Alternative to your diet - replacements for white sugar

Alternatywa w diecie – zamienniki białego cukru
Powder, also often called white death, is definitely a favorite diet component of many of us - no wonder, after all, who doesn't like to eat a piece of delicious cake or ice cream cup? However, sugar also contains products that seem inconspicuous at first glance, such as ketchup or yogurt. Adding sweet drinks to it, and above all, consuming sugar-rich products without restraint, we may be exposed to such ailments as diabetes or heart disease, and too high a dose of this ingredient contributes to the development of overweight and obesity. Fortunately, sugar is not the only product that can provide a sweet taste of dishes - there are several interesting alternatives on the market that are worth paying attention to in everyday eating decisions.  At the beginning it is worth noting that not all sugar is bad - the one contained in natural products is balanced by other ingredients, which is why the body can handle it without hindrance. Refined sugar is a real challenge for our body, i.e. one that we add to tea. That is why American researchers suggest a maximum of 6 teaspoons of sugar per day for women and 9 teaspoons for men. However, it turns out that the average American eats two or even three times more than this recommended dose per day. If you do not want it to have unpleasant health consequences, it's worth choosing your substitute for regular white sugar today - and there are quite a few options on the market: 1. Coconut sugar  Coconut-based products are valued by people who lead a healthy lifestyle. Can coconut sugar also be included in products that have a good effect on our body? It is made from juice that is found in coconut palms. The liquid is subjected to thermal treatment to reduce excess water. The final product looks and tastes like cane sugar, but above all it has much more valuable elements than other sweeteners. We will find definitely more iron, zinc, vitamin C and potassium in it, and additionally it has a relatively low glycemic index. 2. Xylitol  Another product that does not raise blood glucose is xylitol. It contains almost half the calories less than regular sugar, and due to its properties it is especially recommended for diabetics and people struggling with obesity. A big plus is the texture and taste of xylitol, which is no different from traditional white powder, you can only feel a delicate note of mint. The healthiest product is the one obtained from birch bark - nowadays we can buy corn-based product more and more often, therefore, to buy high quality xylitol, we have to take into account higher costs. 3. Erythritol and maltitol  This group of substances, led by xylitol, belongs to the category of sugar alcohols. Thanks to its property, the body does not digest them, but excretes them in an unchanged structure, which is associated, for example, with maintaining normal blood glucose levels. Erythritol is a slightly less sweet sugar substitute obtained in the yeast fermentation process. It is added today e.g. to ice cream or jams. On the other hand, maltitol has similar properties, but it is sweeter and obtained from maltose, which can be found in cereal grains. This is a recommended option for people on a gluten-free and slimming diet. 4. Agave syrup Agave is a plant that can be found mainly in South America. It looks like a cactus - it is a bunch of green leaves, the edges of which are ended with spines. The most common varieties are Agave tequiliana and Agave salmiana, also used for the production of alcohols. The most interesting part of the plant in the context of the traditional sugar substitute is its stem - in the original, natural process the juice is squeezed and cooked for a long time, while on an industrial scale it is more often subjected to enzymatic treatment. Compared to sugar, it contains almost ¼ less calories, can be used in a purely sweetening version, or with an added aftertaste. On store shelves you will find bottles with a more transparent color and natural taste, and brown in color, reminiscent of light maple syrup. Author: Julia Piwowarczyk, dietitian in the company A convenient diet.