Fit & Detox Slimmig Elixir 135g -

Fit & Detox Slimmig Elixir 135g

25,99 zł
SUPERFOODS FIT & DETOX SLIMMING ELIXIR This fiber cocktail only based on natural ingredients that supports digestive processes and detoxifying the body. Contains inulin, which is the only one of the most valuable prebiotics and a selected superfoods component with a high fiber content. Fiber not only accelerates digestion, but also provides a feeling of satiety and helps to maintain the correct cholesterol level. The mix has a delicate, tropical-pinable flavor. SUPERFOODS FIT & DETOX SLIMMING ELIXIR This fiber cocktail only based on natural ingredients that supports digestive processes and detoxifying the body. Contains inulin, which is one of the most valuable prebiotics and a selected superfoods component with a high fiber content. Fiber not only accelerates digestion, but also provides a feeling of satiety and helps to maintain the correct cholesterol level. The mix has a delicate, tropical-pineapple taste. Elixir components: Minced It's nothing but transmitted flax seeds - plants with valuable properties. Len is a good source of a-linolenic acid that must be delivered with food because it is not synthesized by the body. In addition, it contains high-quality proteins, fiber and phenolic acid. What's more, ground flax contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are known for their beneficial effect on heart. Grandmother and easter egg This plants with a high fiber content that supports the daily operation of the digestive system, increasing the feeling of satiety. In addition, it helps to control cholesterol, and regular use, while maintaining a healthy diet, reduces its blood level. Fiber supports intestinal operation, regulating it naturally, and at the same time cleans them from harmful metabolic products. It is recommended for people with digestive ailments and wanting to keep a slim figure because it reduces appetite. Apple fiber It is obtained from apple skins that are a source of pectin. Keeps the correct level of LDL cholesterol, and also has the ability to reduce and reduce absorption of bad cholesterol from the gastrointestinal tract. It has an invaluable effect on slimming because it reduces applauding and a feeling of hunger. Studies have shown that regular consumption increases the body's resistance. A method of preparing: 2 times a day three flat measures of the product pour 200 ml of water or juice, set aside for about 20 minutes, then drink. When consuming a product, drink large amounts of water - at least 2 liters of liquids a day. It's best to consume in the morning and evening. Do not use with hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients in contraction and intestinal obstacles, abdominal pains of an unknown cause, naudicity, vomiting. Not intended for babies and young children. Ingredients: LEN FLAVUM LINE DEATHED (LINUM FLAVUM L), sweeteners - erythritol, eggy granny (psyllium husk), grandmother Płesznik (Plantago psyllium), 10% inulina, apple fiber, acidity regulator: citric acid, pineapple aroma. Net mass 135g
Nasiona konopi łuskane 1000g Cannabi Nature -

Nasiona konopi łuskane Cannabi Nature, 1000g

48,39 zł
Nasiona Konopi Łuskane - Naturalne źródło zdrowia i energii. Nasiona Konopi Łuskane to doskonały dodatek do zdrowej diety, bogaty w białko, zdrowe tłuszcze oraz niezbędne kwasy tłuszczowe omega-3 i omega-6. Te małe nasiona są nie tylko pyszne, ale również pełne wartości odżywczych, co czyni je idealnym składnikiem dla osób poszukujących naturalnych sposobów na wsparcie swojego zdrowia i energii. Nasiona konopi są łatwe do włączenia do codziennej diety – doskonale sprawdzają się jako dodatek do smoothie, sałatek, jogurtów czy wypieków. Składniki aktywne: Nasiona konopi łuskane: Bogate w pełnowartościowe białko, które dostarcza wszystkie niezbędne aminokwasy. Zawierają również błonnik, witaminy oraz minerały, takie jak magnez, żelazo i cynk. Korzyści z spożycia Nasion Konopi Łuskanych: Wysoka zawartość białka: Nasiona konopi stanowią doskonałe źródło roślinnego białka, co czyni je idealnym wyborem dla wegan i wegetarian. Wsparcie dla zdrowia serca: Zawierają zdrowe tłuszcze, w tym kwasy omega-3 i omega-6, które wspierają prawidłowe funkcjonowanie układu sercowo-naczyniowego. Regulacja poziomu cholesterolu: Regularne spożycie nasion konopi może pomóc w utrzymaniu zdrowego poziomu cholesterolu. Wsparcie układu pokarmowego: Dzięki wysokiej zawartości błonnika, nasiona konopi wspomagają trawienie i zdrowie jelit.   Dla kogo są dedykowane Nasiona Konopi Łuskane? Dla wegan i wegetarian, którzy poszukują roślinnych źródeł białka. Dla osób aktywnych fizycznie, które potrzebują zdrowych tłuszczów i białka w diecie. Dla każdego, kto chce wzbogacić swoją dietę o cenne składniki odżywcze.   Zalety Nasion Konopi Łuskanych: Naturalne źródło białka roślinnego. Bogate w zdrowe tłuszcze omega-3 i omega-6. Doskonałe dla zdrowia serca i układu pokarmowego. Wysoka zawartość błonnika oraz witamin i minerałów.   Dodaj Nasiona Konopi Łuskane do swojej codziennej diety i ciesz się ich zdrowotnymi właściwościami oraz pysznym smakiem! [[SKLAD]] Wartości odżywcze nasion konopii. Składniki: Nasiona konopi łuskane   Wartość energetyczna: 2836kJ/622 kcal Tłuszcze: 52g Kwasy tłuszczowe nasycone: 5,1g Kwasy tłuszczowe jednonienasycone: 7,4g Kwasy tłuszczowe wielonienasycone: 39g Omega 6: 30g Omega 3: 9g Węglowodany: 4,6g -Cukry: 2,3g Błonnik: 6g Białko: 31g Sól: 0g Żelazo: 7,98mg(57%*) Magnez: 531,0mg(142%*) Cynk: 7,49mg(75%*) *Referencyjna wartość spożycia dla witamin dla osób dorosłych ***wartość odżywcza na 100g produktu [[KONIEC_SKLADU]]
Ostropest Plamisty mielony 1kg -

