Bezglutenowe płatki owsiane 400g - Bezglutenowe płatki owsiane 400g -

Gluten free oatmeal 400g

from 9,59 zł
Oatmeal flakes gluten-free 400g Oatmeal can be used in many ways. Flakes are most often used to prepare popular, traditional porridge very often eaten in the morning. They have a high fiber content and are a source of protein. Usage: can be mixed with milk, kefir, buttermilk, yogurt. They can be used to thicken sauces and stews. They are added to some types of bread, cakes, cookies, diet bars and muesli. Porridge recipe: Heat 200 ml of milk with honey in a saucepan (can be replaced with sugar or xylitol), then add 4-5 tablespoons of cereal and cook for a while. You can add e.g. a grated apple, a handful of dried fruit, cinnamon. The latest discovery: increased fiber intake reduces the risk of heart disease and cancer! Research at the University of Otago in New Zealand has shown a direct relationship between increased fiber intake and reduced risk of heart disease, diabetes and colorectal cancer. Systematic studies conducted for almost 40 years have shown that patients with a diet high in fiber compared to those who consumed the least, the risk of death and diseases associated with coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, type 2 diabetes and colorectal cancer decreased by as much as 15- thirty%. These studies will be used by the World Health Organization to issue new recommendations on fiber intake. 25 grams of fiber The study's author, Dr. Andrew Reynolds, believes the results point to the need to include more fiber in the diet. "Our study showed that we should consume at least 25 to 29 grams of fiber daily, but most of us consume less than 20 grams," explains Dr. Reynolds. Co-author of the study Professor Jim Mann confirms that the research results are groundbreaking. "This research is important because there is still some confusion in the public mind about how to choose our meals and how our choices affect the risk of certain diseases. We were all aware that fiber has a beneficial effect on our health, but now we have hard evidence. " Groundbreaking research The analysis included 58 clinical trials and 185 studies from around the world that deal with the effects of fiber, nutritious foods and the glycemic index. Professor Mann believes that this study is unique in that it analyzed a number of indicators and disease patterns. Previous studies have considered only one factor and a small number of diseases. Studies have shown that people who increased their dietary fiber had lower body weight and cholesterol levels. "It turned out that a high-fiber diet has a huge impact on the body's protection against heart disease, diabetes and cancer," explains Professor Mann. Nutritional value in 100 g of product ** Energy value 1380 kJ / 327 kcal Fat, including: - Saturated fatty acids - monounsaturated fatty acids - polyunsaturated fatty acids 4.9 g 0.8 g 2.1 g 1.8 g Carbohydrates, including: - sugar - starch 62 g 1.2 g 58 g Dietary fiber 8.5 g Protein 14 g (17% *) salt 0.01 g * Reference intake for an average adult (8,400 kJ / 2,000 kcal) Ingredients:  100% gluten-free oat flakes Manufactured in the factory where they are made up nuts, peanuts (peanuts), sesame and products containing Sulphur dioxide, eggs, milk, celery. Country of origin*:  Ireland Manufacturer: INTENSON EUROPE SP. Z O.O. Kissing 94 G 05- 480 Karczew Best before date and batch number on the package. Store in tightly closed original container. Available in packages:  400 g * depending on the batch (current country of origin on the packaging) ** depending on the batch (current nutritional value on the packaging)
Białko konopne 1000g Cannabi Nature -

Białko konopne 1000g Cannabi Nature

47,99 zł
BIAŁKO KONOPNE 1000G CANNABI NATURE Białko konopne zawiera aż 50% białka roślinnego. Jest białkiem pełnowartościowym tzn. posiada cały komplet 20 aminokwasów - zarówno endogennych, jak i egzogennych niezbędnych organizmowi do prawidłowego funkcjonowania. Stanowi doskonałą alternatywę dla białka pochodzenia zwierzęcego, dlatego jest szczególnie polecany weganom i wegetarianom. Ze względu na wysoką zawartość białka jest ceniony przez sportowców i osoby prowadzące aktywny tryb życia. Ponadto, białko konopne jest źródłem błonnika, który poprawia trawienie i usprawnia pracę całego układu trawiennego. Białko konopne pozyskuje się w procesie tłoczenia na zimno ziaren konopi siewnej, która uważana jest za jedną z najbardziej wartościowszych pod względem swoich właściwości roślin na świecie. Ponadto, białko konopne jest: · Dobrze przyswajalne, · Hipoalergiczne, · Lekkostrawne, · Bezglutenowe.   Białko konopne – dla kogo? Białko konopne jest doskonałym źródłem białka pochodzenia roślinnego. Szczególnie polecane jest: · Osobom aktywnym fizycznie – białko jest niezbędne do budowania masy mięśniowej. Białko konopne skutecznie wspomaga regenerację mięśni, a także dodaje energii, co przekłada się na większą efektywność treningów. · Weganom i wegetarianom – białko konopne zawiera komplet aminokwasów, dlatego uzupełni ewentualne niedobory wynikające z eliminacji mięsa w codziennej diecie. · Osobom odchudzającym się – białko dodaje energii, a zawarty w białku konopnym błonnik zwiększa uczucie sytości, dzięki czemu mamy mniejszy apetyt. Ponadto, reguluje pracę układu pokarmowego. · Osobom, które pracują lub uczą się – białko dodaje długotrwałej energii. Doskonale sprawdzi się, jako dodatek do smoothie i koktajli w zastępstwie kawy.   Białko konopne – jak stosować? Białko konopne ma delikatny orzechowy smak. Po dodaniu do potraw jest całkowicie neutralny i nie zmienia ich smaku. Białko konopne ma szerokie zastosowanie w kuchni. Możemy dodawać go do: · Koktajli, smoothie, · Muesli, owsianek, jogurtów, · Wypieków, omletów, · Sałatek, sosów oraz zup.   Wartość odżywcza na 100g produktu   Wartość energetyczna: 1495kJ/358kcal Tłuszcze: 11g Kwasy tłuszczowe nasycone: 1,7g Węglowodany: 5,2g -Cukry 4,1g Błonnik: 24g Białko: 50g Sól 0,3g   Producent:   Polskie Konopie SA   Stanisława Moniuszki 7   40-005 Katowice   Poland   Masa netto 1000g
Białko konopne 250g Cannabi Nature -

