Psyllium husk 150g

16,59 zł

Psyllium husk 150g

16,59 zł

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Psyllium husk

(Psyllium husk))

Psyllium husk is eaten together with meals or drinks. Added to meals in the form of scales thickens them, which is why it is a good addition to soups and sauces. Egg husks can be served as an addition to yogurt or milk, along with flakes and fruit. In a diet enriched with eggplant, it is necessary to take a large amount of fluid, at least 2 liters of fluid per day.

Usage:  Product to be consumed after prior preparation: pour 1 tablespoon of the egg roll with a glass of warm water, set aside for approx. 20 minutes. Drink the brew so prepared. It can also be used to thicken dishes. When consuming the product, drink large amounts of water, at least 2 litres of liquid. Take twice a day-morning and evening. Can be mixed with babka płechnik in proportions babka ovowa 20%, babka płechnik 80%. Not intended for infants and young children. No. use in people who have previously had bowel surgery or have an anatomical anomaly, an intestinal obstruction.

Latest finding: higher fiber intake reduces risk of heart disease and cancer!

A study at the University of Otago in New Zealand found a direct link between higher fibre intake and a reduction in the risk of heart disease, diabetes and colorectal cancer.

Systematic studies conducted over nearly 40 years have shown that patients with a fiber-rich diet, compared to those who consumed the least fiber, had a risk of death and diseases related to coronary artery disease, heart attack, type 2 diabetes and colorectal cancer, down by as much as 15-30%. This research will be used by the World Health Organization to issue new recommendations on fiber intake.

25 grams fiber

Study author Dr Andrew Reynolds believes the results point to the need to incorporate more fibre into the diet. "Our study showed that we should consume at least 25 to 29 grams of fiber per day, but most of us consume less than 20 grams," explains dr Reynolds. Study co-author Professor Jim Mann says the findings are groundbreaking. He said: "This research is important because there are still some ambiguities in public opinion about how to choose our meals and what impact our choices have on the risk of certain diseases. We all knew fibre had a beneficial effect on our health, but now we have hard evidence for it.”

Groundbreaking research

The analysis included 58 clinical trials and 185 studies from around the world that look at the impact of fiber, wholesome foods and the glycemic index. Professor Mann believes the study is unique in that it analysed a range of indicators and disease patterns. Previous studies have taken into account only one factor and a small number of diseases. The study found that people who increased the amount of fiber in their diet had lower body weight and cholesterol levels. "It turned out that a high-nutrient diet has a huge impact on the body's protection against heart disease, diabetes and cancer” – explains Professor Mann.

Nutritional value per 100 g of product**

Energy value 733 kJ / 183 kcal

Fat, including:

- saturated fatty acids

< 0.5 g

< 0.1 g

Carbohydrates, including:

- sugars

0.9 g

0.6 g

Fibre 86 g
Protein 1.1 g
Salt 0,05 g

Ingredients: 100% psyllium husk

Country of origin*: India

                   05-480 Karczew                             
                   Całowanie 94 G

Expiry date and Lot number given on the package.

Store in a tightly closed original package in a dry, shaded place. Protect from foreign smells. 

Available in packs: 150 g

* depending on batch (current country of origin on package)

** depending on the lot (current nutritional value on the packaging)

Producent: Intenson

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Aneta S.

Babka jajowata - łupiny 150g

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