Milk thistle ground 1kg

21,59 zł
Milk thistle ground 1kg (Silybum marianum) Milk thistle is a source of protein and is characterized by a high content of dietary fiber. Ground milk thistle contains silymarin (0.53%). How to use: Pour 1 teaspoon of powder with 1 cup of hot water and slowly warm up to the boil. Cook gently under cover approx. 5-10min. Allow 15 min. and then strain. Drink the brewed liquid in three portions per day. Ground milk thistle can also be added to soups, vegetable dishes, muesli, dairy products (yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese), bread and fruit cocktails. It is recommended to ingest up to 2 teaspoons of milk thistle per day. Not recommended for infants and young children.  Nutritional value in 100g of product / Nutritional value per 100g of the product Energy value / Energy 1657 kJ / 402 kcal Fat, including/Fat, of which - saturated fatty acids / saturates - monounsaturated fatty acids / mono-unsaturates - polyunsaturated fatty acids / polyunsaturates 34 g 4.8g 6.8g 15 g Carbohydrates, including/Carbohydrate, of which - sugars / sugars 1.5g 1.1g Fiber / Fibre 41 g Białko / Protein 20 g (40%*) Sól / Salt 0.02 g *Reference intake value for average adult (8400 Kj / 2000 kcal) Ingredients: 100% ground milk thistle fruit Ingredients: 100% ground fruits of milk thistle   Manufacturer / Producer: Intenson Europe Ltd. Kissing 94G 05 - 480 Taverns Polska / Poland It is best to eat before: Batch number / Date of suitability / Country of origin can be found on the package. Store tightly closed packaging.    
Nasiona chia - szałwia hiszpańska 250g -