Hemp protein 250g Cannabi Nature

18,99 zł
Hemp protein 250g Cannabi Nature The hemp protein contains as much as 50% of the vegetable protein. It is a full-value protein, i.e. it has a whole set of 20 amino acids - both endogenous and exogenously necessary organism for proper functioning. It is an excellent alternative to animal protein, which is why it is especially recommended for vegans and vegetarians. Due to the high protein content is valued by athletes and people running an active lifestyle. In addition, the hemp protein is a source of fiber that improves digestion and improves the operation of the entire digestive system. The hemp protein is obtained in the cold pressing process of seed hemp, which is considered one of the most valuable plants in the world. In addition, the hemp protein is: · Well absorbing, · Hypoallergenic, · Lightweight, · Gluten-free. Cannabis protein - for whom? A hemp protein is a great source of plant protein. Particularly recommended: · Physically active persons - protein is necessary to build muscle mass. The shrimp protein effectively supports muscle regeneration, and also adds energy, which translates into greater efficiency of training. · Vegans and vegetarians - a hemp protein contains a set of amino acids, therefore completes any shortages resulting from the elimination of meat in a daily diet. · Slimming people - protein adds energy, and the fiber contained in hemp protein increases the feeling of satiety, thanks to which we have a smaller appetite. In addition, it regulates the gastrointestinal operation. · People who work or learn - protein adds long-term energy. It will work perfectly as an addition to smoothie and cocktails for a replacement of coffee. Cannabis protein - How to use? Hemp protein has a delicate nutty taste. After adding to the dishes it is completely neutral and does not change their taste. The hemp protein has a broad use in the kitchen. We can add it to: · Cocktails, smoothie, · Muesli, porridge, yoghurts, · Baked, omelettes, · Seats, sauces and soups. Nutritional value per 100g of product Energy value: 1495kJ / 358kcal Fats: 11g Saturated fatty acids: 1.7g Carbohydrates: 5.2g -Cukry 4,1g fiber: 24g Protein: 50g Salt 0.3 g   Producer:   Polskie Konopie SA   Stanisława Moniuszki 7   40-005 Katowice   Poland   Net weight 250g
Białko WPC czekoladowe 600g PREMIUM -

WPC chocolate protein 600g

99,99 zł
WPC protein is a protein nutrient based on the highest quality Serwat protein concentrate (WPC) with a high level of branched amino acids Bcaa, characterized by rapid absorption. The BCAA consists of 3 amino acids: leucithine, isoleucine and valinewhich significantly support the muscles during regeneration, they eliminate the so-called "Sours" and allow training continuity. The WPC protein will be completed with the necessary diet protein of everyone, and in particular those who have an increased demand for protein, striving to increase muscle mass, for popular athletes and those practicing recreational sport. The protein contributes to the growth and maintenance of muscle mass as well as healthy bones. Perfect for consumption at any time - The WPC protein can be consumed properly at any time and after training, between meals and at any time of the day when you want to provide your organism for a valuable portion of protein. You deliver up with one portion of WPC until 21 g of protein, INCLUDING 4.3 g BCAA. Excellent taste Very good absorption Natural aromas Low sodium content INGREDIENTS: 85% whey whey protein concentrate, 10% cocoa with reduced fat content, thickening substance - arabic rubber, natural aroma, emulsifier: sunflower lecithin, sweetener: sucralose.Productcontains:gluten.Maybecontain:soyandproductsDerivatives.
Białko WPC waniliowe 600g -

WPC vanilla protein 600g

99,99 zł
WPC protein is a protein nutrient based on the highest quality Serwat protein concentrate (WPC) with a high level of branched amino acids Bcaa, characterized by rapid absorption. The BCAA consists of 3 amino acids: leucithine, isoleucine and valinewhich significantly support the muscles during regeneration, they eliminate the so-called "Sours" and allow training continuity. The WPC protein will be completed with the necessary diet protein of everyone, and in particular those who have an increased demand for protein, striving to increase muscle mass, for popular athletes and those practicing recreational sport. The protein contributes to the growth and maintenance of muscle mass as well as healthy bones. Perfect for consumption at any time - The WPC protein can be consumed properly at any time and after training, between meals and at any time of the day when you want to provide your organism for a valuable portion of protein. You deliver up with one portion of WPC until 22 g of protein, INCLUDING 4.7 g BCAA. Excellent taste Very good absorption Natural aromas Low sodium content Ingredients: 92.8% whey protein concentrate from milk, thickening substance - arabic rubber, natural aroma, emulsifier: sunflower lecithin, sweetener: sucralose.Productcontains:gluten. Maybecontain:soyandproductsDerivatives.
Bio Ashwagandha - 200 tabletek - Bio Ashwagandha - 200 tabletek -

