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Anti -Age + Hialuron collagen + vitamin C - 500mg 90 tablets
55,99 zł
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Collagen with vitamin C and hyaluronic acid, natural supplement - 500 mg
Tablets with collagen and hyaluronic acid - what is this product?
Tablets with hyaluronic acid and collagen with the addition of vitamin C are a combination that aims to comprehensively take care of your vitality, young skin appearance and full nutrition. Natural collagen with hyaluronic acid together with vitamin C is a great solution for people who want to ensure an adequate level of bone mass, improve the quality of skin, hair and nails, reduce the visibility of wrinkles, but also support regenerative processes of articular cartilage.
Collagen with vitamin C and hyaluronic acid - Product composition
In the anti-age collagen, there are substances like hydrolyzed collagen protein, L-ascorbic acid as a highly absorbable form of vitamin C, and health-promoting hyaluronic acid for skin. The 1 portion includes:
895mg of hydrolyzed collagen,
40mg of hyaluronic acid,
60mg vitamin C.
The composition prepared in this way in a daily portion ensures proper nutrition of skin tissue and improving its condition.
What distinguishes our collagen with vitamin C and hyaluronic acid? Features, advantages
Anti-Age collagen in the hydrolysis process is broken into smaller fractions, thanks to which its bio bioavailability in the intestines reaches the highest level, and also perfectly dissolves in water and favorite yogurt.
Tablets with collagen and hyaluronic acid and vitamin C They do not contain gluten and lactose, they are also completely free of GMOs, which makes it a safe supplement in use, even by people with food allergies.
Purchase natural collagen In the online store, it is a guarantee of the best quality products, free from GMOs and additional substances. All Intenson products are free of artificial fillers, dyes and preservatives, which results in the best quality at an affordable price.
Collagen with vitamin C and hyaluronic acid - properties how it works, what does it help?
When discussing the advantages of our product, which are tablets with collagen and hyaluronic acid, It is worth moving separately the operation of each ingredientsto find out how our supplement shows a wide spectrum of action.
Supplementation using collagen is referred to as a natural way of maintaining beauty, despite the passage of years. With age, natural collagen production decreases, and thus regenerative abilities, elasticity and skin firmness. Also, the bones are not in the best condition, and the degenerative process begins around the ponds. Enriching collagen with vitamin C and hyaluronic acid improves the appearance of the skin by stopping water below the skin surface and naturally stimulate the process of creating collagen in the body, including in loaded joints.
Collagen is a naturally occurring type of protein in our body and it is a component of many necessary processeswhich are responsible for the proper functioning of the whole body. The hydrolysis process allows you to get even more benefits from collagen. It involves breaking the protein molecules into individual amino acids: proline, glycine, hydroxyproline and hydroxylizin. The form of hydrolyzed collagen is best absorbed by the human body, thanks to which the body obtains the best building material to regenerate damaged tissues, restore their vitality and young appearance.
Collagen is responsible for:
proper functioning of bones and joints,
preservation of skin, hair and nails in the right condition, health and vitality,
supports regenerative processes,
It is a building material for arteries and veins, providing them with flexibility and strong structure.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C not only supports the immune system, but also its operation is necessary in:
protecting cells against oxidative stress,
anti -inflammatory effect,
impact on maintaining good health and mood,
impact on the health and appearance of the skin,
help in eliminating hypertension,
maintaining anti -atigning prevention, relieving inflammation and help in slimming.
Hyaluronic acid
Hyaluronic acid is used not only in aesthetic medicine. His wide spectrum of action can also be seen by incorporating it in everyday meals. Hyaluronic acid contributes to:
improvement of skin hydration,
reduction of fine wrinkles,
increasing facial tension,
supporting the protective functions of the skin,
shadow reduction under the eyes,
skin protection against water loss.
Collagen with vitamin C and hyaluronic acid - who do we recommend this supplement?
Our tablets with hyaluronic acid, vitamin C and collagen We usually recommend women who want to take care of their external appearance and improve the condition of hair, skin and nails. Our supplement will also be useful in daily activity during pond protection and in preventive effect on various inflammatory factors surrounding us every day.
What are the contraindications to the use of our anti-age collagen?
People who should not use collagen with vitamin C and hyaluronic acid are Pregnant and feeding women, as well as people allergic to any component of our supplement.
According to research that supplementation with natural collagen, vitamin C and hyaluronic acid is in most cases safe, but it is worth consulting a attending physician or a dietitian before using our supplement.
How to use tablets with collagen and hyaluronic acid and vitamin C? Dosage, daily consumption
With regular use of our anti-age collagen, It is worth following the recommendations on the product label. They say clearly that one tablet is recommended twice a day during a meal, sipping with a lot of water.
The daily portion has:
895mg of hydrolyzed collagen,
40mg of hyaluronic acid,
60mg vitamin C.
This is a daily dose that should not be exceeded.
Collagen with vitamin C and hyaluronic acid in tablets - storage
Dietary supplement should be stored in a place inaccessible to young children, in the original package at room temperature, protecting from light and moisture.
The effects of the use of collagen with vitamin C in tablets. When can you expect effects?
The first effects of collagen supplementation with hyaluronic acid and vitamin C from our store may already appear After 2-3 weeks of regular use. Much depends on the dose used and the duration of supplementation.
Tablets with collagen and hyaluronic acid and vitamin C - certificates
Anti-Age collagen, like other products available in the online store, have quality certificates and the correct production process GMP, GHP and HACCP.
What else is worth buying in addition to collagen with vitamin C and hyaluronic acid in tablets?
Similar, health -promoting effect to vitamin with hyaluronic acid, show our natural products, such as bio chlorella and bio spirulina Available in our online store offer.
See articles on our blog on collagen and its actions and properties
If you want to learn more about the benefits of using collagen, we invite you to familiarize yourself with blog articles describing Natural collagen and why collagen for ponds is so important.
Additional information about collagenic with hyaluronic acid and vitamin C
Dietary supplements cannot be used as a substitute for a varied diet. To maintain the correct state, the most important is a balanced and diverse diet and an active lifestyle.
Best before:
The party number / shelf life / country of origin is on the packaging.
Manufacturer's data:
Manufacturer: Intenson S.A.
Kissing 94 g
05 - 480 Karczew
Product composition Collagen Anti -Age + Hialuron + Vitamin C - 500mg 90 tabletsComposition: 89.5% collagen hydrolyzate, L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C), hyaluronic acid (sodium hyaluronate), anti-caking substances: magnesium salts of fatty acids (magnesium stearate)
1 tablet (500 mg)
2 tablets (1000 mg)
Collagen hydrolyzate
447.5 mg
895 mg
vitamin C
30 mg
60 mg
Hyaluronic acid
20 mg
40 mg
Reference value of consumption for the average adult (8,400 kJ/2,000 kcal)
León-López a, Morales-Pedaloza A, Martínez-Jaárez VM, Vargas-Torres, Zeugolis di, Aguirre-álvarez G. Hydrolyzed Collagen-Sources and Applications. Molecules. 2019 NOV 7; 24 (22): 4031. DOI: 10.3390/Molecules24224031. PMID: 31703345; PMCID: PMC6891674.
Papakonstantinou E, Roth M, karakiulakis G. Hyaluronic Acid: A Key Molecule in Skin Aging. Dermatoendocrinol. 2012 Jul 1; 4 (3): 253-8. DOI: 10.4161/DERM.21923. PMID: 23467280; PMCID: PMC3583886.
Chambial S, Dwivedi S, Shukla KK, John PJ, Sharma P. Vitamin C in discaase prevention and cure: an overview. Indian j clin biochem. 2013 Oct; 28 (4): 314-28. DOI: 10.1007/S12291-013-0375-3. EPUB 2013 SEP 1. PMID: 24426232; PMCID: PMC3783921.
1. Can collagen with vitamin C and hyaluronic acid be used during pregnancy?
Possible use of collagen during pregnancy must be previously consulted with a specialist doctor.
2. Can tablets with collagen and hyaluronic acid be combined with its other forms?
Yes, by all means. Collagen with hyaluronic acid and vitamin C, as a protein necessary for the body, can be combined with another supplement containing this ingredient, it is only worth remembering the permitted daily limit.
3. Can Anti-Age collagen be used during an injury?
Yes, Anti-Age collagen has properties that support the regeneration of damaged structures during exercise or other activities.
