Protein puddings with two prizes!

Budynie proteinowe z dwiema nagrodami!

Our latest products - protein puddings have received two awards with the "Good Product 2019" certificate in the "Innovative product" and "Good Product" categories in internet voting.

The official presentation of certificates took place at the gala during the 12th Food Market and Trade Forum - the largest conference forum in the food industry in Poland.

- The consumer market poses new challenges every day, it is extremely demanding. We distinguish companies, products, events and people who not only follow changes by implementing bold solutions, but also set trends and the highest standards themselves- she said during the gala accompanying the Food Market and Trade Forum 2019 Edyta Kochlewska, editor-in-chief of Rynek Spożywczy magazine and

The purpose of granting Good Product Certificates is to promote Polish food, popularize the best food products that are distinguished by quality, innovation, but also a traditional and regional recipe.

Protein pudding is a functional product that is a source of protein, thanks to its content WPC, while maintaining all the properties of traditional pudding, i.e. taste, consistency or smell. Unlike others it is in 100% natural  and does not contain any artificial additives. Another distinguishing feature of the product is its base - a mixture of potato starch with tapioca  - starch obtained from an exotic plant.

Does not contain white sugar  - sweetened with cane sugar. We make every effort to ensure that the products we launch on the market are innovative in their categories. Our goal is to offer the highest quality products with functionality, which makes them valuable for health.