Organic Ashwagandha - 200 tablets

63,99 zł
Ecological Ashwagandha Bio in tablets, natural supplement - 200 tablets   Bio ashwagandha (ecological) in tablets- what is this product? Ashwagandha in tablets, it's Certified dietary supplement And the form of one of the most recognizable plants from the adaptogen group. Ashwagandha in the form of BIO is an excellent midfielder for the sake of your hormonal and mental health. This plant is responsible for the adaptation of the body to various environmental stressors, which facilitates the daily functioning of the body.   Ashwagandha brand Intensek is a mobile and ecological form of a dietary supplement with a preventive and calming effect on the body. Thanks to this preparation, you will definitely get a better sleep, more efficient regeneration, better well -being and performance of nerve tissue, which nowadays is practically constantly burdened. Bio Ashwagandha in the form of capsules is a milder character than the extract that causes a strong silencing effect. Ta Ashwagandha can be used on an ad hoc basis.   Ecological Bio Ashwagandha, tablets - Product composition The composition of BIO Ashwagandy is very natural, which makes this supplement extremely safe to use. It consists of only powdered Ashwagandy root and as an anti -caking substance - silicon dioxide. Ashwagandy root in a 500 milligram tablet is up to 495 mg!   What distinguishes our Bio Ashwagandha in capsules? Features, advantages The factor that distinguishes this adaptogen is undoubtedly its price. For 200 tablets of our preparation, only PLN 59.99 should be allocated. As for such an effective plant, it is a very affordable price that allows you to buy a supplement for the next 3 months.   Another advantage of our product is its clean composition, which does not contain additional substances. Bio Ashwagandha in tablets is a product free from GMO, gluten and lactose, which means that even people who suffer from intestinal problems should not have trouble with the tolerance of our Ashwagandha.   Ashwagandha Bio in the form of capsules - properties how it works, what does it help? Ecological Ashwagandha is a plant from the adaptogen group that has many properties supporting the work of the human body. As a strong adaptogen, Ashwagandha has the following properties: facilitates regeneration, allows you to fall asleep faster and get a qualitative sleep without waking up, improves muscle strength, facilitates hormonal regulation, reduces stress tenses, regulates the level of cortisol, supports the body's immunity, improves nervous conductivity, contributes to the improvement of cognitive abilities, It has a positive effect on some physiological parameters of the body (e.g. blood pressure, cholesterol, etc.).   Ashwagandha Bio is definitely a plant with many properties. This makes it one of the best companions on the way for better health and well -being.   Ashwagandha bio in tablets - who do we recommend this supplement? Indian ginseng is an excellent support for the body's immunity, well-being and daily prevention. Equally important, Ashwagandha has a positive effect on better sleep and its quality, which translates into the work of many systems of our body. For this reason, we recommend this supplement to most consumer groups who want to support their health and prevention. However, one should remember a few important contraindications referred to in the next paragraph.   What are the contraindications to the use of BIO Ashwagandy in capsules? Despite the fact that the ecological form of Ashwagandy is a strongly tested substance and having unique supporting properties, you need to keep in mind certain groups of people who must not be used by Ashwagandy. They are: Pregnant and nursing women, People using drugs with sedative, sleeping pills and anti -epileptic effects, Small children.   If you have doubts and you don't know if you can supplement Bio Ashwagandha, consult your attending physician.   How to use Ashwagandha Bio in tablets? Dosage, daily consumption In order to obtain the greatest health benefits, follow the supplementation recommendations of our product placed on the label. The correct BIO Ashwagandhy supplementation and dosage is as follows. Indian ginseng should be supplemented with 1-2 tablets twice a day. Do not exceed the recommended portion for consumption during the day.   Ecological Ashwagandha Bio in tablets - storage Dietary supplements should be stored in an inaccessible way for young children. The product should be stored in the original packaging, at room temperature in a dry place.   The effects of using Ashwagandy Bio. When can you expect effects? Ashwagandha supplementation usually takes place in an ad hoc or chronic way. It all depends on the purpose and purpose that this type of supplement is to bring with it. With regular use of BIO Ashwagandy, it is worth waiting for the effects about 1 week. The longer Ashwagandha is used, the more satisfactory.   Tablets with ecological bio ashwagandha - certificates Like other products available in our online store, Bio Ashwagandha has the necessary quality certificates and the correct production process GMP, GHP and HACCP. Bio Ashwagandha also has certificates confirming its ecological origin.   What else is worth buying except the ecological Bio Ashwagandy from the Intenson store? Support for daily prevention, improvement of sleep quality and tension regulation are very important elements of a properly conducted lifestyle. To take care of this aspect even more effectively, it is worth reaching for bio chlorella, Sea collagen with hyaluronic acid and vitamin C, and Tablets with Ashwagandy Anti-Stress extract with magnesium.   See the article on our blog about Ashwagandy - its actions and properties Due to the increasing popularity of adaptogenic supplements, it is worth taking a little deeper look at Ashwagandhy properties and action, which is called the "queen of adaptogens". Getting to know its action will help in a better understanding of the importance of natural medicine.   Additional information about bio ashwaganda in tablets Dietary supplements cannot be used as a substitute for a varied diet. To maintain the correct state, the most important is a balanced and diverse diet and an active lifestyle. Available in packaging: 200 tablets Best before: The party number / shelf life / country of origin is on the packaging. Manufacturer's data: Manufacturer: Intenson S.A. Kissing 94 g 05 - 480 Karczew     Bibliography Singh N, Bhalla M, De Jager P, Gilca M. An overview on Ashwagandha: A rasayana (rejuvenator) of ayurveda. AFR J Tradit Complement Altern Med. 2011; 8 (5 Suppl): 208-13. doi: 10.4314/ajtcam.v8i5s.9. EPUB 2011 JUL 3. PMID: 22754076; PMCID: PMC3252722.     FAQ: 1. Can Bio Ashwagandha be used during pregnancy? The use of this product is a contraindication in the case of pregnancy, the feeding period and in the case of the use of specific types of drugs, e.g. sleeping pills, sedatives.   2. Can Ashwagandha Bio in the form of tablets be combined with other supplements? Mostly Ashwagandha should be supplemented separately. Adaptogens should not be combined with each other or other active ingredients available in dietary supplements. Between the use of Ashwagandha and another preparation, it is worth keeping a distance of several hours.   3. Can Bio Ashwagandha be used during the day? The answer is - it depends. Due to the sleeping and silencing action of Ashwagandha, it should be supplemented in the evening before going to bed, however, there are cases in which Ashwagandha can be considered during the day, e.g., hyperactivity. However, it is worth consulting such an idea with a specialist.   4. What is the shelf life of Ashwagandy Bio in tablets? The shelf life of the supplement is placed on the product label. It is usually a period of several months or more (depending on the type of product).   5. Can Bio Ashwagandha be combined with drugs? Definitely not. Unfortunately, no one is able to predict the exact reactions between the active ingredients of the plant supplement and the active ingredients contained in specialized drugs prescribed by the doctor.  
Bio Ashwagandha proszek 90g -