Chia seeds - Salvia Spanish 250g

14,59 zł
Chia Seeds of Salvia Spanish (Salvia Hispanica L) Chia, also known as Spanish sage, is a source of protein, has a high content of digestive fiber, omega-3 fatty acids and many minerals and vitamins. How to use: You can eat directly as an addition to salads, porridge, muesli, cocktails, boiled groats, potatoes, as a vegetable sprinkle. Ground seeds can be combined with flour, e.g. to bake the cakes and bread and for preparing soups and pancakes. Daily seed intake should not exceed 15 g (about 3 teaspoons). Spanish Semor Seeds can be used in bakery products in a maximum of 10%. Recipe for pudding from Chia seeds from Mango: Mix a glass of vegetable milk (eg almond) with 1 tablespoon of honey. Then pour into a bowl of 0.25 cups of chia seeds and pour a milk mix. Cover with foil and put on the fridge for the night. The next day, peel the mango, cut a stone and rewrite in a blender. Puree obtained put on the obtained pudding. Decorate dessert with favorite fruits. Dessert can be sucked by xylitol or coconut sugar. How to use Chia seeds? 10 ways 1. Chia seeds work perfectly as a substitute that in vegan recipes. "Egg" from Chia seeds in one simple pace! 1 tablespoon of chia seeds for 2.5 tablespoons of water. Due to their consistency, they are ideally suited to compete for soups and sauces. To do delicious and fast performed by Chia Pudding. Mixed with water with lemon as an energy booster. Added to your favorite smoothie to increase its nutritional value with valuable omega acids. Chia seeds can be made by low-calorie jam. To sprinkle muesli or salads. If you do not like CHIA seed consistency, you can measure them in a coffee grinder and such a powder to add to smoothie or cocktails. For all kinds of pastries, including bread. Chia seeds planted as a cress will turn off, and chia sprouts will diversify every salad or a sandwich. Nutritional value in 100 g of product ** Energy value 1864 KJ / 452 kcal Fat, including: - Saturated fatty acids - Single-synsaturated fatty acids - polyunsaturated fatty acids, including: - omega-3 acids 33 g 3.3 g 2.2 g 27 g 18 g (3000% *) Carbohydrates, including: - sugars 0.5 g <0.1 g Fiber 33 g Protein 23 g Salt 0.13 g Calcium 543 mg (68% *) Iron 7.72 mg (55% *) Magnesium 337 mg (90% *) Zinc 6.06 mg (61% *) Folic acid 49 μg (24% *) * Reference consumption value for an average adult person (8 400 kJ / 2,000 kcal) Ingredients: 100% Seeds of Salvia Spanish Country of origin*:Bolivia, Mexico, Argentina, Peru Producer: Intenson Europe Sp. z o.o. Całowanie 94 g 05- 480 Karczew   Date of fitness for consumption and party number given on the packaging. The product should be stored in the original, tightly closed packaging. Protect from strangers and sunlight. * depending on the party (current country of origin on the packaging) ** Depending on the party (current nutritional value on the packaging)
Błonnik witalny - mieszanka nasion 250g - Błonnik witalny - mieszanka nasion 250g -

Vital fiber - Mix of seed 250g

13,99 zł
Vital fiber - Mix of seed 250g A mixture of a high fiber content, which supports the daily operation of the digestive system, increasing the feeling of satiety. How to use: Ready for consumption after prior preparation. 2-3 teaspoons of pour a glass of juice or water, set aside for about 20 minutes, then drink. When consuming the product, drink large amounts of water - at least 2 L liquid per day. Take 2 times a day: in the morning and evening before a meal. Do not use with hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients in contraction and intestinal obstacles, abdominal pains of an unknown cause, naudicity, vomiting. Not intended for babies and young children. The latest discovery: greater fiber intake reduces the risk of heart and cancer disease! Research carried out at the University of Otago in New Zealand has shown a direct relationship between greater consumption of fiber and the risk reduction in the occurrence of heart disease, diabetes and colon cancer. Systematic conducted research for almost 40 years showed that in patients with diet rich in fiber compared to those who have eaten the least, the risk of death and diseases associated with coronary disease, infarction, type 2 diabetes and colon cancer fell by 15- thirty%. These studies will be used by the World Health Organization to issue new recommendations on the consumption of fiber. 25 grams of fiber The author of the study, Dr Andrew Reynolds is of the opinion that the results indicate the need to enable more fiber to the diet. "Our study showed that we should consume at least 25 to 29 grams of fiber a day, but most of us consume less than 20 grams," explains Dr Reynolds. Co-author of the study Professor Jim Mann confirms that the research results are breakthrough. "These research is important, because in the public there are still a few ambiguities in the matter of how to choose our meals and what effect our choices are on the risk of certain diseases. We all realized that fiber has a beneficial effect on our health, but now we have a hard evidence. " Breakthrough research The analysis included 58 clinical trials and 185 research from around the world, which treat on the fiber impact, full-value food and glycemic index. Professor Mann considers that these examination is unique because they analyzed a number of indicators and disease runs. Previous studies took into account only one factor and a small number of diseases. Research has shown that people who have increased the amount of fiber in the diet had lower body weight and cholesterol levels. "It turned out that the high-hour diet has a huge impact on the protection of the body against heart diseases, diabetes and cancer" - explains Professor Mann. Nutritional value in 100 g of product ** Energy value 1053 kJ / 257 kcal Fat, including: - Saturated fatty acids 5.9 g <0.9 g Carbohydrates, including: - sugars 10 g 0.6 g Fiber 58 g Protein 12 g Salt <0.02 g Ingredients: 80% Seeds of Grandmother, 20% Soil Baby Egg Country of origin: Poland Producer: Intenson Europe Sp. z o. o. Całowanie 94g 05 - 480 Karczew Date of fitness for consumption and party number given on the packaging. Store in a sealed, original packaging. Available in packaging: 250 g, 1000 g ** Depending on the party (current nutritional value on the packaging)
Plantago ovata - seeds 200g