4. What is the shelf life of anti-age collagen?
The shelf life is always on the label of the purchased product. It is usually a period of several months or more (depending on the type of product).
5. Can collagen with vitamin C and hyaluronic acid be combined with drugs?
Combining anti-age collagen with drugs prescribed by a doctor is a contraindication. There should be a break of at least 2 hours from the moment the drug is taken. The exact rules for the use of collagen and medicines should be discussed with your attending physician.
Marine collagen + hyaluron + vitamin C 500 mg tablets – 90 tablets
89,99 zł
Peptan® F marine collagen consists of patented fish collagen peptides developed in a French laboratory, which guarantees highest quality and efficacy. It is characterized by a bioavailability above 90% and a high concentration of essential amino acids. Marine collagen is enriched with vitamin C and hyaluronic acid to enhance its effect.
Marine collagen contains a high dose of marine collagen and hyaluronic acid per tablet. No fillers to increase tablet mass.
It contains a high dose of pure collagen and hyaluronic acid in a single tablet:
· Marine collagen
· Vitamin C
· Hyaluronic acid
Vitamin C
· supports the production of collagen for the proper functioning of the skin, gums, bones, cartilage and teeth
· contributes to reducing tiredness and fatigue
· helps protect cells against oxidative stress
· helps the immune system function properly
This product is intended for all consumer groups except for pregnant and breastfeeding women, small children and people allergic to any of the ingredients.
Ingredients: 447.5 mg fish collagen hydrolysate, 30 mg vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid), 20 mg hyaluronic acid anti-caking agent: magnesium stearate
Allergens: the product contains fish and products thereof
Use: one tablet with a meal, with plenty of water, 2 times a day
Packaging weight: 45 g – 90 tablets
Kolagen Anti-Age z kwasem hialuronowym i witaminą C 500mg, 120 tabletek
69,99 zł
Kolagen Anti-Age z kwasem hialuronowym i witaminą C – Twoje wsparcie w walce ze starzeniem się skóry.
Kolagen Anti-Age z kwasem hialuronowym i witaminą C to suplement diety, stworzony z myślą o osobach, które chcą wspierać naturalne procesy przeciwstarzeniowe. Ten trójskładnikowy preparat łączy w sobie moc kolagenu, kwasu hialuronowego i witaminy C, aby kompleksowo zadbać o zdrowie Twojej skóry, stawów oraz tkanki łącznej.
Składniki aktywne:
Hydrolizowane białko kolagenu wieprzowego: Podstawowy budulec skóry, stawów i tkanki łącznej, który wspomaga ich regenerację i utrzymanie elastyczności. Kolagen wspiera zdrowy, jędrny wygląd skóry i sprzyja regeneracji stawów.
Kwas Hialuronowy: Naturalny nawilżacz, który wiąże wodę w skórze, poprawiając jej nawilżenie i elastyczność. Kwas hialuronowy wspiera również zdrowie naczyń krwionośnych.
Witamina C: Niezbędna do produkcji kolagenu, wspiera prawidłowe funkcjonowanie skóry i chroni komórki przed stresem oksydacyjnym dzięki swoim właściwościom przeciwutleniającym.
Korzyści z suplementacji Kolagenem Anti-Age:
Redukcja oznak starzenia: Dzięki kolagenowi i kwasowi hialuronowemu, Twoja skóra stanie się bardziej jędrna, nawilżona i elastyczna, co pozwoli na zredukowanie widoczności zmarszczek.
Wsparcie zdrowia stawów: Regularne stosowanie kolagenu wspiera regenerację stawów i chrząstek, co jest ważne dla zachowania aktywności fizycznej i zdrowia stawów.
Nawilżenie i odżywienie skóry: Kwas hialuronowy pomaga w utrzymaniu optymalnego poziomu nawilżenia skóry, co poprawia jej wygląd i strukturę.
Ochrona przed wolnymi rodnikami: Witamina C działa jako silny antyoksydant, chroniąc skórę przed szkodliwym działaniem wolnych rodników i wspierając jej zdrowie.
Dla kogo jest przeznaczony Kolagen Anti-Age?
Osób, które chcą wspierać procesy przeciwstarzeniowe i zachować młodzieńczy wygląd skóry.
Osób dbających o zdrowie stawów i pragnących poprawić ich regenerację.
Osób pragnących nawilżyć i uelastycznić swoją skórę.
Każdego, kto chce chronić skórę przed stresem oksydacyjnym i wolnymi rodnikami.
Zalety Kolagenu Anti-Age z Kwasem Hialuronowym i Witaminą C:
Naturalne wsparcie procesów przeciwstarzeniowych.
Wysokiej jakości składniki o potwierdzonej skuteczności.
Kompleksowe korzyści dla skóry, stawów i tkanki łącznej.
Pomoc w redukcji zmarszczek i poprawie nawilżenia skóry.
Dodaj Kolagen Anti-Age do swojej codziennej pielęgnacji, aby cieszyć się zdrową, jędrną skórą i wsparciem zdrowia stawów. Dzięki naszemu suplementowi, możesz naturalnie wspierać zdrowie swojej skóry i całego organizmu.
Skład suplementu diety Kolagen Anti-Age z kwasem hialuronowym i witaminą C.
Składniki: 89,5% hydrolizat kolagenu, kwas L- askorbinowy (witamina C), kwas hialuronowy(hialuronian sodu), substancja przeciwzbrylająca: sole magnezowe kwasów tłuszczowych (stearynian magnezu).
Zawartości w zalecanej do spożycia dziennej porcji produktu:
1 tabletka (500mg)
2 tabletki (1000mg)
Witamina C:
Hydrolizat kolagenu:
447,5 mg
Kwas hialuronowy:
*referencyna wartość spożycia**brak ustalonych norm dziennego zalecanego spożycia
Collagen 90 tablets
38,99 zł
Pure collagen in tablets, natural supplement - 90 tablets, 500mg
Pure collagen in the form of tablets - what is this product?
Collagen is a naturally occurring protein in the body. It must be constantly delivered to make sure that it will not be lacking in the body. It is noteworthy that it is the main structural protein, i.e. it is responsible for the proper functioning of the body.
Pure collagen in tablets is the perfect solution to complement collagen deficiencies and to improve its absorption from the body. Collagen in the form of hydrolyzed, i.e. the diet available in our supplement, is better absorbed from the intestines than in the form of food.
Pure collagen in tablets, available in our store offer, to Natural dietary supplement with a bright and unprocessed composition. It is closed in the form of tablets, which greatly facilitates the use of our product and obtaining a sufficiently large amount of collagen in a short time.
Pure collagen in capsules - Product composition
The main, or rather the only component of our product, is the hydrolyzed form of collagen in the amount of 497.5 mg of the active ingredient 500 mg portion.
What distinguishes pure collagen in tablets? Features, advantages
Our supplement is a guarantee of a pure product, rich in collagen. It does not contain gluten, lactose and other unnecessary fillers. Pure collagen in tablets is also free from GMO ingredients. The whole of these features means that this supplement can be used by virtually any person.
The great advantage of pure collagen in tablets is its price. Most market supplements with collagen are relatively expensive. Not with us. We believe that everyone should be able to maintain health, improve the appearance of the skin and more, as well as immunization of joints and alleviate inflammation. This pleasure with us costs only PLN 37.99 for 90 tablets. The amount of active ingredient is also noteworthy, which guarantees satisfying results.
Pure collagen in tablets - properties, how does it work, what does it help?
Collagen is a naturally occurring protein in the human body. It is responsible for structural functions and support of many metabolic processes. When buying our pure collagen in tablets, you have a guarantee of these properties. It is worth looking at them.
Collagen has the following properties.
Improves the condition of hair, skin and nails,
It immunizes joints, muscles, bones to mechanical factors,
soothes inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract,
reduces allergic changes,
improves muscle regeneration after training,
affects the regulation of blood pressure,
It improves the prevention of cardiovascular system, cleaning the veins from fat deposits,
It works anti -inflammatory, regenerating the structure of damaged tissues.
Pure collagen in tablets has a lot of health properties. The above effects can be obtained and maintained thanks to regular collagen supplies to the body. This means that nowadays, where the lifestyle and the quality of nutrition leaves much to be desired, collagen becomes one of the most important preventive ingredients.
Pure collagen in the form of capsules - who do we recommend this supplement?