Bio Ashwagandha proszek 90g

16,99 zł
Bio ashwagandha proszek   Bio ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) to roślina o właściwościach adaptogennych, która wspiera utrzymywanie dobrego samopoczucia i równowagi emocjonalnej, pomaga redukować stres. Może wpływać na obniżenie poziomu kortyzolu i niepokoju, jak również na funkcjonowanie organizmu w stanach obniżonej koncentracji, zmęczenia i napięcia nerwowego.   Składniki: 100% Bio suszony korzeń ashwagandhy w proszku.   Sposób użycia: 1 łyżeczkę (3g) wymieszać w 150-200 ml wody, soku lub jogurtu. Spożywać raz dziennie. Można stosować również jako dodatek do sałatek, koktajli i deserów. Opakowanie zawiera 30 porcji produktu.   Informacje dodatkowe: nieprzeznaczony dla niemowląt, małych dzieci, kobiet w ciąży i w trakcie laktacji.   Najlepiej spożyć przed: numer partii, data przydatności i kraj pochodzenia znajdują sią na opakowaniu.   Przechowywanie: przechowywać w suchym, chłodnym i ciemnym miejscu, w szczelnie zamkniętym opakowaniu, w sposób niedostępny dla małych dzieci.   Wartość odżywcza na 100 g %RWS Wartość energetyczna: 1482kJ / 380kcal Tłuszcz, w tym: 0,5g -kwasy tłuszczowe nasycone: 0,3g Węglowodany, w tym: 82g 32% -cukry: 13g 14% Błonnik: 36g 144% Białko: 5,5g 11% Sól: 0,1g   *Referencyjna wartość spożycia dla przeciętnej osoby dorosłej (8400kJ / 2000 kcal).   Producent:   Intenson S.A.   Całowanie 94G   05-480 Karczew   Masa netto 90g  
Bio Białko konopne 1000g Cannabi Nature -

BIO Hemp protein 1000g Cannabi Nature

59,99 zł
BIO CANNABI NATURE protein Ingredients:BIO Clough Protein powder Suggested way of use:Add 20-30g to juice or smoothie. Store in a tightly closed package, in a cool, dark and dry place. Nutritional value for 100g of product Energy value: 1495kj / 358kcal Fats: 11g Saturated fatty acids: 1,7g Carbohydrates: 5.2g - 4,1g Fiber: 24g Protein: 50g Salt 0,3g Producer: Polskie Konopie SA Stanisława Moniuszki 7 40-005 Katowice Poland Net weight 1000g
Bio chlorella 100 % 200 tabletek -

