can be used by diabetics. In addition, it has a very low glycemic index IG = 8, so it does not cause glucose levels and insulin concentrations in the blood. How to use: XylitolIt should be introduced into a diet gradually, starting fromSmall quantities. Apply as a substitute for white sugar. You must enter the dietGradually (starting from 1 teaspoon a day). Maximum consumption is recommended10 teaspoons a day. Ingestion in excessive amounts can cause effectlaxative.   A delicious pancake based on almond flour Ingredients: 1 cup of almond flour 2 eggs ¼ cup of water 2 tablespoons of coconut oil 1 tablespoon of xylitol A method of preparing: Mix all ingredients together.  Tip: If you want your pancake to contain a large amount of protein eat them with unsweetened almond or nutty butter. Replace maple syrup with low-calorie syrup from xylitol Recipe for xylitol syrup A method of preparing: Cook water and xylitol in proportion 1: 1 while stirring until the crystals do not dissolve (do not allow boiling). Card and store in a tightly closed jar. Ingredients:100% xylitol (Danisco producer) Country of origin: Finland Producer:  Intenson Europe Sp. z o. o. Całowanie 94g 05 - 480 Karczew www.intenson.pl expiration dateFor consumption and party number given on the packaging. Store in the original, tightly closed packaging. Protect from light.
Ksylitol Danisco (FINLANDIA) 250g - Intenson.pl Xylitol Danisco (Finland) 250g

Xylitol Danisco (Finland) 250g

15,99 zł
Finnish xylitol Producer: Finnish Danisco. What is xylitol? Ksylitol - also called Xylitol), this is a sweetening substance of plant origin. It has a look and sweets similar to ordinary sugar, but contains 40% less calories. Xylitolis a natural ingredient for many fruits and vegetables, such as yellow plums,Strawberries, raspberries, cauliflower, lettuce and spinach. Hence, he was always present in humanDiet. Xylitol is produced from hard birch wood and beech wood. It is made of birch wood. It is a healthy alternative to white sugar, containing 40% less calories, can be used by diabetics. In addition, it has a very low glycemic index IG = 8, so it does not cause glucose levels and insulin concentrations in the blood. How to use: XylitolIt should be introduced into a diet gradually, starting fromSmall quantities. Apply as a substitute for white sugar. You must enter the dietGradually (starting from 1 teaspoon a day). Maximum consumption is recommended10 teaspoons a day. Ingestion in excessive amounts can cause effectlaxative.   A delicious pancake based on almond flour Ingredients: 1 cup of almond flour 2 eggs ¼ cup of water 2 tablespoons of coconut oil 1 tablespoon of xylitol A method of preparing: Mix all ingredients together.  Tip: If you want your pancake to contain a large amount of protein eat them with unsweetened almond or nutty butter. Replace maple syrup with low-calorie syrup from xylitol Recipe for xylitol syrup A method of preparing: Cook water and xylitol in proportion 1: 1 while stirring until the crystals do not dissolve (do not allow boiling). Card and store in a tightly closed jar.   Ingredients:100% xylitol (Danisco producer) Country of origin: Finland Producer:  Intenson Europe Sp. z o. o. Całowanie 94G 05 - 480 Karczew www.intenson.pl expiration dateFor consumption and party number given on the packaging. Store in the original, tightly closed packaging. Protect from light.
Ksylitol Danisco (FINLANDIA) 500g - Intenson.pl Ksylitol Danisco (Finland) 500g

Ksylitol Danisco (Finland) 500g

31,99 zł
Finnish xylitol Producer: Finnish Danisco. What is xylitol? Ksylitol - also called Xylitol), this is a sweetening substance of plant origin. It has a look and sweets similar to ordinary sugar, but contains 40% less calories. Xylitolis a natural ingredient for many fruits and vegetables, such as yellow plums,Strawberries, raspberries, cauliflower, lettuce and spinach. Hence, he was always present in humanDiet. Xylitol is produced from hard birch wood and beech wood. It is made of birch wood. It is a healthy alternative to white sugar, containing 40% less calories, can be used by diabetics. In addition, it has a very low glycemic index IG = 8, so it does not cause glucose levels and insulin concentrations in the blood. How to use: XylitolIt should be introduced into a diet gradually, starting fromSmall quantities. Apply as a substitute for white sugar. You must enter the dietGradually (starting from 1 teaspoon a day). Maximum consumption is recommended10 teaspoons a day. Ingestion in excessive amounts can cause effectlaxative.   A delicious pancake based on almond flour Ingredients: 1 cup of almond flour 2 eggs ¼ cup of water 2 tablespoons of coconut oil 1 tablespoon of xylitol A method of preparing: Mix all ingredients together.  Tip: If you want your pancake to contain a large amount of protein eat them with unsweetened almond or nutty butter. Replace maple syrup with low-calorie syrup from xylitol Recipe for xylitol syrup A method of preparing: Cook water and xylitol in proportion 1: 1 while stirring until the crystals do not dissolve (do not allow boiling). Card and store in a tightly closed jar. Ingredients:100% xylitol (Danisco producer) Country of origin: Finland Producer:  Intenson Europe Sp. z o. o. Całowanie 94g 05 - 480 Karczew www.intenson.pl expiration dateFor consumption and party number given on the packaging. Store in the original, tightly closed packaging. Protect from light.
Kisiel fit z tapioki truskawkowy 30g - Intenson.pl Kisiel fit z tapioki truskawkowy 30g - Intenson.pl