Plantago ovata - seeds 200g

13,99 zł
Plantago ovata - seeds(Plantago psyllium) Psyllium seed in contact with water coincide with mucus, and form a gel masses defaulting to facilitate sliding in the intestine, which is useful especially during periodic constipation. Further characterized by a high content of fiber, which helps the intestines and increases the feeling of satiety, and a high protein content, which helps to maintain healthy bones. How to use: The product is ready for consumption after preparation: 2-3 teaspoons Psyllium pour a glass of juice or water and let stand for approx. 20 minutes, then drink. Grandmother may be mixed with egg-shaped in the proportions of 80% psyllium grandmother, plantain ovata 20%. Take 2 times a day: in the morning and evening. When you consume the product, you should drink plenty of water, at least 2l of fluid a day. Not intended for infants and young children. Do not use the grandmother of hypersensitivity to psyllium, a spastic or intestinal obstruction, abdominal pain of unknown cause, nausea, vomiting. The latest discovery: higher intake of fiber reduces the risk of heart disease and cancer! Research conducted at the University of Otago, New Zealand have shown a direct relationship between fiber intake and a greater reduction in the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer of the colon. Systematic studies conducted for almost 40 years have shown that patients with a diet rich in fiber compared with those who ate the least fiber, the risk of death and disease associated with coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, type 2 diabetes and colon cancer has dropped by as much as 15- thirty%. These studies will be used by the World Health Organization to issue new recommendations regarding fiber intake. 25 grams of fiber Author of the study, Dr. Andrew Reynolds believes that the results point to the need to incorporate more fiber into your diet. "Our study showed that we should consume at least 25 to 29 grams of fiber a day, but most of us consume less than 20 grams," - explains Dr. Reynolds. Study co-author, Professor Jim Mann confirms that the test results are groundbreaking. "These studies are important because public opinion is still some ambiguity as to how to choose our meals and the impact our choices have on the risk of certain diseases. We were all aware that fiber has beneficial effects on our health, but now we have the hard evidence. " groundbreaking research The analysis included 58 trials and 185 studies from around the world that deal with the impact of fiber, nutritious food and the glycemic index. Professor Mann believes that this study is unique because it analyzed a number of indicators and runs diseases. Previous studies take into account only one factor and a small number of diseases. Research has shown that individuals who have increased the amount of fiber in the diet had a lower body weight and cholesterol levels. "We found that high-fiber diet has a huge impact on the protection of the body against heart disease, diabetes and cancer" - explains Professor Mann. The nutritional value of 100 grams ** Energy value 1133 kJ / 275 kcal Fat, including: - essential fatty acids 7.3 g 1.0 g Carbohydrates, including: - sugars 13 g <0.6 g Fiber 51 g Protein 14 g (21% *) Salt <0.01 g * Reference intake of an average adult (8400 kJ / 2000 kcal) Ingredients: 100% plantago ovata seeds Country of origin*:Poland Producer: Intenson Europe Sp.z o.o.05 - 480 KarczewCałowanie 94 g Expiry date and lot number listed on the package. Store in a tightly closed original container. Available in packaging:200 g, 1,000 g * depending on the party (current country of origin on the packaging) ** Depending on the party (current nutritional value on the packaging)
Błonnik Witalny- mieszanka nasion 1kg -