Bio chlorella 200 tablets 500 mg

49,99 zł
Bio ecological chlorella 200 tablets, natural supplement - 500mg   Bio Chlorella from the Intenson store - what is this product?   Chlorella from the Intenson online store is an effective formula belonging to natural dietary supplements And the Japanese alge, which is a health -promoting alge, which is ecological chlorella. This supplement was created for people overworked, affected by toxins and many metabolites formed as a result of drugs, as well as for stressed people and those who would like to improve the appearance of the skin and strengthen the body's immunity.     Due to the universality of ecological Chlorella in tablets, it can be used by virtually every group of people interested in a healthy lifestyle.     Ecological chlorella in tablets - Product composition The product consists of only natural ingredients. The main and practically the only component of our supplement is bio chlorella powdered. It is accompanied by an anti -circuitous substance - silicon dioxide.     What distinguishes ecological chlorella in tablets? Features, advantages   Features that distinguish bio chlorella from the competition are Clean and natural composition of the supplement, as well as the lack of unnecessary additives in the form of GMOs, gluten or lactose, which means that most consumer groups can easily use goodness offered by ecological chlorella. Another benefit that distinguishes our product is its price. For a bio chlorella treatment in the form of 200 tablets, You only need PLN 55.99.   Ecological chlorella in the form of tablets - properties how it works, what does it help?   Bio Chlorella is an ingredient that naturally occurs under the surface of the water, most often in Japan. It is characterized by strong detoxifying properties of the body.   Chlorella contains many valuable ingredients for health, such as vitamins and minerals, which makes it also a nutritional source for the body.   Ecological Chlorella has the following properties: helps in detoxifying the body, supports the liver and pancreas, is a natural source of iron for vegans and vegetarians, supports the body's immunity, relieves intestinal motility disorders, Supports the work of the circulatory and nervous systems.   Due to the valuable properties also supporting the body's efficiency, Bio Chlorella can also be used by athletes on plant diets.   Bio chlorella intenson - nutritional value   Content in the recommended daily portion of the product:   3 tablets (1500mg) RWS 6 tablets (3000mg) RWS vitamin B12 4.5µg 180%* 9.0µg 360%* Beta carotene 2.82 mg ** 5.64 mg ** Chlorella 1485 mg ** 2970 mg *   *Reference value for consumption for the average adult (8400kJ/200kcal) ** no settling standards   BIO Chlorella certified - who do we recommend this supplement?   Ecological Chlorella, available in our online store, is a product with a natural and hypoallergenic composition. This means that it can be successfully used in most consumer groups. We suggest the ecological supplementation of chlorella in the form of tablets active women and men who are on plant diets and every group of people who want to take care of their health and prevention from the natural side.   What are the contraindications to the use of bio chlorella in tablets?   Our natural product It cannot be used in children, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers, or in the case of hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients.   How to use ecological chlorella in tablets? Dosage, daily consumption of H2   In order to obtain as many positive effects as possible, we suggest the following dosing method of bio chlorelli. You must consume 3 tablets twice a day. The time of supplementation does not matter in this case. Do not exceed the recommended portion for consumption during the day.   BIO Chlorella with a quality certificate - storage   Ecological chlorella, available in the Intenson online store, should be Store in an inaccessible way for young children, in the original packaging, at room temperature, protecting it from light and moisture.   The effects of using ecological chlorella in tablets from our store. When can you expect effects? Bio chlorella supplementation requires regularity in use. First, the body is saturated with the ingredients contained in our supplement. The first effects of using Chlorella will be noticeable after a period of 3 weeks.   Bio chlorella in tablets - certificates   The ecological version of Chlorelli from the Intenson store is a high -quality product, with numerous certificates, confirming the correct manufacturing process while maintaining proper hygiene and European standards. We have GMP, GHP and HACCP certificates for this supplement.   What else is worth buying except ecological chlorella in tablets?   The Intenson brand offer is constantly expanding. In connection with the health -promoting bio chlorella action, we suggest completing your shelf with dietary supplements about BIO spirulina powder and collagen with vitamin C for drinking, which perfectly complement the ingredients, the necessary behavior of skin health and its appendages, and also allow effective immunity and prevention.   Additional information about Chlorelli with a quality certificate, in the form of tablets, from our store   Available in packaging: 200 tablets Dietary supplements cannot be used as a substitute for a varied diet. To maintain the correct state, the most important is a balanced and diverse diet and an active lifestyle. Net mass: 100g 1 tablet 500mg Best before: The party number / shelf life / country of origin is on the packaging. Manufacturer's data: Manufacturer: Intenson S.A. Kissing 94 g 05 - 480 Karczew   Bibliography Panahi y, Darvishi B, Jowzi n, Beiraghdar f, Sahebkar A. Chlorella vulgaris: a multifunctional dietary supplement with diverse medical properties. Curr Pharm des. 2016; 22 (2): 164-73.     FAQ:   1. Can ecological chlorella in tablets be used to support colds? Of course. Bio Chlorella is a supplement that provides the necessary ingredients for the body, which it uses to improve the immune system and more efficient removal of pathogens from the body.   2. Can ecological chlorella be combined with its other supplements? Yes, it can be combined with other preparations. It is a natural ingredient, often treated as an element of a daily diet, the main ingredients of bio chlorelli are vitamins and minerals that man needs every day. However, if there are doubts in the use of this supplement, we encourage you to contact a specialist.   3. Can bio chlorella in the form of tablets be used during anemia? You can. Bio Chlorella is a product that, in its mineral composition, contains a vegetable form of iron that can be supportive in such cases. However, it will not replace dedicated treatment.   4. What is the shelf life of Chlorella with a certificate? The shelf life of the supplement for consumption is always on the label of the purchased product. In the vast majority of cases it is a few months, even over half a year.   5. Can ecological chlorella in tablets be combined with drugs? The combination of chlorelle in this form with drugs prescribed by a doctor is a contraindication. There is a risk of cross reactions that can adversely affect the body of the body and lead to many violent symptoms.
Bio chlorella 100g PREMIUM - Bio chlorella 100g PREMIUM -