Our collagen in the form of tablets is a product dedicated to most people. The present times, abundant in rush and lack of time for regeneration, as well as effective and good nutrition, make us often struggling with deficiencies of various nutrients, often also collagen. Therefore, virtually everyone can and should use pure collagen in tablets from
What are the contraindications for the use of pure collagen in tablets?
People who should not use collagen with vitamin C in tablets are Pregnant and feeding women, as well as people allergic to any component of our supplement.
How to use collagen in the form of capsules? Dosage, daily consumption
Supplementation using pure collagen in the form of tablets should be used according to the manufacturer's recommendations placed on the packaging.
2 times a day, one tablet during a meal, drinking a lot of water.
Pure collagen, tablets - storage
The product should be stored in a tightly closed packaging, at room temperature and in a place that is not available to sunlight.
The product should be protected from children.
The effects of using pure collagen in capsules from our store. When can you expect effects?
The effects of the use of collagen depend on the daily dose and regularity of supplementation. The first health benefits can be noticed after 3-4 weeks of supplementation. The longer it is supplemented, the more visible the effects will be visible.
Pure collagen in tablets - certificates
Collagen in tablets (clean), like other products available in the online store, has quality certificates and the correct production process GMP, GHP and HACCP.
What else is worth buying except pure collagen in tablets?
For even greater health benefits, it is worth adding to our collagen bio chlorella and BIO spirulina powder, and Ashwagandha with magnesium, which support the processes of detoxification of the body, regulate basic health elements, such as blood pressure, etc., and also reduce stress intensity and fears of excessive cortisol concentration.
See articles on our blog on collagen and its actions and properties
You can find out more about the properties and operation of collagen in articles about Natural collagen properties and in the entry Fr. collagen.
Additional information about pure collagen in capsules, from our store
Available in packaging: 90 tablets
Dietary supplements cannot be used as a substitute for a varied diet. To maintain the correct state, the most important is a balanced and diverse diet and an active lifestyle.
Best before:
The party number / shelf life / country of origin is on the packaging.
Manufacturer's data:
Manufacturer: Intenson S.A.
Kissing 94 g
05 - 480 Karczew
León-López a, Morales-Pedaloza A, Martínez-Jaárez VM, Vargas-Torres, Zeugolis di, Aguirre-álvarez G. Hydrolyzed Collagen-Sources and Applications. Molecules. 2019 NOV 7; 24 (22): 4031. DOI: 10.3390/Molecules24224031. PMID: 31703345; PMCID: PMC6891674.
1. Can collagen in tablets be used during pregnancy?
Possible use of collagen in this form, during pregnancy, is usually a contraindication. For accurate recommendations, you should consult a specialist doctor.
2. Can collagen in tablets be combined with its other forms?
Yes, by all means. Collagen as a protein necessary for the body can be combined with another supplement containing this ingredient.
3. Can collagen in pure form in the form of tablets be used during injury?
Yes, collagen has fantastic properties to support the regeneration of damaged structures during exercise or other activities. Interestingly, the type of protein is used in injections to local or general by orthopedic doctors.
4. What is the shelf life of pure collagen in tablets?
The shelf life of the supplement for consumption is always on the label of the purchased product. There you can often read the exact date of the product.
5. Can pure collagen in tablets be combined with drugs?
The combination of collagen in this form with drugs prescribed by a doctor is a contraindication. There is a risk of cross reactions that can be serious.
Collagen Beauty Elixir - Superfoods powder for drinking 165g
from 25,99 zł
Collagen Beauty Elixir - one package contains 14 portions.
Delicious taste
Without the addition of sugar, based on erythritol
Contains natural vitamin C
Contains a natural prebiotic
Contains valuable nutrients and antioxidants
Contains patented collagen, whose action is laboratory confirmed
Acai berries
Bio Baobab
Maca root
More about collagen:
Read more - click
Collagen Beauty Elixir This is a delicious collagen cocktail created to ensure the largest portion of components supporting the body's anti-aging processes.
Collagen Beauty ElixirIt abounds in antioxidants eliminating the negative effects of aging of the body, thanks to the content of ACAI extract. It also contains organic Baobab and inulin rich in vitamin C - one of the most valuable prebiotics.
Contains up to 44% of natural collagen, which is necessary for the process of rebuilding the body's tissues. It also has a precious effect on the skin by helping to maintain firmness, elasticity and minimizing wrinkles.
The mixture has a delicious, vanilla-cross-circuit taste that hits all tastes.
Superfoods Collagen Beauty Elixir This is a delicious collagen cocktail created to ensure the largest portion of components supporting the body's anti-aging processes. Contains inulin - one of the most valuable prebiotics and natural collagen, which is necessary for the process of rebuilding the body's tissues. It also has a precious effect on the skin by helping to maintain its firmness, elasticity and minimizing wrinkles. The mixture has a delicious, vanilla-cross-circuit taste that hits all tastes.
Potion components:
Collagen This is a natural component of the skin and bones of the body, which we lose with age simultaneously in a progressive aging process. The collagen used at the potion has a patented formula, supported by proven and tested results. Several studies conducted over the past ten years on fibroblasts in the human body have shown that collagen peptides stimulate the body to produce their own collagen by activating fibroblasts. These studies have shown that daily intake of 2.5 to 10 g of collagen peptides for a period of 4 to 12 weeks positively affects the level of hydration, elasticity, smoothing of wrinkles and skin firmness
Baobab It is a majestic tree that occurs mostly in Africa, which has been known and used for centuries for the sake of its healing and cosmetic properties. It is a rich source of vitamin C and calcium. Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant that helps to protect cells against antioxidant stress. In addition, it supports collagen production, so in combination with the optimal dose of collagen it will show the most satisfying results. In addition to calcium, baobab contains several valuable minerals, i.e. potassium, magnesium, iron and zinc.
Acai It's tiny 1-2 cm fruit with a purple color growing in tropical forests of Amazon. They gained the name of superfoods, among others Due to the presence of flavonoids, i.e. antioxidants that protect cells against the negative effects of environmental pollution, thus counteracting them premature aging. Studies have shown that regular consumption of ACAI berries for a period of 6 weeks increases the number of antioxidants in the body. In addition, Acai berries are rich in valuable fatty acids, including linoleic acid.
Maca root This is a Peruvian plant growing in the Andes. Many studies suggest that Maca can improve the ability to assimilate information and learn. In addition, it has energy activities. The study carried out in 2009 showed that eating unsec for 14 days by collages had a positive impact on improving their results. Maca contains flavonoids, or antioxidants, which also improve mood.
Method of use: Mix three flat measures twice a day in 200ml of water, milk or juice. It's best to eat in the morning and evening.Ingredients:collagen hydrolyzate 44.1 %, sweetener – Erythritol, 6.5 %inulin, Baobab (adansonia L.) 3 %, Acai extract 4: 1 (Euterpe Oleracea) 2.4 %, an acidity regulator - citric acid, Maca ground root (LEPIDIUM meyenii) 2%, vanilla aroma, strawberry aromaNet mass: 165g
Kolagen Better skin z kwasem hialuronowym, cynkiem, OPC i bioflawonoidami na skórę, 90 tabletek
57,99 zł
Kolagen Better Skin z Kwasem Hialuronowym, Cynkiem, OPC i Bioflawonoidami – Twoje codzienne wsparcie dla zdrowej skóry.
Kolagen Better Skin to suplement diety, stworzony specjalnie z myślą o kompleksowym wsparciu skóry. Formuła zawiera synergiczną kombinację kolagenu, kwasu hialuronowego, cynku, OPC (proantocyjanidyn z pestek winogron) oraz bioflawonoidów, które wspólnie dbają o zdrowie i młody wygląd skóry. Nasz produkt został opracowany, aby wspierać elastyczność, jędrność i promienny wygląd skóry, jednocześnie chroniąc ją przed szkodliwymi czynnikami zewnętrznymi.
Składniki Aktywne:
Zhydrolizowany kolagen wieprzowy: Kolagen jest podstawowym białkiem strukturalnym, które wspiera jędrność i elastyczność skóry. W zhydrolizowanej formie jest łatwiej przyswajalny przez organizm, co przyczynia się do skuteczniejszej regeneracji i odnowy komórkowej.
Kwas hialuronowy: Naturalnie występujący w organizmie, kwas hialuronowy wiąże wodę, zapewniając skórze odpowiednie nawilżenie i wspierając jej elastyczność. Pomaga również w utrzymaniu młodzieńczego wyglądu skóry.