Strawberry fit tapioca jelly 30 g

2,99 zł
Strawberry fit tapioca jelly 30 g • natural • tapioca flour-based • no added sugar  • with superfoods • with acai berries • with goji berries • with vitamin C Strawberry FIT Jelly is a natural, delicious, healthy and most importantly, diet dessert made with tapioca flour which is a valuable energy source.  The jelly has a subtle strawberry flavor and contains the most valuable superfoods – goji berries and acai berry extract with antioxidative properties. The jelly is enriched with vitamin C.  It also contains fiber which naturally regulates the digestive system activity and helps maintain a slim figure. It contains no white sugar. Ingredients: Sweetener – maltitol, tapioca starch 30.7%, dried goji berries (Lycium barbarum) 4%, natural flavoring, acidity regulator – citric acid, lyophilized strawberries 0.8%, L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C) 0.6%, 4:1 acai extract (Euterpe oleracea) 0.3% Storage conditions: Store in a cool, dry place in a tightly closed container. Use: Put the contents of the bag in a cup, pour in approximately 175 mL of water, stir vigorously for one minute. Nutritional value in 100 g: Energy value: 165 kJ/39 kcal Fat: 0 g of which saturates: 0 g Carbohydrates: 13g  of which sugars: 0.3 g of which polyols: 8,8 g  Protein: 0 g Fibre: 0 g Salt: < 0.01 g Vitamin C: 88 mg
Kisiel kids z tapioki truskawkowy 30g - Intenson.pl Kisiel kids z tapioki truskawkowy 30g - Intenson.pl

Tapioca kids strawberry 30g

2,99 zł
Tapioca kids strawberry 30g Kids strawberry Kisiel is a natural, delicious and healthy dessert based on tapioca flour, which is a source of valuable energy. It has a delicate strawberry taste and contains the most valuable of superfoods - goji berries, acai, which are a source of antioxidants and protect cells from the negative effects of free radicals. Kisiel was enriched with vitamin C. with goji berries  with acai berries with vitamin C What makes Kisiel KIDS stand out? it's natural. it has a delicious taste. it comes with superfoods contains no white sugar it's based on tapioca. with added vitamin C Method of use: pour the contents of the bag into the cup, pour approx. 175ml water, stir vigorously for a minute.    Kisiel KIDS with tapioca-a natural dessert made from superfoods Kiss KIDS it's a natural extension of the popular dessert. It has a simple composition, without any artificial additivesand also delicious taste. Composed based on tapioca, which is a source of valuable energy in two flavor versions – strawberry and pineapple with the addition of valuable superfoods. In Strawberry kislet we find goji berries and acai berry extract with antioxidant properties, and in pineapple baobab, which has a high content vitamin C. Kisiel does not contain white sugar, and owes its sweetness to cane sugar. It was further enriched vitamin C, which supports the immune system, so it's a great proposition for the fall season.   Ingredients: unrefined cane sugar, tapioca starch 30,7%, dried goji berries 4%, natural aroma, acidity regulator - citric acid, L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C) 0,6%, lyophilised strawberry 0,8%, acai extract 4:1 0,3%. Storage: Store in a tightly closed package. Nutrition table Nutritional value per 100g product: Energy value per 100g of product: 54 kcal / 228 kJ Fat, including: 0 g - saturated fatty acids 0 g Carbohydrates, including: 13 g - sugars 9.2 g Fibre 0 g Protein 0 g Salt < 0.01 g Vitamin C 88 mg Country of origin: Poland
Kisiel fit z tapioki ananasowy 30g - Intenson.pl