Błonnik Witalny- mieszanka nasion 1kg

43,99 zł
BŁONNIK WITALNY – mieszanka nasion Błonnik witalny to mieszanka nasion o wysokiej zawartości błonnika, który wspomaga codzienną pracę układu pokarmowego, zwiększając przy tym uczucie sytości. Ponadto pomaga kontrolować cholesterol, a regularne stosowanie, przy zachowaniu zdrowej diety, zmniejsza jego poziom we krwi. Błonnik witalny wspiera pracę jelit, regulując ją w naturalny sposób, a przy tym oczyszcza je ze szkodliwych produktów przemiany materii. Polecany jest dla osób z dolegliwościami trawiennymi oraz chcących zachować szczupłą sylwetkę, ponieważ zmniejsza apetyt. Sposób użycia: Produkt gotowy do spożycia po uprzednim przygotowaniu. 2-3 łyżeczki produktu zalać szklanką soku lub wody, odstawić na ok. 20 minut, następnie wypić. Podczas spożywania produktu, należy pić duże ilości wody - co najmniej 2 l płynów dziennie. Należy przyjmować 2 razy dziennie: rano i wieczorem przed posiłkiem. Nie stosować przy nadwrażliwości na którykolwiek ze składników, w stanach skurczowych lub niedrożności jelit, bólach brzucha o nieznanej przyczynie, nudnościach, wymiotach. Nieprzeznaczony dla niemowląt i małych dzieci. Wartość odżywcza w 100 g produktu** Wartość energetyczna 1053 kJ/ 257 kcal Tłuszcz, w tym: - kwasy tłuszczowe nasycone 5,9 g <<0,9 g Węglowodany, w tym: - cukry 10 g 0,6 g Błonnik 58 g (232%*) Białko 12 g (24%*) Sól <0,02 g   Składniki: 80% nasiona babki płesznik, 20% łupina babki jajowatej     Producent: Intenson S.A Całowanie 94G 05 - 480 Karczew   Data przydatności do spożycia oraz numer partii podane na opakowaniu. Przechowywać w szczelnie zamkniętym, oryginalnym opakowaniu.   Masa netto 1000g
Quinoa rice combo (white) 250g

Quinoa rice combo (white) 250g

8,29 zł
Quinoa rice combo (white) 250g   (Chenopodium quinoa) Quinoa, called rice combo or Peruvian rice, is a source of full protein and has a high content of dietary fibre. It is an excellent addition to vegetable and meat dishes as a substitute for rice and porridge. Product also intended for vegans and vegetarians. Method of use: The product is ready after preparation: rinse the quinoa beans before cooking under running water (if the water is not washed, one rinse is sufficient, otherwise rinse twice to three times). One glass of grain pour into boiling water (500 ml) and cook on a small fire under cover for about fifteen minutes. When small white tails emerge from the grains, that means the combo is almost ready. After cooking, lay off for fifteen minutes. Nutrient value in 100g product Energy value / Energy 1613 kJ / 382 kcal Fat Fat -including saturated fatty acids / of which saturates 6,1 g 1,6 g Carbohydrates/ Carbohydrates -including sugar / of which sugars 64 g O g Blister/ Fibre 7,0 g Protein / Protein 14 g (28%*) Salt/ Salt 0,01 g *Reference consumption value for the average adult (8400 kJ / 2000 kcal). / Reference intake of an average adult (8 400 kJ/ 2 000 kcal). Ingredients: 100% quinoa (rice combo) Produced at the factory where they are made nuts, peanuts (natural), sesame and products containing: sulphur dioxide, gluten, eggs, milk, celery.   Producer Intenson Europe Sp. z o. o. Kissing 94G 05-480 Karczew Poland/ Poland Best to consume before: Batch number/ Date of use/ Country of origin are on the packaging. Store in the original, sealed package. Large in original, unopened containers. Net mass 250g
Nasiona chia - szałwia hiszpańska 150g -

Chia seeds - Salvia Hispanica 150g

9,39 zł
Chia Seeds of Salvia Spanish (Salvia Hispanica L) Chia, also known as Spanish sage, is a source of protein, has a high content of digestive fiber, omega-3 fatty acids and many minerals and vitamins.   How to use: You can eat directly as an addition to salads, porridge, muesli, cocktails, boiled groats, potatoes, as a vegetable sprinkle. Ground seeds can be combined with flour, e.g. to bake the cakes and bread and for preparing soups and pancakes. Daily seed intake should not exceed 15 g (about 3 teaspoons). Spanish Semor Seeds can be used in bakery products in a maximum of 10%. Recipe for pudding from Chia seeds from Mango: Mix a glass of vegetable milk (eg almond) with 1 tablespoon of honey. Then pour into a bowl of 0.25 cups of chia seeds and pour a milk mix. Cover with foil and put on the fridge for the night. The next day, peel the mango, cut a stone and rewrite in a blender. Puree obtained put on the obtained pudding. Decorate dessert with favorite fruits. Dessert can be sucked by xylitol or coconut sugar. How to use Chia seeds? 10 ways 1. Chia seeds work perfectly as a substitute that in vegan recipes. "Egg" from Chia seeds in one simple pace! 1 tablespoon of chia seeds for 2.5 tablespoons of water. Due to their consistency, they are ideally suited to compete for soups and sauces. To do delicious and fast performed by Chia Pudding. Mixed with water with lemon as an energy booster. Added to your favorite smoothie to increase its nutritional value with valuable omega acids. Chia seeds can be made by low-calorie jam. To sprinkle muesli or salads. If you do not like CHIA seed consistency, you can measure them in a coffee grinder and such a powder to add to smoothie or cocktails. For all kinds of pastries, including bread. Chia seeds planted as a cress will turn off, and chia sprouts will diversify every salad or a sandwich. Nutritional value in 100 g of product ** Energy value 1864 KJ / 452 kcal Fat, including: - Saturated fatty acids - Single-synsaturated fatty acids - polyunsaturated fatty acids, including: - omega-3 acids 33 g 3.3 g 2.2 g 27 g 18 g (3000% *) Carbohydrates, including: - sugars 0.5 g <0.1 g Fiber 33 g Protein 23 g Salt 0.13 g Calcium 543 mg (68% *) Iron 7.72 mg (55% *) Magnesium 337 mg (90% *) Zinc 6.06 mg (61% *) Folic acid 49 μg (24% *) * Reference consumption value for an average adult person (8 400 kJ / 2,000 kcal) Ingredients: 100% Seeds of Salvia Spanish Country of origin*:Bolivia, Mexico, Argentina, Peru Producer: Intenson Europe Sp. z o.o. Całowanie 94 g 05- 480 Karczew   Date of fitness for consumption and party number given on the packaging. The product should be stored in the original, tightly closed packaging. Protect from strangers and sunlight. * depending on the party (current country of origin on the packaging) ** Depending on the party (current nutritional value on the packaging)
Milk Thistle ground 500g