Cynk: Niezbędny dla zdrowia skóry, cynk wspiera procesy regeneracyjne, pomaga w gojeniu się ran oraz chroni komórki skóry przed stresem oksydacyjnym.
OPC (Proantocyjanidyny z Pestek Winogron): Silne przeciwutleniacze, które chronią skórę przed uszkodzeniami spowodowanymi przez wolne rodniki. OPC wspomaga również zdrowie naczyń krwionośnych, co wpływa na lepsze ukrwienie skóry.
Bioflawonoidy: Związki roślinne, które wzmacniają działanie witaminy C, poprawiając elastyczność naczyń krwionośnych oraz wspierając ogólną kondycję skóry.
Korzyści z suplementacji Kolagenem Better Skin:
Poprawa jędrności i elastyczności skóry: Kolagen i kwas hialuronowy działają synergicznie, aby poprawić strukturę i nawilżenie skóry, przyczyniając się do jej zdrowego, młodzieńczego wyglądu.
Wspomaganie regeneracji skóry: Cynk przyspiesza procesy regeneracyjne, co pomaga w gojeniu się ran oraz redukcji niedoskonałości skóry.
Ochrona przed stresem oksydacyjnym: OPC i bioflawonoidy działają jako silne przeciwutleniacze, chroniąc skórę przed uszkodzeniami spowodowanymi przez wolne rodniki.
Wspieranie zdrowia naczyń krwionośnych: Bioflawonoidy i OPC poprawiają krążenie, co wpływa na lepsze dotlenienie i odżywienie skóry.
Dla kogo jest dedykowany Kolagen Better Skin?
Dla osób dbających o zdrowie skóry: Idealny dla tych, którzy chcą utrzymać młody i zdrowy wygląd skóry, zwiększyć jej elastyczność i jędrność.
Dla osób walczących z oznakami starzenia: Pomaga w redukcji zmarszczek, poprawiając ogólną kondycję skóry.
Dla osób narażonych na stres oksydacyjny: Suplement chroni skórę przed negatywnymi skutkami stresu oksydacyjnego, wspierając jej regenerację i ochronę.
Zalety Kolagenu Better Skin:
Naturalny skład: Wysokiej jakości składniki pochodzenia naturalnego.
Synergiczne działanie: Połączenie kolagenu, kwasu hialuronowego, cynku, OPC i bioflawonoidów dla maksymalnych efektów.
Wygodna forma suplementacji: Łatwe do spożycia tabletki, które można włączyć do codziennej rutyny.
Wysoka przyswajalność: Zhydrolizowany kolagen i pozostałe składniki aktywne są doskonale przyswajane przez organizm.
Kolagen z cynkiem na skórę, podobnie jak inne produkty dostępne w naszym sklepie online, posiadają niezbędne certyfikaty jakości oraz prawidłowego procesu produkcyjnego GMP, GHP oraz HACCP.
Dodaj Kolagen Better Skin do swojej codziennej rutyny i ciesz się piękną, zdrową skórą każdego dnia. Zapewnij swojej skórze najlepszą opiekę, na jaką zasługuje!
Co jeszcze warto kupić oprócz kolagenu z cynkiem i kwasem hialuronowym na skórę?
W naszej ofercie sklepu online, znajduje się więcej preparatów kolagenowych, które mogą Państwa zainteresować. Oprócz kolagenu z cynkiem na skórę, innym rekomendowanym produktem jest kolagen z biotyną na włosy oraz Ashwagandha anti-stress, które całościowo zadbają o zdrowie organizmu od wewnątrz i na zewnątrz.
Zobacz artykuły na naszym blogu na temat kolagenu i jego działania oraz właściwości
Dobrze wiemy, że osoby zainteresowane zdrowym stylem życia, chcą stale poszerzać swoją wiedzę w tym zakresie. Stąd też serdecznie zachęcamy do zapoznania się z naszymi artykułami blogowymi na temat właściwości naturalnego kolagenu, działania kolagenu na stawy oraz jak stosować kolagen do picia.
Skład suplementu diety Kolagen Better Skin.
Zawartości w zalecanej do spożycia dziennej porcji produktu
1 tabletka (500mg)/
2 tabletki (1000mg)/
Ekstrakt z pestek winogron, w tym:
OPC (proantocyjanidy)
Hydrolizat kolagenu:
Witamina C:
Kwas hialuronowy
Ekstrakt z gorzkiej pomarańczy, w tym:
bioflawonoidy cytrusowe
*Referencyjna wartość spożycia dla przeciętnej osoby dorosłej (8400kJ/2000kcal)[[KONIEC_SKLADU]]
Kolagen Anti-Age z kwasem hialuronowym i witaminą C 500mg, 60 tabletek
40,99 zł
Kolagen Anti-Age z kwasem hialuronowym i witaminą C – Twoje wsparcie w walce ze starzeniem się skóry.
Kolagen Anti-Age z kwasem hialuronowym i witaminą C to suplement diety, stworzony z myślą o osobach, które chcą wspierać naturalne procesy przeciwstarzeniowe. Ten trójskładnikowy preparat łączy w sobie moc kolagenu, kwasu hialuronowego i witaminy C, aby kompleksowo zadbać o zdrowie Twojej skóry, stawów oraz tkanki łącznej.
Składniki aktywne:
Hydrolizowane białko kolagenu wieprzowego: Podstawowy budulec skóry, stawów i tkanki łącznej, który wspomaga ich regenerację i utrzymanie elastyczności. Kolagen wspiera zdrowy, jędrny wygląd skóry i sprzyja regeneracji stawów.
Kwas Hialuronowy: Naturalny nawilżacz, który wiąże wodę w skórze, poprawiając jej nawilżenie i elastyczność. Kwas hialuronowy wspiera również zdrowie naczyń krwionośnych.
Witamina C: Niezbędna do produkcji kolagenu, wspiera prawidłowe funkcjonowanie skóry i chroni komórki przed stresem oksydacyjnym dzięki swoim właściwościom przeciwutleniającym.
Korzyści z suplementacji Kolagenem Anti-Age:
Redukcja oznak starzenia: Dzięki kolagenowi i kwasowi hialuronowemu, Twoja skóra stanie się bardziej jędrna, nawilżona i elastyczna, co pozwoli na zredukowanie widoczności zmarszczek.
Wsparcie zdrowia stawów: Regularne stosowanie kolagenu wspiera regenerację stawów i chrząstek, co jest ważne dla zachowania aktywności fizycznej i zdrowia stawów.
Nawilżenie i odżywienie skóry: Kwas hialuronowy pomaga w utrzymaniu optymalnego poziomu nawilżenia skóry, co poprawia jej wygląd i strukturę.
Ochrona przed wolnymi rodnikami: Witamina C działa jako silny antyoksydant, chroniąc skórę przed szkodliwym działaniem wolnych rodników i wspierając jej zdrowie.
Dla kogo jest przeznaczony Kolagen Anti-Age?
Osób, które chcą wspierać procesy przeciwstarzeniowe i zachować młodzieńczy wygląd skóry.
Osób dbających o zdrowie stawów i pragnących poprawić ich regenerację.
Osób pragnących nawilżyć i uelastycznić swoją skórę.
Każdego, kto chce chronić skórę przed stresem oksydacyjnym i wolnymi rodnikami.
Zalety Kolagenu Anti-Age z Kwasem Hialuronowym i Witaminą C:
Naturalne wsparcie procesów przeciwstarzeniowych.
Wysokiej jakości składniki o potwierdzonej skuteczności.
Kompleksowe korzyści dla skóry, stawów i tkanki łącznej.
Pomoc w redukcji zmarszczek i poprawie nawilżenia skóry.
Dodaj Kolagen Anti-Age do swojej codziennej pielęgnacji, aby cieszyć się zdrową, jędrną skórą i wsparciem zdrowia stawów. Dzięki naszemu suplementowi, możesz naturalnie wspierać zdrowie swojej skóry i całego organizmu.
Skład suplementu diety Kolagen Anti-Age z kwasem hialuronowym i witaminą C.
Składniki: 89,5% hydrolizat kolagenu, kwas L- askorbinowy (witamina C), kwas hialuronowy(hialuronian sodu), substancja przeciwzbrylająca: sole magnezowe kwasów tłuszczowych (stearynian magnezu).