Kisiel fit with pinenauric tapioki 30g

2,99 zł
Kisiel fit with pinenauric tapioki 30g Kisiel FIT Pineapple is a natural, delicious, healthy and above all dietary dessert based on tapioca flour, which is a source of valuable energy. Kisiel has a delicate, pineapple flavor and contains the most valuable superfoods - baobab and turmeric, which are a source of antioxidants and protect cells from the negative effects of free radicals. Kisiel was enriched with vitamin C. It does not contain white sugar, and owes its sweetness to maltitol. Natural tapioca flour-based without added sugar  with superfoods with Baobab with Turmeric with vitamin C Components: sweetener- maltitol, tapionic starch 31%, powdered baobab fruit 3%, natural pineapple aroma 1.9%, acidity regulator-citric acid, L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C) 0.6%, turmeric. Storage method: Store in a sealed package. Nutrient table Nutritional value in 100g of the product: Energy value in 100g of product: 39 kcal / 163 kJ Fat, including: 0 g - saturated fatty acids 0 g Carbohydrates, including: 13 g - sugars 0 g - polyhydrogenic alcohols (polyols) 8.8g Protein 0 g Salt <0.01 g Vitamin C 89 mg Country of origin: Poland
Kisiel kids z tapioki ananasowy 30g - Intenson.pl Kisiel kids z tapioki ananasowy 30g - Intenson.pl

Pineapple tapioca kids jelly 30 g

2,99 zł
Pineapple tapioca kids jelly 30 g Pineapple KIDS Jelly is a natural, delicious, healthy dessert made with tapioca flour which is a valuable energy source. The jelly has a subtle pineapple flavor and contains the most valuable superfoods – baobab and turmeric, which are a source of antioxidants and protect cells from the negative effects of free radicals. The jelly is enriched with vitamin C. • with Bio Baobab • with turmeric • with vitamin C What makes the KIDS Jelly stand out? • it is natural • it tastes delicious • it contains added superfoods • it contains no white sugar • it is made with tapioca • it contains added vitamin C TAPIOCA KIDS Jelly – a natural dessert with superfoods KIDS jellies are a natural version of the popular dessert. It has a simple ingredient list, with no artificial additives, and what is more – it tastes delicious. Made with tapioca, a valuable energy source, in two flavor versions: strawberry and pineapple, with added valuable superfoods. The strawberry jelly contains find goji berries and acai berry extract which has antioxidative properties, while the pineapple jelly contains baobab which is distinguished by its high vitamin C content. The jelly contains no white sugar and owes its sweetness to cane sugar. Additionally, it is enriched with vitamin C to support the immune system, so it is a perfect option for autumn.  Ingredients: unrefined cane sugar, tapioca starch 31%, baobab fruit powder (Adansonia L.) 3%, natural pineapple flavoring, acidity regulator – citric acid, L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C) 0.6%, turmeric   Storage instructions: store in a tightly closed container.   Nutritional value table Nutritional value per 100 g of product: Energy value per 100g of product: 53 kcal / 225 kJ Fat, of which: 0 g - saturates 0 g Carbohydrates, of which: 13 g - sugars 9.2 g Fibre 0 g Protein 0 g Salt < 0.01 g Vitamin C 89 mg
Budyń proteinowy czekoladowy 30g - Intenson.pl Budyń proteinowy czekoladowy 30g - Intenson.pl