Milk Thistle ground 500g

15,69 zł
Milk Thistle ground (Silybum marianum) Silybum a source of protein and has a high content of dietary fiber. Silybum ground comprises a silymarin (0.53%). usage1 teaspoon Pour 1 cup of hot water and slowly heat to reflux. Cook gently, covered, approx. 5-10min. Let stand for 15 minutes. and strain. The brewed liquid drink in three portions a day. The ground milk thistle can also be added to soups, vegetable dishes, muesli, dairy products (yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese), bread and fruit smoothies. It is recommended intake of 2 teaspoons of milk thistle daily. Not recommended for infants and young children.  Nutritional value 100g / Nutritional value per 100g of the product Value Energy / Energy 1657 kJ / 402 kcal Fat, including / Fat Which of - saturates / Saturates - unsaturates / mono-unsaturates - polyunsaturates / polyunsaturates 34 g 4.8 g 6.8 g 15 g Carbohydrates, including / Carbohydrate, of Which - sugars / Sugars 1.5 g 1.1 g Fiber / Fiber 41 g Protein / Protein 20 g (40% *) Salt / Salt 0.02 g * Reference intake of an average adult (8400 kJ / 2000 kcal) Ingredients: 100% ground fruits of the milk thistle   Producer: Intenson Europe Sp. z o. o. o. Całowanie 94g 05 - 480 Karczew Poland Best before: Party number / Suitability date / country of origin can be found on the packaging. Store sealed container.
Milk thistle - ground 200g

Milk thistle - ground 200g

8,39 zł
Milk thistle - ground 200g (Silybum marianum) Silybum a source of protein and has a high content of dietary fiber. Silybum ground comprises a silymarin (0.53%). usage1 teaspoon Pour 1 cup of hot water and slowly heat to reflux. Cook gently, covered, approx. 5-10min. Let stand for 15 minutes. and strain. The brewed liquid drink in three portions a day. The ground milk thistle can also be added to soups, vegetable dishes, muesli, dairy products (yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese), bread and fruit smoothies. It is recommended intake of 2 teaspoons of milk thistle daily. Not recommended for infants and young children.  Nutritional value 100g / Nutritional value per 100g of the product Value Energy / Energy 1657 kJ / 402 kcal Fat, including / Fat Which of - saturates / Saturates - unsaturates / mono-unsaturates - polyunsaturates / polyunsaturates 34 g 4.8 g 6.8 g 15 g Carbohydrates, including / Carbohydrate, of Which - sugars / Sugars 1.5 g 1.1 g Fiber / Fiber 41 g Protein / Protein 20 g (40% *) Salt / Salt 0.02 g * Reference intake of an average adult (8400 kJ / 2000 kcal) Ingredients: 100% ground fruits of the milk thistle   Producer / Manufacturer: Intenson Europe Sp. z o. o. o. Całowanie 94g 05 - 480 Karczew Poland Best before: Party number / Suitability date / country of origin can be found on the packaging. Store sealed container.
Nasiona konopi łuskane 250g Cannabi Nature -

Hemp seeds Hulled 250g Cannabi Nature

16,79 zł
Hemp seeds Hulled 250g Cannabi Nature Cannabis seeds are a source full-fledged protein - They contain all the necessary amino acids. They will perfectly complement the diet of people who do not consume proteins of animal origin. One of the biggest advantages of cannabis seed is presence valuable omega-3 and omega-6 acids in ideal for human proportions (1: 3). In no other food product, the contents of these acids are not so perfectly balanced. Omega acids have a very important function in our body: Omega-3 - They reduce inflammation, support resistance and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Omega-6 - They improve memory and support concentration. They are essential for the proper functioning of the brain. Cannabis seeds A wealth of minerals. We will find in them Magnesium, zinc and iron. Contain large quantities digestorwhich improves the operation of the digestive system, and at the same time provides a feeling of satiety. The list of pro-health hemp seed properties is very long, so it is worth enabling them to your daily diet. Hemp seeds - for who? Cannabis seeds will be an excellent addition to a diet for people who: they want to complete omega-3 and omega-6 acid deficiencies, they are on a Vegan or Vegetarian diet, They want to enhance immunity, naturally, they have an increased demand for a protein, eg a person regularly practicing sport, They want to dump unnecessary kilograms. Hemp seeds - How to use? Cannabis seeds have a pleasant, slightly nutty flavor. They will work perfectly as an addition to: yoghurts, porridge and muesli, cocktails and smoothie, bars, home-made bread, and to sprinkle: sandwiches, Macaronum dishes, salads, Suggested amount of consumption - 30 g Ingredients: Hemp seeds - shelled Store in a tightly closed package, in a cool, dark and dry place. Nutritional value for 100g of product Energy value: 2836kj / 622 kcal Fats: 52g Saturated fatty acids: 5,1g Social fatty acids: 7.4g Polyunnasic fatty acids: 39g Omega 6: 30g Omega 3: 9g Carbohydrates: 4.6g -Chy: 2,3g Fiber: 6g Protein: 31g Salt: 0g Iron: 7,98mg (57% *) Magnesium: 531,0mg (142% *) Zinc: 7,49mg (75% *) Reference intake of vitamins for adults Producer: Polskie Konopie SA Stanisława Moniuszki 7 40-005 Katowice Poland Net weight 250g
Milk Thistle grain 1kg

Milk Thistle grain 1kg

23,99 zł
Milk Thistle grain 1kg (Silybum marianum) Milk Thistle is a source of protein and is characterized by a high content of dietary fibre. How to use: Grains should be wiped, or cut into mortar. The powdered sharpest can also be added to the soups, vegetable dishes, musli, dairy products (yoghurt, kefiru, curd), bread and fruit cocktails. It can also be used in the form of a napping: 1 teaspoon of powder pour 1 glass of hot water and slowly warm up to bog. Cook gently under cover approx. 5-10 min. Set aside for 15 min. and then overestimate. A parboiled liquid to drink in three portions within a day. It is recommended to ingest up to 2 teaspoons of spotted sharpness a day. Not recommended for infants and young children. Nutrient value in 100g product  Energy Value/Energy 1543 kJ/376 kcal Fat, w tym/Fat, of which -saturated fatty acids/saturates -mono-unsaturates/mono-unsaturates -polyunsaturates/polyunsaturates 24 g 4.6 g 7.1 g 12 g Carbohydrates, of which/Carbohydrate, of which -sugars/sugars < 1.0 g < 1.0 g Fibre/Fibre 49 g Protein/Protein 16 g (32% *) Salt/Salt 0.02 g * Reference intake value for average adult person (8400 kJ/2000 kcal). /Reference intake of an average adult (8 400 kJ/ 2 000 kcal). Ingredients: 100% Milk Thistle grain  Manufacturer: Intenson Europe Sp. z o. o. Całowanie 94G 05-480 Karczew Poland Best to eat before: The number of the lot/suitability for consumption/Country of origin is on the packaging. Keep the container tightly closed.
Nasiona konopi łuskane 100g Cannabi Nature -