Zawartości w zalecanej do spożycia dziennej porcji produktu:
1 tabletka (500mg)
2 tabletki (1000mg)
Witamina C:
Hydrolizat kolagenu:
447,5 mg
Kwas hialuronowy:
*referencyna wartość spożycia**brak ustalonych norm dziennego zalecanego spożycia
Collagen tablets + vitamin c sport 500mg 90 tablets
38,99 zł
Collagen for athletes in tablets with vitamin C - 500 mg
Collagen with vitamin C tablets - what is this product?
Collagen is a structural component of our body. It is necessary to maintain the proper functioning of tissues, regenerate them and to maintain the human body in health.
Collagen supplements They contribute to the effective complement of its deficiencies, due to the fact that it is better absorbed than from food. In addition, our product is devoid of fillers, artificial colors and additional substances. It is a completely natural collagen for athletes in tablets, which will also work for amateur training people.
Collagen with vitamin C in tablets - Product composition
OurCertified dietary supplement In the form of collagen for athletes in tablets is a guarantee of product purity. This supplement contains only hydrolyzed collagen, or 100% hydrolyzate of collagen protein and vitamin C.
What distinguishes our collagen for ponds for athletes in capsules? Features, advantages
Collagen for athletes in tablets does not contain ingredients such as gluten and lactose, it is also completely free from GMOs, which means that it is safe to use, also among people with food allergies.
What's more, the price of collagen for athletes is matched so that everyone can afford more effective prevention and treatment of injuries, as well as daily health improvement. The price of collagen for athletes is only PLN 38.99!
Collagen for ponds for athletes - properties how it works, what does it help?
Collagen is an essential protein to maintain the structure of the body and immunize the joints to mechanical factors. To emphasize the importance of the ingredients contained in Kolagen for ponds for athletes, it is worth discussing the operation of individual components of our supplement.
Collagen helps in:
maintaining proper bone mineralization,
soothes inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract,
supports muscle work,
It immunizes the joints for overloads,
accelerates regeneration after injuries and after strenuous training sessions,
It improves the body's immunity.
Vitamin C
This vitamin can not only be a support for immunity in active people, but also improve some health parameters. Vitamin C helps with:
collagen synthesis in the ponds,
reduction of excessive inflammation in the area of injury,
accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissue,
reduces the risk of infection,
improves skin condition,
regulates the work of carbohydrate economy.
The ingredients contained in the collagen for athletes in tablets, help not only people who undertake physical activity professionally. They can also be great for amateur training or elderly people, in whom collagen production and vitamin C concentration is definitely smaller.
Collagen for ponds for athletes, tablets - who do we recommend this supplement?
Our supplement with collagen for ponds for athletes, we dedicate to physically active people at different levels of advancement. A group of people who get health benefits from supplementation with our product are also elderly, physically active women and men undertaking physical work.
On collagen supplementation for athletes in tablets, people who want to protect the proper operation of the movement will also benefit, because everyone can be exposed to spontaneous overloads and injuries.
What are the contraindications for the use of collagen with vitamin C in capsules?
People who should not use collagen with vitamin C in tablets are Pregnant and feeding women, as well as people allergic to any component of our supplement.
How to use collagen collagen with vitamin C in tablets? Dosage, daily consumption
Collagen supplementation for athletes in tablets should take place as follows. 2 times a day, you should take one tablet during a meal, drinking a lot of water.
Collagen with vitamin C, tablets - storage
The product should be stored in a tightly closed packaging, at room temperature and in a place that is not available to sunlight.
The product should be protected from children.
The effects of the use of collagen for athletes in capsules from our store. When can you expect effects?
The first effects of supplementation our collagen may appear already After 2-3 weeks of regular use. Much depends on the dose used and the duration of supplementation, as well as the purpose for which our product is used. For a significant improvement in well -being and faster recovery in case of injury, you will have to wait about a month, one and a half.
Collagen in tablets with vitamin C - certificates
Collagen for athletes in tablets, like other products available in the online store, has quality certificates and the correct production process GMP, GHP and HACCP.
What else is worth buying except collagen for athletes in capsules?
In addition to collagen for ponds for athletes, it is worth completing your supplementation shelf about Magnesium with Ashwagandha, which in the mentioned complex will greatly affect regeneration during the night and minimize excess stress.
See articles on our blog on collagen and its actions and properties
You can find out more about the properties and operation of collagen in articles about Natural collagen properties and in the entry Fr. collagen.
Additional information about the collagen for athletes, with vitamin C in tablets, from our store
Available in packaging: 90 tablets
Dietary supplements cannot be used as a substitute for a varied diet. To maintain the correct state, the most important is a balanced and diverse diet and an active lifestyle.
Best before:
The party number / shelf life / country of origin is on the packaging.
Manufacturer's data:
Manufacturer: Intenson S.A.
Kissing 94 g
05 - 480 Karczew
Bibliography H2
León-López a, Morales-Pedaloza A, Martínez-Jaárez VM, Vargas-Torres, Zeugolis di, Aguirre-álvarez G. Hydrolyzed Collagen-Sources and Applications. Molecules. 2019 NOV 7; 24 (22): 4031. DOI: 10.3390/Molecules24224031. PMID: 31703345; PMCID: PMC6891674.
1. Can collagen with vitamin C in tablets be used during pregnancy?
Possible use of collagen in this form, during pregnancy, is a contraindication.
2. Can collagen for athletes in tablets be combined with its other forms?
Yes, by all means. Collagen as a protein necessary for the body can be combined with another supplement containing this ingredient, but you should remember about the daily limit for this type of protein.
3. Can collagen with vitamin C be used during an injury?
Yes, collagen has properties that support the regeneration of damaged structures during exercise or other activities. What's more, this type of supplement is dedicated to such inflammation. In this case, it is worth discussing the dosage with a specialist.
4. What is the date of collagen for ponds for athletes?
The shelf life of the supplement for consumption is always on the label of the purchased product. In the vast majority of cases it is a few months, even over half a year.
5. Can collagen with vitamin C in tablets be combined with drugs?
The combination of collagen in this form with drugs prescribed by a doctor is a contraindication. There is a risk of cross reactions that can adversely affect the body of the body and lead to many violent symptoms.
Marine collagen + hyaluron + vitamin C 500 mg tablets – 90 tablets
119,99 zł
Peptan® F marine collagen consists of patented fish collagen peptides developed in a French laboratory, which guarantees highest quality and efficacy. It is characterized by a bioavailability above 90% and a high concentration of essential amino acids. Marine collagen is enriched with vitamin C and hyaluronic acid to enhance its effect.
Marine collagen contains a high dose of marine collagen and hyaluronic acid per tablet. No fillers to increase tablet mass.
It contains a high dose of pure collagen and hyaluronic acid in a single tablet:
· Marine collagen
· Vitamin C
· Hyaluronic acid
Vitamin C
· supports the production of collagen for the proper functioning of the skin, gums, bones, cartilage and teeth
· contributes to reducing tiredness and fatigue
· helps protect cells against oxidative stress
· helps the immune system function properly
This product is intended for all consumer groups except for pregnant and breastfeeding women, small children and people allergic to any of the ingredients.
Ingredients: 447.5 mg fish collagen hydrolysate, 30 mg vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid), 20 mg hyaluronic acid anti-caking agent: magnesium stearate
Allergens: the product contains fish and products thereof
Use: one tablet with a meal, with plenty of water, 2 times a day
Packaging weight: 45 g – 90 tablets
Ashwagandha Anti-Stress KSM-66 200 mg, 90 tabletek
33,99 zł
Ashwagandha Anti-Stress z cytrynianem magnezu – Naturalne wsparcie dla spokoju i równowagi.
Ashwagandha Anti-Stress z cytrynianem magnezu to doskonałe połączenie adaptogenu i minerału, które wspiera Twój organizm w radzeniu sobie ze stresem oraz poprawia jakość snu. Formuła tego suplementu została stworzona z myślą o osobach, które poszukują naturalnego rozwiązania na codzienne napięcie oraz pragną poprawić swoje samopoczucie i funkcje kognitywne.
Składniki Aktywne:
Ekstrakt z ashwagandhy (KSM-66): Wysokiej jakości ekstrakt z korzenia Ashwagandhy standaryzowany na zawartość 5% witanolidów. Wspiera równowagę emocjonalną, obniża poziom kortyzolu i pomaga w radzeniu sobie ze stresem.
Cytrynian magnezu: Najlepiej przyswajalna forma magnezu, która wspomaga układ nerwowy, poprawia jakość snu oraz wspiera funkcje umysłowe.