Short Date Chocolate Protein Pudding 6x30g

from 2,99 zł
Expiration date: 25.03.2022 Protein pudding with chocolate flavor This is an excellent proposition for amateurs of this dessert in the FIT version. It is a protein source, which is why it provides valuable energy for a longer time. Ideal, as a sweet snack or proposal for a delicious breakfast.   A method of preparing:Pour the contents of the cup for a cup and dissolve in a small amount of water, then pour 185ml of boiling water into the cup and mix the teaspoon vigorously to obtain a smooth consistency.  Protein puddings with WPC What distinguishes protein pudding? Protein pudding is a functional product that is a source of protein, thanks to content WpcAt the same time, maintaining all the properties of traditional pudding, ie taste, consistency or smell. Unlike others is in 100% natural And it does not contain any artificial additions. Another Distinction of the Product is its base - a mixture of potato starch along with tapioca - starch obtained from an exotic plant. It does not contain white sugar - Subscribed to cane sugar. What is WPC - source of a pudding protein? Protein Wpc It's from the English Whey Protein Concentrate, that is, in a literal translation, whey protein concentrate - known and appreciated by athletes. It is obtained by ultrafiltration of milk proteins that allow for behavior High amino acid contentwhile maintaining a low amount of fats and carbohydrates. By 60-80 percent pure Includes only 2-6 percent. Fat and 3-8 percent. carbohydrates. It is due to the proportions of these nutritional values ​​used by athletes and physically active persons. What are the WPC properties? Thanks to the high content protein, the WPC protein supports the body in the increase in muscle mass without the risk of peeling muscle mass in the body. Its low calorie allows you to reduce fat weight during weight loss. Supports muscle regeneration Complete a portion of protein in a diet Pudding is available in two flavors - chocolate and vanilla. Protein puddings with two prizes! Our latest products - protein pudding received two distinctions of the "Good Product 2019" certificate in the "Innovative Product" category and "Good Product" in the voting of Internet users. The official handing of certificates took place at Gala during the 12th Food & Trade Forum - the largest conference forum from the food industry in Poland  Ingredients:Unrefined cancene sugar, potato starch, WPC (whey protein concentrate), 15% tapio starch, skimmed milk powder, cocoa with reduced fat content, natural aroma. It may contain soy. Nutritional value in a dry matter Nutritional value in 100g Nutritional value, 1 portion = 30g RWS (% *) Energy value 1544KJ / 364 KACAL 463KJ / 109 KACAL 5% Fat, including 1.9g 0.6g 1% -Saturated fatty acids 1,2g 0,3g 2% Carbohydrates, including 70g 21g 8% - 41g 12g 14% Fiber 0g 0g - Protein 17g 5.0g 10% Salt 0,2g 0.06g 1% Net weight 30g Collective packaging 25pcs
Budyń proteinowy waniliowy 30g - Intenson.pl Budyń proteinowy waniliowy 30g - Intenson.pl

Vanilla protein pudding 30g

2,99 zł
Protein pudding with vanilla flavor This is a great proposition for amateurs of this dessert in the Fit version. It is a source of protein, which is why it provides valuable energy for a long time. Ideal, as a snack or proposal for a delicious breakfast.   Protein puddings from WPC What distinguishes protein pudding? Protein pudding is a functional product that is a source of protein, thanks to the content WPC, while maintaining all the properties of traditional pudding, i.e. taste, consistency or smell. Unlike others, it is in 100% natural and does not contain any artificial additives. Another distinguishing feature of the product is its base - a mixture of potato starch along with tapioca - starch obtained from an exotic plant. Does not contain white sugar - he was sweetened with cane sugar. What is WPC - a source of pudding protein? Protein WPC It is from the English Whey Protein Concentrate, i.e. literally translation of whey protein concentrate - known and appreciated by athletes. Is obtained by ultrafiltration of milk proteins that allow you to behave high amino acid content, while maintaining a low amount of fats and carbohydrates. By 60-80 percent pure protein It contains only 2-6 percent. fat and 3-8 percent carbohydrates. It is due to the proportions of these nutritional values ​​that athletes and physically active people are used. What are the WPC properties? Thanks to the high content of protein, WPC protein supports the body in an increase in muscle mass without the risk of the body mass accumulation in the body. Its low caloric content allows you to reduce fat during weight loss. Supports muscle regeneration Complements a portion of protein in the diet Pudding is available in two flavors - chocolate and vanilla. Protein puddings with two awards! Our latest products - protein puddings received two awards with the "Good Product 2019" certificate in the "Innovative Product" and "Good Product" category in voting Internet users. The official presentation of the certificates took place at the gala during the 12th Food and Trade Forum - the largest conference forum in the food industry in Poland Ingredients:Unrefined cane sugar, potato starch, WPC (whey protein concentrate), 15%tapioca starch, degreased milk in powder, natural aroma, dye (riboflavin).   A method of preparing:Pour the contents of the bag into the cup and dissolve in a small amount of water, then pour in 185ml of boiling water into the cup and mix vigorously with a spoon to obtain a smooth consistency.   Nutritional value in dry mass Nutritional value in 100g Nutritional value, 1 portion = 30g RWS (%*) Energy value 1544KJ/364 kcal 463KJ/109 kcal 5% Fat, including 1.9G 0.6g 1% -Saturated fatty acids 1.2g 0.3g 2% Carbohydrates, including 70g 21g 8% -cukry 41g 12g 14% Fiber 0g 0g - Protein 17g 5.0g 10% Salt 0.2g 0.06g 1%   Net weight 30g   Collective packaging 25 pcs
Tapioca - 150g balls

Tapioca - 150g balls

7,34 zł
Tapioca balls 150g Tapioca  is a very tasty extract obtained from cassava - the exotic plant that is the basis of the diet in South America. It provides the body with energy in the form of carbohydrates, does not contain fat and salt. It is easily digestible, does not contain gluten, so it is especially recommended for people with intolerance to this allergen. Tapioca can be used as an addition to soups, sauces and because of its unique shape, in the form of small pearls to decorate desserts. It is also a characteristic addition to the so-called Bubble tea. Usage: Boil 1.2 L of water, add 1 cup of tapioca beads and cook for about 40 minutes, stirring until the pearls become transparent. Value nutritional w 100 g product / Nutritional value per 100g of the product Energy value / Energy 1 498 kJ / 358 kcal Tłuszcz, w tym / Fat, of which - saturated fatty acids / saturates 0.02 g 0.0 g Węglowodany, w tym / Carbohydrate, of which - sugars / surags 89 g 15 g Protein / Protein 0.2 g Sól / Salt 0h Ingredients: 100% tapioca pearls   Manufacturer: Intenson Europe Sp. z o. o. Kissing 94G 05-480 Karczew Polska / Poland www.intenson.pl Best before: Lot number / Date / Country of origin are on the package. Store in tightly closed container.    
White Mulberry 150g

White Mulberry 150g

13,59 zł
WHITE MULBERRY - dried fruit 150g White mulberry is a small tree with small white fruits. Dried fruits are tasty, keep well and last for a long time. In powdered form, they can be used as a sugar substitute. White mulberry fruit is an extremely interesting snack. Usage: Fruit can be used as an ingredient in muesli, an addition to breakfast cereals, fruit cocktails, salads and even chocolate. Sometimes they are also used for baking cakes, tarts and even making wine. Nutritional value in 100 g of product Energy  1315 kJ / 314 kcal Fat, of which: - Saturates 2.5 g 1.2 g Carbohydrate, of which: - sugars 71 g 59 g Fiber 12 g Protein 11 g (22% *) Salt 0h * Reference intake for an average adult (8400 kJ / 2000 kcal). / Reference intake of an average adult (8,400 kJ / 2,000 kcal). Ingredients: 100% dried white mulberry fruit   Manufacturer Intenson Europe Sp. z o. o. Całowanie 94G 05-480 Karczew Poland www.intenson.pl Best before: Lot number / Expiry date / Country of origin can be found on the packaging. Store in tightly closed container.
Erytrytol 1kg - słodzik 0 kcal - Intenson.pl Erythritol 1 kg – 0 kcal sweetener

Erythritol 1 kg – 0 kcal sweetener

34,99 zł
Erythritol is a natural low-calorie sweetener. Erythritol has a subtle sweet flavor similar to sugar.  It is used for baking and cooking, reducing the calorie content of prepared dishes. It prevents dental caries. It is quickly eliminated from the body after consumption. It can be used by diabetics. The advantage of this product is the fact that even when consumed in large amounts, it has no laxative effects. Use: It may be used for cooking, baking or sweetening. Remember that it is not as sweet as traditional sugar and has approximately 75% of its sweetness.  Erythritol has 0 calories, so it is perfect as a sugar substitute in the ketogenic diet. Eating foods which contain erythritol instead of sugar helps maintain tooth mineralization. Only a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet ensure the proper functioning of the body. Erythritol – perfect alternative for sugar Erythritol is a sweetener produced in a natural fruit fermentation process, which makes it a healthy and safe alternative for sugar, as opposed to popular sweeteners. It does not increase blood glucose levels The human body has no enzymes that can break down erythritol. It is absorbed into the bloodstream and then eliminated unchanged. As a result, it does not increase blood glucose levels and has no effect on insulin secretion. It also does not affect cholesterol or triglyceride levels. Due to these properties, it is a perfect alternative for sugar for diabetics or people suffering from metabolic disorders.It does not cause dental caries Dental bacteria love all kinds of sweets, because they give them the energy needed to multiply, which in consequence leads to caries. However, they are unable to break down erythritol, so it is not a growth medium for harmful bacteria. Some of the studies show a positive effect of erythritol on the oral cavity condition by reducing the numbers of harmful bacteria.Does not irritate the digestive system Erythritol is absorbed immediately in the small intestine, so it does not irritate the digestive system and does not cause diarrhea or indigestion like other sweeteners. No adverse effects were observed in the studies conducted so far, which means long-term use of erythritol is safe as well. Eating foods which contain erythritol instead of sugar helps maintain tooth mineralization. Only a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet ensure the proper functioning of the body. Nutritional value per 100 g of product* Energy value 0 kJ / kcal 0 Fat 0 g Carbohydrates, of which - sugars - starch - polyols 99 g 0 g 0 g 99 g Protein 0 g Salt 0 g Ingredients:100% erythritol Manufacturer: INTENSON S.A. 05 - 480 Karczew Całowanie 94 GPoland www.intenson.pl Store in a tightly closed original packaging. Protect from light.