Bio chlorella 100g PREMIUM

39,99 zł
Bio chlorella   Bio chlorella to słodkowodna alga, w której zamknięta jest niezwykła energia biologiczna. Charakteryzuje się wyjątkowymi właściwościami odżywczymi, będąc bogatym źródłem białka. Dodatkowo, dzięki wysokiej zawartości błonnika usprawnia pracę układu trawiennego. Jest produktem ekologicznym, pochodzącym z gospodarstwa ekologicznego, w których nie używa się środków chemicznych.   Składniki: 100% Bio chlorella proszek.   Sposób użycia: spożywać popijając dużą ilością wody. Nie należy spożywać więcej niż 3 łyżeczki dziennie.   Najlepiej spożyć przed: numer partii, data przydatności i kraj pochodzenia znajdują się na wieczku.   Przechowywanie: przechowywać w szczelnie zamkniętym opakowaniu w suchym, chłodnym i ciemnym miejscu.   Wartość odżywcza na 100g %RWS* Wartość energetyczna: 1370kJ / 326 kcal Tłuszcz, w tym: 12,4 g 17% -kwasy tłuszczowe nasycone: 0,95 g Węglowodany, w tym: 17,3 g -cukry: 0 g Błonnik: 12 g 48% Białko: 60 g 120% Sól: 2,0 g 33%   *Referencyjna Wartość Spożycia dla przeciętnej osoby dorosłej (8400kJ/ 2000kcal)   Producent   INTENSON S.A   Całowanie 94G   05-480 Karczew   Polska   Masa netto 100g
Bio cukier kokosowy 200g -

Organic Coconut Sugar 200g

11,99 zł
BIO coconut sugar 200g BIO coconut sugar has a slightly sweet taste, similar to the sweetness of brown sugar, with a subtle caramel aftertaste. Coconut sugar consists of ¾ of sucrose and the rest are glucose and fructose. The glycemic index of coconut sugar is relatively low and is 35, so it does not cause jumps in sugar levels and blood insulin levels. In addition, it has a high iron content. Usage: Use as brown sugar, as a sugar replacement for sweetening coffee, tea, and other hot and cold drinks, cocktails, desserts, baking and cooking, as well as decorative topping for dishes. Nutritional value in 100 g of product Energy value 1619 kJ / 387 kcal Fat, including: - Saturated fatty acids 0.2 g 0.1 g carbohydrates: - including sugars 96 g 90 g roughage 1 g Protein 0.6g salt 0.27g Iron 72 mg (514% *) * Reference intake for an average adult (8400 kJ / 2000 kcal) / Ingredients: 100% BIO coconut sugar Producer: Intenson Europe Sp. z o. o. Całowanie 94 G 05 - 480 Karczew Poland Best before: Lot number / Expiry date / Country of origin can be found on the packaging. Store in the original, tightly closed container in a cool, dark and dry place.
BIO olej kokosowy VIRGIN 200ml -