Korzyści ze stosowania Ashwagandha Anti-Stress:
Redukcja stresu i napięcia: Połączenie Ashwagandhy i magnezu skutecznie obniża poziom stresu, wspierając równowagę emocjonalną i spokojne samopoczucie.
Lepsza jakość snu: Suplement pomaga w zasypianiu oraz poprawia jakość snu, dzięki czemu budzisz się bardziej wypoczęty i pełen energii.
Wzmocnienie funkcji kognitywnych: Magnez w cytrynianowej formie wspomaga koncentrację, pamięć oraz ogólną wydolność umysłową, co jest szczególnie przydatne w okresach wzmożonego wysiłku intelektualnego.
Dla kogo jest przeznaczona Ashwagandha Anti-Stress?
Dla osób doświadczających stresu: Idealny dla tych, którzy codziennie mierzą się z wysokim poziomem stresu i napięcia.
Dla osób z problemami ze snem: Pomaga w zasypianiu oraz poprawia jakość snu, co korzystnie wpływa na funkcjonowanie całego organizmu.
Dla tych, którzy chcą poprawić funkcje poznawcze: Wspiera koncentrację, pamięć oraz zdolności umysłowe, co jest pomocne w okresach intensywnego wysiłku umysłowego.
Zalety Ashwagandhy Anti-Stress:
Naturalne składniki: Połączenie Ashwagandhy KSM-66 i cytrynianu magnezu, które jest wolne od GMO, glutenu i laktozy.
Wszechstronne wsparcie: Pomaga w radzeniu sobie ze stresem, poprawia jakość snu i wspiera funkcje kognitywne.
Łatwe dawkowanie: Wygodna forma kapsułek, którą można łatwo włączyć do codziennej rutyny.
Sięgnij po Ashwagandhę Anti-Stress z cytrynianem magnezu i ciesz się codziennym spokojem, lepszym snem oraz wsparciem dla Twoich funkcji umysłowych. Odkryj naturalne rozwiązanie na stres i napięcie już dziś!
Co jeszcze warto kupić oprócz tabletek Ashwagandhy z cyrynianem magnezuze?
W ramach codziennego wsparcia zdrowia i profilaktyki organizmu, warto rozszerzyć swoją półeczkę suplementacyjną o inne propozycje, uzupełniające poszczególne składniki diety. Polecamy kolagen z kwasem hialuronowym na skórę oraz łupiny nasienne babki jajowatej.
Zobacz artykuł na naszym blogu na temat Ashwagandhy - jej działania oraz właściwości.
Z uwagi na coraz większą popularność suplementów adaptogennych, warto nieco głębiej przyjrzeć się właściwościom i działaniu Ashwagandhy, która nazywana jest “królową adaptogenów”. Poznanie jej działania pomoże w lepszym zrozumieniu znaczenia medycyny naturalnej.
Skład suplementu diety Ashwagandha Anti-Stress.
Składniki: dicytrynian trimagnezu (magnez), ekstrakt z korzenia Ashwagandhy (Withania somnifera L.) standaryzowany na zawartość 5% witanolidów, substancja wypełniająca - celuloza mikrokrystaliczna, substancje przeciwzbrylające: dwutlenek krzemu, sole magnezowe kwasów tłuszczowych (stearynian magnezu).
Zawartości w zalecanej do spożycia dziennej porcji produktu:
1 tabletka (500mg)/
2 tabletki (1000mg)/
Cytrynian magnezu, w tym:
Ekstrakt z korzenia Ashwagandhy, w tym:
*Referencyjna wartość spożycia dla przeciętnej osoby dorosłej (8400kJ/2000kcal)
Strawberry fit tapioca jelly 30 g
from 2,99 zł
Strawberry fit tapioca jelly 30 g
• natural
• tapioca flour-based
• no added sugar
• with superfoods
• with acai berries
• with goji berries
• with vitamin C
Strawberry FIT Jelly is a natural, delicious, healthy and most importantly, diet dessert made with tapioca flour which is a valuable energy source.
The jelly has a subtle strawberry flavor and contains the most valuable superfoods – goji berries and acai berry extract with antioxidative properties.
The jelly is enriched with vitamin C. It also contains fiber which naturally regulates the digestive system activity and helps maintain a slim figure. It contains no white sugar.
Ingredients: Sweetener – maltitol, tapioca starch 30.7%, dried goji berries (Lycium barbarum) 4%, natural flavoring, acidity regulator – citric acid, lyophilized strawberries 0.8%, L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C) 0.6%, 4:1 acai extract (Euterpe oleracea) 0.3%
Storage conditions: Store in a cool, dry place in a tightly closed container.
Use: Put the contents of the bag in a cup, pour in approximately 175 mL of water, stir vigorously for one minute.
Nutritional value in 100 g:
Energy value: 165 kJ/39 kcal
Fat: 0 g
of which saturates: 0 g
Carbohydrates: 13g
of which sugars: 0.3 g
of which polyols: 8,8 g
Protein: 0 g
Fibre: 0 g
Salt: < 0.01 g
Vitamin C: 88 mg
Strawberry-flavored collagen + hyaluronic acid + vitamin C - drink powder
4,99 zł
Strawberry-flavored collagen + hyaluronic acid + vitamin C
Strawberry-flavored collagen hydrolysate with added vitamin C and hyaluronic acid is a combination of pure collagen protein that can be used in protein beverages and powders with natural flavoring, enriched with vitamin C and hyaluronic acid. It provides a feeling of satiety and is recommended for physically active people. This product is intended for people with increased protein requirement. Dietary supplements cannot be used as substitutes (replacements) for a varied diet.
Ingredients: collagen hydrolysate (91.7%), acidity regulator – citric acid, natural flavoring, L-ascorbic acid, sweetener – sucralose, hyaluronic acid.
Preparation: put the contents of the bag in a cup and dissolve in 200 mL of lukewarm water. Using water that is too cold may cause the powder to dissolve poorly. Do not exceed the recommended daily intake.
Storage: store in a cool, dry place in a tightly closed container, out of reach of small children.
Nutritional value
per 100 g of product/
per serving (10.8 g)/
% RI* (per 1 serving)
Energy value
1476 kJ/347 kcal
159 kJ/38 kcal
0 g
0 g
- of which saturates:
0 g
0 g
1.6 g
0.18 g
- of which sugars:
0 g
0 g
84.3 g
9.1 g
0.7 g
0.08 g
Vitamin C:
80 mg
Hyaluronic acid:
20 mg
*Reference intake for an average adult (8400 kJ/2000 kcal)
The package contains one suggested serving.
Net weight 10.8 g
Całowanie 94g
05-480 KarczewPoland
Better Hair + zinc or biotin + horsetail collagen - 90 tablets
57,99 zł
Collagen with zinc and biotin for hair, 90 tablets
Collagen with zinc for hair from the Intenson store - what is this product?
Natural Collagen supplements This is a daily dose of health for the body and more. Collagen with zinc to hair is an innovative formula, combining nutrients that are friendly to the skin and hair that improves the condition of these tissues. In addition, our supplement also contains other great ingredients for hair health and beauty improvement. They are biotin, i.e. the famous vitamin for hair and horsetail, which is a component supporting the strength of the hair structure. The composition contained in the collagen with biotin for hair makes it a comprehensive supplement in terms of action on the skin, hair and nails.
Collagen with biotin for hair - Product composition
Our collagen with biotin for hair, tablets, includes collagen hydrolyzate, L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C), horsetail extract (standardized to the content of 7% silicon), zinc gluconate (zinc), hyaluronic acid (sodium hyaluronate) , biotin, filling substance- microcrystalline cellulose, anti-citizen substances: silicon dioxide, magnesium salts of fatty acids (magnesium stearate).
What distinguishes collagen with zinc to hair from the Intenson store? Features, advantages
The distinguishing features of our comprehensive product are the quality of workmanship, based on the highest quality standards, using modern capsule techniques. In addition Our collagen supplement with biotin for hair was produced using the Clean Label method, which means, no additional substances and fillers were used in its production. This product is also devoid of GMO, lactose and gluten, which makes it dedicated to a very wide group of consumers.
The price of this preparation also deserves the attention of collagen with zinc for hair. For 90 collagen tablets with biotin for hair, just spend PLN 57.99. This is a very affordable price for a comprehensive preparation, containing a large amount of health -promoting ingredients for health and beauty.
Collagen + biotin from the Intenson store - properties how it works, what does it help?
Human health depends on providing the right amount of nutrients and minerals. They take part in many metabolic processes and affect the condition, as well as external appearance. It is no different in the case of our collagen with biotin for hair. It is a product that supports the health and appearance of not only skin, hair and nails, but also other tissues of our body.
The properties of collagen with zinc on the hair include:
correct bone mineral density,
improving the condition of the skin, hair and nails,
supports regenerative processes,
improves the functioning of the digestive tract,
relieving inflammation.
reduction of fatigue,
increasing immunity,
slows down the aging process,
improves the regeneration of the body,
strengthens the joints,
improves mood,
Supports the health of the nervous system.
These are the most important properties that the use of a supplement, which is collagen with biotin for hair and more. Let's remember, in addition to biotin and collagen hydrolyzate, the health properties of our preparation are also affected by zinc, horsetail, vitamin C and hyaluronic acid.
Collagen with biotin for hair, tablets - who do we recommend this supplement?
Product supplementation with the Intenson brand, contributes to improving the external appearance, support of daily prevention and well -being, therefore, therefore We recommend our product to virtually every group of consumers. It can be used by women and men, people working at the computer, intensively practicing and busy.
Collagen with biotin for hair, tablets - nutritional value
1 tablet (500mg).
2TAs (1000mg).
Collagen hydrolyzate
Vitamin C
Horsetail extract, including:
Zinc gluconate, including:
Hyaluronic acid:
*Reference value of consumption for an agile adult (8400KJ/2000kcal)
What are the contraindications for the use of collagen with zinc and other ingredients?
The substances contained in our dietary supplement are natural, ecological and well -tested. They also have a safe concentration of active ingredients, which prevents side effects. However, it is worth keeping in mind a group of people with contraindications for the use of collagen with biotin for hair. They are Pregnant and nursing women and people allergic to any component of our supplement.
If you have doubts about the supplementation of our collagen with zinc for hair, skin and nails, consult your attending physician or dietitian.
How to use collagen + biotin (and other ingredients) in tablets? Dosage, daily consumption
In order to achieve as many health benefits as possible and enjoy the great appearance and condition of the hair, we recommend following the following recommendations.
The recommended portion of colleague with biotin for hair are 2 tablets per day, taken after a meal, sipping with a lot of water. It is not recommended to exceed the recommended daily portion.
Collagen with zinc for Intenson hair - storage
The product should be Store in a dry and cool place, in a tightly closed packaging, in an unavailable to young children. This practice ensures longer freshness and durability of the preparation and thus a range of health benefits.
The effects of using tablets with collagen and biotin for hair. When can you expect effects?
A comprehensive combination of ingredients, such as hydrolyzed collagen, hyaluronic acid and vitamin C, zinc, horsetail and biotin, allows Achieving the first effects after 3 weeks of regular supplementation.
Collagen with biotin for hair, tablets - certificates
Collagen with zinc and biotin for hair, skin and nails, like other products available in our online store, have the necessary quality certificates and the correct production process GMP, GHP and HACCP.
What else is worth buying in addition to collagen capsules with zinc and biotin for hair?
In our online store offer, there are more collagen preparations that may interest you. In addition to collagen with biotin for hair, Another recommended product is Collagen with hyaluronic acid on the skin and Ashwagandha anti-stress, which will completely take care of the body's health from the inside and outside.
See articles on our blog on collagen and its actions and properties
We know well that people interested in a healthy lifestyle want to constantly expand their knowledge in this area. Hence, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with ours blog articles on the subject Natural collagen properties, actions collagen for ponds and How to use drinking collagen.
Additional information about the collagen with biotin and zinc on the hair
Dietary supplements cannot be used as a substitute for a varied diet. To maintain the correct state, the most important is a balanced and diverse diet and an active lifestyle.
Available in packaging: 90 tablets
Best before:
The party number / shelf life / country of origin is on the packaging.
Manufacturer's data:
Manufacturer: Intenson S.A.
Kissing 94 g
05 - 480 Karczew
León-López a, Morales-Pedaloza A, Martínez-Jaárez VM, Vargas-Torres, Zeugolis di, Aguirre-álvarez G. Hydrolyzed Collagen-Sources and Applications. Molecules. 2019 NOV 7; 24 (22): 4031. DOI: 10.3390/Molecules24224031. PMID: 31703345; PMCID: PMC6891674.
Papakonstantinou E, Roth M, karakiulakis G. Hyaluronic Acid: A Key Molecule in Skin Aging. Dermatoendocrinol. 2012 Jul 1; 4 (3): 253-8. DOI: 10.4161/DERM.21923. PMID: 23467280; PMCID: PMC3583886.
Chambial S, Dwivedi S, Shukla KK, John PJ, Sharma P. Vitamin C in discaase prevention and cure: an overview. Indian j clin biochem. 2013 Oct; 28 (4): 314-28. DOI: 10.1007/S12291-013-0375-3. EPUB 2013 SEP 1. PMID: 24426232; PMCID: PMC3783921.
1. Can collagen with biotin on hair be used during pregnancy?
The considered supplementation of collagen with biotin on hair during pregnancy must be previously consulted with a specialist doctor. Usually, however, this physiological state is a contraindication to supplementation with such products.
2. Can collagen with zinc to hair in the form of tablets be combined with its other forms?
Yes, by all means. Collagen with zinc to hair can be combined with another supplement containing this ingredient, it is only worth remembering the daily limit of this ingredient.
3. Can collagen + biotin from Intenson be used during injury?
Yes, collagen in combination with hyaluronic acid and the additional presence of vitamin C, has excellent properties that support the regeneration of damaged structures during physical or unfortunate accident.
4. What is the expiry date of collagen with biotin for hair (tablets)?
The shelf life of the supplement is placed on the product label. It is usually a period of several months or more (depending on the type of product).
5. Can collagen with biotin (for hair) be combined with some drugs?
Connecting collagen (together with support substances) in combination with drugs prescribed by a doctor is a contraindication. The exact rules for the use of collagen and medicines should be discussed with your attending physician or other specialist.
Fit & Detox Slimmig Elixir 135g
25,99 zł
SUPERFOODS FIT & DETOX SLIMMING ELIXIR This fiber cocktail only based on natural ingredients that supports digestive processes and detoxifying the body. Contains inulin, which is the only one of the most valuable prebiotics and a selected superfoods component with a high fiber content. Fiber not only accelerates digestion, but also provides a feeling of satiety and helps to maintain the correct cholesterol level. The mix has a delicate, tropical-pinable flavor.
SUPERFOODS FIT & DETOX SLIMMING ELIXIR This fiber cocktail only based on natural ingredients that supports digestive processes and detoxifying the body. Contains inulin, which is one of the most valuable prebiotics and a selected superfoods component with a high fiber content. Fiber not only accelerates digestion, but also provides a feeling of satiety and helps to maintain the correct cholesterol level. The mix has a delicate, tropical-pineapple taste.
Elixir components:
Minced It's nothing but transmitted flax seeds - plants with valuable properties. Len is a good source of a-linolenic acid that must be delivered with food because it is not synthesized by the body. In addition, it contains high-quality proteins, fiber and phenolic acid. What's more, ground flax contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are known for their beneficial effect on heart.
Grandmother and easter egg This plants with a high fiber content that supports the daily operation of the digestive system, increasing the feeling of satiety. In addition, it helps to control cholesterol, and regular use, while maintaining a healthy diet, reduces its blood level. Fiber supports intestinal operation, regulating it naturally, and at the same time cleans them from harmful metabolic products. It is recommended for people with digestive ailments and wanting to keep a slim figure because it reduces appetite.
Apple fiber It is obtained from apple skins that are a source of pectin. Keeps the correct level of LDL cholesterol, and also has the ability to reduce and reduce absorption of bad cholesterol from the gastrointestinal tract. It has an invaluable effect on slimming because it reduces applauding and a feeling of hunger. Studies have shown that regular consumption increases the body's resistance.
A method of preparing:
2 times a day three flat measures of the product pour 200 ml of water or juice, set aside for about 20 minutes, then drink. When consuming a product, drink large amounts of water - at least 2 liters of liquids a day. It's best to consume in the morning and evening. Do not use with hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients in contraction and intestinal obstacles, abdominal pains of an unknown cause, naudicity, vomiting. Not intended for babies and young children.
LEN FLAVUM LINE DEATHED (LINUM FLAVUM L), sweeteners - erythritol, eggy granny (psyllium husk), grandmother Płesznik (Plantago psyllium), 10% inulina, apple fiber, acidity regulator: citric acid, pineapple aroma.
Net mass 135g
Collagen + vitamin C + hyaluronic acid powder 250g
75,99 zł
Collagen with hyaluronic acid in drinking powder, natural supplement - 250g
Collagen with hyaluronic acid powder - what is this product?
Collagen with hyaluronic acid for drinking is a supplement that is a great support and at the same time a solution for all kinds of problems with skin, hair and nails. Anyone who wants to improve their appearance, improve metabolic processes in their body and feel good should definitely reach for our collagen with hyaluronic acid in drinking powder. Naturalcollagen supplement And the addition of hyaluronic acid perfectly supports regenerative processes initiated by collagen. The combination of these ingredients is a healthy complex that cares for skin tissue health.
Collagen with hyaluronic acid powder - Product composition
In our ecological dietary supplement In the form of collagen with hyaluronic acid for drinking, there are only natural active substances. Among them is:
Vitamin C,
Hyaluronic acid.
The presence of such a mixture of substances guarantees quick and effective effects. They are improving the condition and visual condition of skin tissue, as well as a greater relief in digestive processes, joints and a fantastic appearance of hair and nails.
What distinguishes our collagen with hyaluronic acid powder? Features, advantages
Our collagen with hyaluronic acid for drinking is a highly biowyede form of hydrolyzed collagen, which is perfectly captured from the intestinal light and goes to target tissues, the addition of hyaluronic acid and vitamin C additionally improves the process of internal collagen synthesis, which ultimately contributes to increasing its total amount in the body. This is the most desirable effect.
In addition, the drinking form of our collagen with hyaluronic acid is free from GMO and does not contain gluten, which means that it can be used by people with food allergies, celiac disease and gastrointestinal disorders.
The purchase of a natural supplement with collagen and hyaluronic acid for drinking is a guarantee of improving lecture, hair and nails, and securing daily prevention.
Collagen with hyaluronic acid powder - properties how it works, what does it help?
The comprehensive effect of ingredients of our collagen with hyaluronic acid for drinking makes us feel better, the appearance of skin, hair and nails improves, and we also protect the preventive aspect of our body. In order to thoroughly learn the properties of collagen with hyaluronic acid, it is worth discussing the operation of individual ingredients from this natural supplement.
Collagen is a structural protein, whose presence is necessary to maintain the structure of many tissues. Collagen is a naturally occurring type of protein in our body and it is a component of many necessary processeswhich are responsible for the proper functioning of the whole body.
The form of hydrolyzed collagen in combination with other ingredients of our supplement is best absorbed by the human body, thanks to which the body obtains the best possible building material for regenerative purposes, as well as improving everyday health and comfort of functioning.
Collagen is responsible for:
correct bone mineral density,
improving the condition of the skin, hair and nails,
supports regenerative processes,
improves the functioning of the digestive tract,
relieving inflammation.
Vitamin C
This ingredient is important, not only from the point of view of immunity, but also helps in:
protecting cells against oxidative stress,
anti -inflammatory effect,
regulation of blood glucose levels,
more efficient synthesis of collagen inside the body,
alleviating excessive blood pressure,
leveling unfavorable skin lesions.
Hyaluronic acid
Hyaluronic acid is used not only in aesthetic medicine. Hyaluronic acid contributes to:
improvement of skin hydration,
reduction of fine wrinkles and skin cavities,
supporting the skin's protective functions against external factors,
shadow reduction under the eyes,
skin protection against water loss,
Improving the wound healing process, skin damage (minor).
Collagen with hyaluronic acid powder - who do we recommend this supplement?
Powder with collagen and hyaluronic acid of Intenson, we recommend above all people who want to take care of their external appearance, and also protect the health and functioning of the digestive tract. Additional supplementation with our preparation will undoubtedly also contribute to stronger joints, bones, muscles, better well -being and fantastic condition of hair, skin and nails. A group that we mainly recommend our product are women who want to take care of their health from the outside and from the inside.
What are the contraindications to the use of our collagen with hyaluronic acid for drinking?
People who should not supplement our collagen with hyaluronic acid in powder, are pregnant and during feeding, as well as people allergic to any component of our supplement.
Studies confirm that supplementation of natural collagen in combination with hyaluronic acid is in most cases safe, but it is worth consulting a specialist before using our supplement.
How to use collagen with hyaluronic acid for drinking? Dosage, daily consumption
With regular use of our collagen, It is worth following the recommendations on the product label.
Method of use: Dissolve 0.5 teaspoons in 200 ml of water, juice or add to yogurt, cocktail. It is recommended to consume 1 portion a day. Do not exceed recommended servings for consumption during the day.
Collagen with hyaluronic acid powder - storage
Dietary supplement should be stored in a place inaccessible to young children, in the original packaging and at room temperature, protecting from light and moisture. Such action will ensure long durability of the preparation, and at the same time a guarantee of health benefits.
The effects of the use of collagen with hyaluronic acid for drinking. When can you expect effects?
The first effects of supplementation with our preparation from our Intenson store may already appear After 2-3 weeks of regular use. Maintaining the health effects obtained during time will depend on the duration of supplementation.
Powder with collagen and hyaluronic acid - certificates
Collagen with hyaluronic acid for drinking, along with vitamin C, like other products available in the online store, have quality certificates and the correct production process GMP, GHP and HACCP.
What else is worth buying except collagen with hyaluronic acid powder?
Our online store's offer includes many preparations that can perfectly complement the effects of collagen and hyaluronic acid. They are on example 1000g vital fiber and Bio spirulina powder. We also encourage you to familiarize yourself with the rest of our wide supplementation offer.
See articles on our blog on collagen and its actions and properties
If you want to learn more about the benefits of using collagen, you can't miss our specialist articles describing Natural collagen and why collagen for ponds is so important.
Additional information about collagenic hyaluronic acid for drinking
Dietary supplements cannot be used as a substitute for a varied diet. To maintain the correct state, the most important is a balanced and diverse diet and an active lifestyle.
Available in packaging: 250 g
Best before:
The party number / shelf life / country of origin is on the packaging.
Manufacturer's data:
Manufacturer: Intenson S.A.
Kissing 94 g
05 - 480 Karczew
León-López a, Morales-Pedaloza A, Martínez-Jaárez VM, Vargas-Torres, Zeugolis di, Aguirre-álvarez G. Hydrolyzed Collagen-Sources and Applications. Molecules. 2019 NOV 7; 24 (22): 4031. DOI: 10.3390/Molecules24224031. PMID: 31703345; PMCID: PMC6891674.
Papakonstantinou E, Roth M, karakiulakis G. Hyaluronic Acid: A Key Molecule in Skin Aging. Dermatoendocrinol. 2012 Jul 1; 4 (3): 253-8. DOI: 10.4161/DERM.21923. PMID: 23467280; PMCID: PMC3583886.
Chambial S, Dwivedi S, Shukla KK, John PJ, Sharma P. Vitamin C in discaase prevention and cure: an overview. Indian j clin biochem. 2013 Oct; 28 (4): 314-28. DOI: 10.1007/S12291-013-0375-3. EPUB 2013 SEP 1. PMID: 24426232; PMCID: PMC3783921.
1. Can collagen with hyaluronic acid to drink can be used during pregnancy?
Considerated collagen supplementation with hyaluronic acid during pregnancy must be previously consulted with a specialist doctor.
2. Can collagen with hyaluronic acid in the form of powder be combined with its other forms?
Yes, by all means. Collagen with hyaluronic acid can be combined with another supplement containing this ingredient, it is only worth remembering the daily limit of this ingredient.
3. Can collagen with hyaluronic acid powder be used during injury?
Yes, collagen in combination with hyaluronic acid and the additional presence of vitamin C, has excellent properties that support the regeneration of damaged structures during physical or unfortunate accident.
4. What is the expiry date of collagen with hyaluronic acid for drinking?
The shelf life of the supplement is placed on the product label. It is usually a period of several months or more (depending on the type of product).
5. Can collagen with hyaluronic acid powder be combined with drugs?
Connecting collagen (together with support substances) in combination with drugs prescribed by a doctor is a contraindication. The exact rules for the use of collagen and medicines should be discussed with your attending physician or other specialist.
tel. 531 942 019
Całowanie 94G
05-480 Karczew