Nasiona konopi łuskane Cannabi Nature, 100g

9,44 zł
Nasiona Konopi Łuskane - Naturalne źródło zdrowia i energii. Nasiona Konopi Łuskane to doskonały dodatek do zdrowej diety, bogaty w białko, zdrowe tłuszcze oraz niezbędne kwasy tłuszczowe omega-3 i omega-6. Te małe nasiona są nie tylko pyszne, ale również pełne wartości odżywczych, co czyni je idealnym składnikiem dla osób poszukujących naturalnych sposobów na wsparcie swojego zdrowia i energii. Nasiona konopi są łatwe do włączenia do codziennej diety – doskonale sprawdzają się jako dodatek do smoothie, sałatek, jogurtów czy wypieków. Składniki aktywne: Nasiona konopi łuskane: Bogate w pełnowartościowe białko, które dostarcza wszystkie niezbędne aminokwasy. Zawierają również błonnik, witaminy oraz minerały, takie jak magnez, żelazo i cynk. Korzyści z spożycia Nasion Konopi Łuskanych: Wysoka zawartość białka: Nasiona konopi stanowią doskonałe źródło roślinnego białka, co czyni je idealnym wyborem dla wegan i wegetarian. Wsparcie dla zdrowia serca: Zawierają zdrowe tłuszcze, w tym kwasy omega-3 i omega-6, które wspierają prawidłowe funkcjonowanie układu sercowo-naczyniowego. Regulacja poziomu cholesterolu: Regularne spożycie nasion konopi może pomóc w utrzymaniu zdrowego poziomu cholesterolu. Wsparcie układu pokarmowego: Dzięki wysokiej zawartości błonnika, nasiona konopi wspomagają trawienie i zdrowie jelit.   Dla kogo są dedykowane Nasiona Konopi Łuskane? Dla wegan i wegetarian, którzy poszukują roślinnych źródeł białka. Dla osób aktywnych fizycznie, które potrzebują zdrowych tłuszczów i białka w diecie. Dla każdego, kto chce wzbogacić swoją dietę o cenne składniki odżywcze.   Zalety Nasion Konopi Łuskanych: Naturalne źródło białka roślinnego. Bogate w zdrowe tłuszcze omega-3 i omega-6. Doskonałe dla zdrowia serca i układu pokarmowego. Wysoka zawartość błonnika oraz witamin i minerałów.   Dodaj Nasiona Konopi Łuskane do swojej codziennej diety i ciesz się ich zdrowotnymi właściwościami oraz pysznym smakiem! [[SKLAD]] Wartości odżywcze nasion konopii. Składniki: Nasiona konopi łuskane Wartość energetyczna: 2836kJ/622 kcal Tłuszcze: 52g Kwasy tłuszczowe nasycone: 5,1g Kwasy tłuszczowe jednonienasycone: 7,4g Kwasy tłuszczowe wielonienasycone: 39g Omega 6: 30g Omega 3: 9g Węglowodany: 4,6g -Cukry: 2,3g Błonnik: 6g Białko: 31g Sól: 0g Żelazo: 7,98mg(57%*) Magnez: 531,0mg(142%*) Cynk: 7,49mg(75%*) *Referencyjna wartość spożycia dla witamin dla osób dorosłych ***wartość odżywcza na 100g produktu [[KONIEC_SKLADU]]
Milk thistle grain 500g

Milk thistle grain 500g

17,29 zł
Milk thistle grain 500g (Silybum marianum) Spotted spotted sharpest is a source of protein and is characterized by a high content of dietary fibre. How to use: Grains should be wiped, or cut into mortar. The powdered sharpest can also be added to the soups, vegetable dishes, musli, dairy products (yoghurt, kefiru, curd), bread and fruit cocktails. It can also be used in the form of a napping: 1 teaspoon of powder pour 1 glass of hot water and slowly warm up to bog. Cook gently under cover approx. 5-10 min. Set aside for 15 min. and then overestimate. A parboiled liquid to drink in three portions within a day. It is recommended to ingest up to 2 teaspoons of spotted sharpness a day. Not recommended for infants and young children. Nutrient value in 100g product  Energy Value/Energy 1543 kJ/376 kcal Fat, w tym/Fat, of which -saturated fatty acids/saturates -mono-unsaturates/mono-unsaturates -polyunsaturates/polyunsaturates 24 g 4.6 g 7.1 g 12 g Carbohydrates, of which/Carbohydrate, of which -sugars/sugars < 1.0 g < 1.0 g Fibre/Fibre 49 g Protein/Protein 16 g (32% *) Salt/Salt 0.02 g * Reference intake value for average adult person (8400 kJ/2000 kcal). /Reference intake of an average adult (8 400 kJ/ 2 000 kcal). Ingredients: 100% Milk thistle grain  Manufacturer/Producer: Intenson Europe Sp. z o. o. Całowanie 94G 05-480 Karczew Poland Best to eat before: The number of the lot/suitability for consumption/Country of origin is on the packaging. Keep the container tightly closed.