BIO olej kokosowy VIRGIN 200ml

12,99 zł
BIO OLEJ KOKOSOWY VIRGIN Na zimno tłoczony (Nierafinowany)  Ekologiczny olej kokosowy nierafinowany ma przyjemny kokosowy zapach. Olej kokosowy występuje w postaci stałej do temperatury ok 25°C, a w postaci płynnej powyżej tej temperatury. Stan skupienia nie wpływa na smak i jakość produktu. Nasz olej pochodzi z plantacji gdzie zbiory są prowadzone w sposób tradycyjny. Tłoczony bezpośrednio po zbiorach w sterylnych i nowoczesnych zakładach na Filipinach lub Sri Lance. Certyfikowanych systemem BRC oraz IFS. Stale monitorujemy parametry oleju, aby uniknąć zafałszowania i wyeliminować złą jakość. Rozlewany z najwyższą starannością w naszym zakładzie przy zachowaniu procedur jakości IFS Korzystamy z lokalnych dostawców.   Składniki: 100 % BIO olej kokosowy virgin Sposób użycia: do pieczenia i gotowania. Idealny zamiennik tłuszczów zwierzęcych takich jak masło. Olej kokosowy – dlaczego najlepszy jest bio? „Virgin” to słowo, które w kontekście olei wzbudza pozytywne konotacje, jednak wybór tego bio będzie dużo bardziej wartościowszy dla naszego zdrowia. A różnica wcale nie tkwi w detalach! Przeczytaj, dlaczego olej bio jest lepszy od virgin bez tego przedrostka. Smak, ale przede wszystkim jakość! Jedną z największych różnic między olejem bio a zwykłym virgin jest źródło jego tłoczenia. Olej bio jest bezpośrednio wyciśnięty z całkowicie świeżego kokosa. Taki kokos jest najzdrowszy, ponieważ zawiera wiele witamin i mikroelementów. Warto pamiętać, że im świeższy kokos tym silniejsze są jego właściwości. Duża część olejów virgin (nie bio) jest wyciskana z wiórek, co nie tylko zmienia smak (olej jest „mdły”, przypomina smak mydlin, a nie kokosa), ale przede wszystkim znacząco wpływa na jego jakość. Olej bez certyfikacji bio najczęściej pochodzi ze starych kokosów, które są suszone i konserwowane, aby mogły dojechać do Europy. W rezultacie otrzymywany jest utleniony olej, który zawiera konserwanty oraz zanieczyszczenia nagromadzone podczas transportu. Pochodzenie ma znaczenie! Nie tylko fakt, z jakiej części kokosa otrzymywany jest nasz olej ma znaczenie. Warto przyjrzeć się krajowi pochodzenia na etykiecie naszego oleju, aby być świadomym i nie przyczyniać się np. do wycinki lasów tropikalnych. Najlepszym wyborem będzie kraj, w którym kokosy są integralną częścią środowiska ze zrównoważonych plantacji tj. te na Filipinach, które cieszą się najwyższą jakością. Oczywiście te z certyfikatem bio oraz innymi, które są gwarantem jakości np. fabryki z certyfikatem IFS. Ważna też jest metoda suszenia kokosów. Te tradycyjne są w tej kwestii najlepsze, dlatego ze kokosy suszone na słońcu w porównaniu z tymi suszonymi na ogniu są całkowicie bezpieczne i nie zawierają zanieczyszczeń związanych ze substancjami smolistymi np. WWA. Przy następnym zakupie oleju kokosowego warto mieć na uwadze powyższe informacje i pamiętajmy, że to często detale decydują o tym, czy nasz wybór będzie zdrowy i wartościowy dla naszego organizmu. Wartość odżywcza w 100 g produktu Wartość energetyczna 3704 kJ / 885 kcal Tłuszcz, w tym: - kwasy tłuszczowe nasycone 100 g 94 g Węglowodany - w tym cukry 0 g 0 g Białko 0 g Sól 0 g   Numer partii produkcyjnej: / Najlepiej spożyć przed: / Kraj pochodzenia: Przechowywać w temperaturze pokojowej, suchym i ciemnym miejscu, w szczelnie zamkniętym opakowaniu. Po otwarciu przechowywać w lodówce i zużyć w ciągu 3 miesięcy. Objetość netto 200 ml  Producent:    INTENSON S.A. Całowanie 94g 05-480 Karczew                   
BIO olej kokosowy VIRGIN 500ml - BIO olej kokosowy VIRGIN 500ml -

BIO Coconut Oil Virgin 500ml

24,99 zł
Bio Coconut oil Virgin Cold pressed (unrefined) Ecological coconut oilyard unrefined He has a pleasant coconut smell. Coconut oil occurs in a solid form to a temperature of about 25 ° C, and in a liquid form above this temperature. Focus status does not affect the taste and quality of the product. Our oil comes from a plantation where collections are carried out in a traditional way. Embedded directly after harvesting in sterile and modern plants in the Philippines or Sri Lanka. Certified BRC and IFS. We constantly monitor oil parameters to avoid hearing and eliminate bad quality. Spilled with the utmost care in our factory while maintaining IFS quality procedures We use local suppliers. Ingredients: 100% BIO Coconut Oil Virgin How to use: For baking and cooking. The ideal replacement of animal fats such as butter. Coconut oil - Why is Bio best? "Virgin" is a word that in the context of the oil arouses positive connotations, but the choice of this bio will be much more valuable for our health. And the difference does not look at the details at all! Read why Bio oil is better than Virgin without this prefix. Taste, but above all quality! One of the largest differences between BIO and the ordinary Virgin oil is the source of its pressing. Bio oil is directly squeezed from a completely fresh coconut. Such a coconut is the healthiest because it contains many vitamins and microelements. It is worth remembering that the fresh coconuts are stronger for its properties. A large part of Virgin oils (not BIO) is squeezed from the shirts, which not only changes the taste (the oil is "mdła", reminds the taste of soap, and not a coconut), but above all significantly affects its quality. Oil without BIO certification usually comes from old coconuts that are dried and preserved so that they can reach Europe. As a result, an oxidized oil is obtained, which contains preservatives and contamination accumulated during transport. The origin has meaning! Not only the fact from which part of the coconut is obtained, our oil is important. It is worth taking a look at the country of origin on the label of our oil to be aware and not contribute to, for example, to the cutting of tropical forests. The best choice will be a country where coconuts are an integral part of the environment from sustainable plantations, i.e. those in the Philippines that enjoy the highest quality. Of course, those with BIO and other certificate, which are a guarantor of quality, eg factory with IFS certificate. The method of drying coconuts is also important. These traditional ones are the best, because dried coconuts in the sun in comparison with those dried on fire are completely safe and do not contain impurities associated with tar substances, eg WWA. At the next purchase of coconut oil, it is worth borne in mind the above information and remember that this is often the details decide whether our choice will be healthy and valuable for our organism. Nutritional value in 100 g of product Energy value 3704 KJ / 885 kcal Fat, including: - Saturated fatty acids 100 g 94 g Carbohydrates - including sugars 0 g 0 g Protein 0 g Salt 0 g Production part number: / Best consisting of: / Country of origin: Store at room temperature, dry and dark place, in a tightly closed packaging. After opening, store in a refrigerator and use within 3 months. Net contact 900 ml Producer: Intenson Europe Sp. z o.o. Całowanie 94g 05-480 Karczew
BIO olej kokosowy VIRGIN 900ml - BIO olej kokosowy VIRGIN 900ml -

Organic VIRGIN coconut oil 900 ml

from 34,99 zł
BIO COCONUT OIL VIRGIN 900 ml Cold pressed (unrefined) Ecological unrefined coconut oil has a pleasant coconut aroma. Coconut oil is solid up to approximately 25°C and liquid above this temperature. Its state of matter does not affect the taste or quality of the product. ·        Our oil originates from traditionally harvested plantations. ·        It is pressed directly after harvest at sterile and modern, BRC- and IFS-certified plants in the Philippines or Sri Lanka. ·        Oil parameters are constantly monitored in order to avoid non-authenticity and exclude poor quality. ·        The oil is bottled with utmost care at our plant, following IFS quality procedures. ·        We use the local supplier services.   Ingredients: 100% BIO virgin coconut oil Use: for baking and cooking. Perfect substitute for animal fats, such as butter. Coconut oil – why organic is best The word “virgin” connotates positively with oils, but an organic product will be much more beneficial to our health. And the difference is not in the small details at all! Read why organic oil is better than virgin oil without this label. Taste, but most importantly, quality! One of the biggest differences between organic and normal virgin oil lies in the pressing process. Organic oil is pressed directly from a fresh coconut. This is the healthiest coconut, as it contains many vitamins and micronutrients. It is worth remembering that the fresher the coconut, the strongest its properties. A large portion of virgin (non-organic) oils is pressed from shreds, which not only changes the taste (the oil is “bland”, tastes like soapsuds instead of a coconut), but more importantly, significantly affects quality. Non-certified oil is usually made from old coconuts which are dried and preserved, so they can be transported to Europe. This results in oxidized which contains preservatives and contaminants accumulated during transport. Origin matters! Not only the part of the coconut the oil is made from is important. It is a good idea to check the country of origin on the oil label in order to be a conscious consumer and not contribute to tropical forest clearing, among other things. The best choice would be a country where coconuts constitute an integral part of the natural environment and are grown on sustainable plantations, such as those in the Philippines, which offer the highest quality. Of course, only those with organic and other certificates which guarantee quality, e.g. IFS-certified production plants. The coconut drying method is important as well. The traditional ones are the most beneficial, as compared to fire-dried coconuts, sun-dried ones are completely safe and contain no tarry substance contaminants e.g. PAHs. Consider this information the next time you buy coconut oil and remember that the details are often key to making choices that are healthy and beneficial for our bodies. Nutritional value per 100 g of product Energy value 3704 kJ / 885 kcal Fat, of which: - saturates 100 g 94 g Carbohydrates - of which sugars 0 g 0 g Protein 0 g Salt 0 g Store at room temperature in a dry and dark place, in a tightly closed container. After opening, store refrigerated and use within 3 months. Net volume 900 mL Manufacturer: INTENSON S.A. Całowanie 94g 05-480 Karczew
Bio spirulina 100% 200 tabletek -

Bio spirulina tablets 100g

38,99 zł
BIO SPIRULINA TABLETS-100g  200 pieces (DIETARY SUPPLEMENT) (Spirulina Platensis) Bio Spirulina is obtained from marine algae, containing precious chlorophyll, which is commonly known as the elixir of youth. The ingredients contained in the spirulines guarantee the support of the immune system and maintain the proper level of glucose in the blood. Spirulina adds energy and vital forces, helping to reduce the feeling of fatigue. The dietary supplement containing spirulina supports the body against oxidative stress. Spirulina also supports weight control. ALGI-Chlorella and Spirulina  Chlorella and spirulina is an algae with many prohealth properties. Chlorella contains beta carotene, i.e. provitamin A and B vitamins (B1, B2 and B12) which inhibit free radicals and support the functioning of the immune system, thus keeping the body in good shape. In addition, chlorella binds heavy metals and toxins to remove them from the body at the same time ensuring the proper functioning of the liver. Spirulina has precious chlorophyll, which is commonly known as the "elixir of youth". The ingredients contained in the spirulines guarantee the support of the immune system and maintain the proper level of glucose in the blood.  It adds energy and vigor to help reduce the feeling of fatigue. How to use: 2 times a day after 3 tablets. Do not exceed the recommended portion for consumption during the day. Ingredients: 99% bio spirulina powder, 1% anti-caking agent: silicon dioxide. Additional information: Dietary supplements may not be used as a substitute (replacement) of a varied diet. In order to maintain proper health, a varied diet should be used and a healthy lifestyle should be conducted. Do not use in children, pregnant women and nursing mothers, or in case of hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients.   Storage: The dietary supplement should be stored in a way not available for young children, in the original packaging, at room temperature, protecting from light and moisture.    Contents of the recommended daily portion of the product:   3 tablets (1500mg) RWS 6 tablets (3000mg) RWS vitamin A 1800 µ g 225%* 3600 µ g 450%* vitamin B12 0.78 µ g 31%* 1.6 µ g 62%* Spirulina 1485 mg ** 2970 mg ** Chlorophyll 15,5 mg ** 31 mg ** Arginine 39 mg ** 78mg ** Glutamic acid 67.5 mg ** 135mg ** Isoleucine 60 mg ** 120 mg ** Methionine 69,75 mg ** 139.5mg ** Threonine 55,65 mg ** 111,3mg ** