Suplementy na wątrobę
Milk thistle ground 1kg
21,59 zł
Milk thistle ground 1kg
(Silybum marianum)
Milk thistle is a source of protein and is characterized by a high content of dietary fiber. Ground milk thistle contains silymarin (0.53%).
How to use: Pour 1 teaspoon of powder with 1 cup of hot water and slowly warm up to the boil. Cook gently under cover approx. 5-10min. Allow 15 min. and then strain. Drink the brewed liquid in three portions per day.
Ground milk thistle can also be added to soups, vegetable dishes, muesli, dairy products (yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese), bread and fruit cocktails.
It is recommended to ingest up to 2 teaspoons of milk thistle per day.
Not recommended for infants and young children.
Nutritional value in 100g of product / Nutritional value per 100g of the product
Energy value / Energy
1657 kJ / 402 kcal
Fat, including/Fat, of which
- saturated fatty acids / saturates
- monounsaturated fatty acids / mono-unsaturates
- polyunsaturated fatty acids / polyunsaturates
34 g
15 g
Carbohydrates, including/Carbohydrate, of which
- sugars / sugars
Fiber / Fibre
41 g
Białko / Protein
20 g (40%*)
Sól / Salt
0.02 g
*Reference intake value for average adult (8400 Kj / 2000 kcal)
Ingredients: 100% ground milk thistle fruit
Ingredients: 100% ground fruits of milk thistle
Manufacturer / Producer: Intenson Europe Ltd.
Kissing 94G
05 - 480 Taverns
Polska / Poland
It is best to eat before: Batch number / Date of suitability / Country of origin can be found on the package.
Store tightly closed packaging.
Hepa Boost+ Regeneracja wątroby ostropest + karczoch 120 tabletek
59,99 zł
Hepa Boost+ Regeneracja wątroby to preparat w postaci tabletek z ekstraktem z ostropestu plamistego zawierającego sylimarynę i ekstraktem z liści karczocha zawierającego cynarynę. Preparat zapewnia wsparcie prawidłowego funkcjonowania wątroby.
20 mg Cynaryny może mieć wpływ na procesy oczyszczania i uwalniania wody z organizmu i usprawnienia procesów trawiennych.
400 mg Sylimaryny wspomaga procesy regeneracji komórek wątrobowych, procesy trawienne i przyczynia się do utrzymywania właściwej produkcji żółci.
Zawartość w zalecanej do spożycia dziennej porcji produktu:
1 tabletka (450 mg)
2 tabletki (900 mg)
4 tabletki (1800 mg)
Ekstrakt z ostropestu plamistego, w tym:
125 mg
250 mg
500 mg
100 mg
250 mg
400 mg
Ekstrakt z liści karczocha, w tym:
100 mg
200 mg
400 mg
5 mg
10 mg
20 mg
Milk Thistle ground 500g
15,69 zł
Milk Thistle ground
(Silybum marianum)
Silybum a source of protein and has a high content of dietary fiber. Silybum ground comprises a silymarin (0.53%).
usage1 teaspoon Pour 1 cup of hot water and slowly heat to reflux. Cook gently, covered, approx. 5-10min. Let stand for 15 minutes. and strain. The brewed liquid drink in three portions a day.
The ground milk thistle can also be added to soups, vegetable dishes, muesli, dairy products (yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese), bread and fruit smoothies.
It is recommended intake of 2 teaspoons of milk thistle daily.
Not recommended for infants and young children.
Nutritional value 100g / Nutritional value per 100g of the product
Value Energy / Energy
1657 kJ / 402 kcal
Fat, including / Fat Which of
- saturates / Saturates
- unsaturates / mono-unsaturates
- polyunsaturates / polyunsaturates
34 g
4.8 g
6.8 g
15 g
Carbohydrates, including / Carbohydrate, of Which
- sugars / Sugars
1.5 g
1.1 g
Fiber / Fiber
41 g
Protein / Protein
20 g (40% *)
Salt / Salt
0.02 g
* Reference intake of an average adult (8400 kJ / 2000 kcal)
Ingredients: 100% ground fruits of the milk thistle
Producer: Intenson Europe Sp. z o. o. o.
Całowanie 94g
05 - 480 Karczew
Best before: Party number / Suitability date / country of origin can be found on the packaging.
Store sealed container.
Milk thistle - ground 200g
8,39 zł
Milk thistle - ground 200g
(Silybum marianum)
Silybum a source of protein and has a high content of dietary fiber. Silybum ground comprises a silymarin (0.53%).
usage1 teaspoon Pour 1 cup of hot water and slowly heat to reflux. Cook gently, covered, approx. 5-10min. Let stand for 15 minutes. and strain. The brewed liquid drink in three portions a day.
The ground milk thistle can also be added to soups, vegetable dishes, muesli, dairy products (yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese), bread and fruit smoothies.
It is recommended intake of 2 teaspoons of milk thistle daily.
Not recommended for infants and young children.
Nutritional value 100g / Nutritional value per 100g of the product
Value Energy / Energy
1657 kJ / 402 kcal
Fat, including / Fat Which of
- saturates / Saturates
- unsaturates / mono-unsaturates
- polyunsaturates / polyunsaturates
34 g
4.8 g
6.8 g
15 g
Carbohydrates, including / Carbohydrate, of Which
- sugars / Sugars
1.5 g
1.1 g
Fiber / Fiber
41 g
Protein / Protein
20 g (40% *)
Salt / Salt
0.02 g
* Reference intake of an average adult (8400 kJ / 2000 kcal)
Ingredients: 100% ground fruits of the milk thistle
Producer / Manufacturer: Intenson Europe Sp. z o. o. o.
Całowanie 94g
05 - 480 Karczew
Best before: Party number / Suitability date / country of origin can be found on the packaging.
Store sealed container.
Ostropest & Karczoch 60 tabletek
29,99 zł
Ostropest & karczoch
Suplement diety Ostropest + Karczoch to preparat w postaci tabletek z ekstraktem z liścia karczocha zawierającego cynarynę i ekstraktu z ostropestu plamistego zwierającego sylimarynę. Preparat zapewnia wsparcie prawidłowego funkcjonowania wątroby.
Cynaryna wspomaga procesy oczyszczania i uwalniania wody z organizmu. Pomaga w utrzymaniu wydolnej wątroby. Usprawnia procesy trawienne i zapewnia zdrowie jelit.
Sylimaryna wspomaga procesy regeneracji komórek wątrobowych. Przyczynia się do utrzymywania właściwej produkcji żółci i kondycji wątroby. Wspomaga także trawienie. Dodatkowo wpływa pozytywnie na serce i zwiększa odporność organizmu na trudne warunki środowiska.
Składniki: ekstrakt z liścia karczocha DER 4:1 standaryzowany na 5% cynaryny, substancja wypełniająca - celuloza mikrokrystaliczna, ekstrakt z ostropestu plamistego standaryzowany na 80% sylimaryny, substancja glazurująca: hydroksypropylometyloceluloza, substancje przeciwzbrylające: dwutlenek krzemu, sole magnezowe kwasów tłuszczowych (stearynian magnezu).
Zawartość w zalecanej do spożycia dziennej porcji produktu:
1 tabletka (500 mg)
Ekstrakt z liścia karczocha, tym:
200 mg
10 mg
Ekstrakt z ostropestu plamistego, w tym:
Milk Thistle grain 1kg
23,99 zł
Milk Thistle grain 1kg
(Silybum marianum)
Milk Thistle is a source of protein and is characterized by a high content of dietary fibre.
How to use: Grains should be wiped, or cut into mortar. The powdered sharpest can also be added to the soups, vegetable dishes, musli, dairy products (yoghurt, kefiru, curd), bread and fruit cocktails.
It can also be used in the form of a napping: 1 teaspoon of powder pour 1 glass of hot water and slowly warm up to bog. Cook gently under cover approx. 5-10 min. Set aside for 15 min. and then overestimate. A parboiled liquid to drink in three portions within a day.
It is recommended to ingest up to 2 teaspoons of spotted sharpness a day.
Not recommended for infants and young children.
Nutrient value in 100g product
Energy Value/Energy
1543 kJ/376 kcal
Fat, w tym/Fat, of which
-saturated fatty acids/saturates
24 g
4.6 g
7.1 g
12 g
Carbohydrates, of which/Carbohydrate, of which
< 1.0 g
< 1.0 g
49 g
16 g (32% *)
0.02 g
* Reference intake value for average adult person (8400 kJ/2000 kcal). /Reference intake of an average adult (8 400 kJ/ 2 000 kcal).
Ingredients: 100% Milk Thistle grain
Manufacturer: Intenson Europe Sp. z o. o.
Całowanie 94G
05-480 Karczew
Best to eat before: The number of the lot/suitability for consumption/Country of origin is on the packaging.
Keep the container tightly closed.
Milk thistle grain 500g
17,29 zł
Milk thistle grain 500g
(Silybum marianum)
Spotted spotted sharpest is a source of protein and is characterized by a high content of dietary fibre.
How to use: Grains should be wiped, or cut into mortar. The powdered sharpest can also be added to the soups, vegetable dishes, musli, dairy products (yoghurt, kefiru, curd), bread and fruit cocktails.
It can also be used in the form of a napping: 1 teaspoon of powder pour 1 glass of hot water and slowly warm up to bog. Cook gently under cover approx. 5-10 min. Set aside for 15 min. and then overestimate. A parboiled liquid to drink in three portions within a day.
It is recommended to ingest up to 2 teaspoons of spotted sharpness a day.
Not recommended for infants and young children.
Nutrient value in 100g product
Energy Value/Energy
1543 kJ/376 kcal
Fat, w tym/Fat, of which
-saturated fatty acids/saturates
24 g
4.6 g
7.1 g
12 g
Carbohydrates, of which/Carbohydrate, of which
< 1.0 g
< 1.0 g
49 g
16 g (32% *)
0.02 g
* Reference intake value for average adult person (8400 kJ/2000 kcal). /Reference intake of an average adult (8 400 kJ/ 2 000 kcal).
Ingredients: 100% Milk thistle grain
Manufacturer/Producer: Intenson Europe Sp. z o. o.
Całowanie 94G
05-480 Karczew
Best to eat before: The number of the lot/suitability for consumption/Country of origin is on the packaging.
Keep the container tightly closed.
Milk thistle - grain 200g
9,44 zł
Milk thistle - grain
(Silybum marianum)
Milk thistle is a source of protein and is characterized by a high content of dietary fibre.
How to use: Grains should be wiped, or cut into mortar. The powdered sharpest can also be added to the soups, vegetable dishes, musli, dairy products (yoghurt, kefiru, curd), bread and fruit cocktails.
It can also be used in the form of a napping: 1 teaspoon of powder pour 1 glass of hot water and slowly warm up to bog. Cook gently under cover approx. 5-10 min. Set aside for 15 min. and then overestimate. A parboiled liquid to drink in three portions within a day.
It is recommended to ingest up to 2 teaspoons of spotted sharpness a day.
Not recommended for infants and young children.
Nutrient value in 100g product
Energy Value/Energy
1543 kJ/376 kcal
Fat, w tym/Fat, of which
-saturated fatty acids/saturates
24 g
4.6 g
7.1 g
12 g
Carbohydrates, of which/Carbohydrate, of which
< 1.0 g
< 1.0 g
49 g
16 g (32% *)
0.02 g
* Reference intake value for average adult person (8400 kJ/2000 kcal). /Reference intake of an average adult (8 400 kJ/ 2 000 kcal).
Ingredients: 100% milk thistle - grain
Manufacturer/Producer: Intenson Europe Sp. z o. o.
Całowanie 94G
05-480 Karczew
Best to eat before: The number of the lot/suitability for consumption/Country of origin is on the packaging.
Keep the container tightly closed.
tel. 531 942 019
Całowanie 94G
05-480 Karczew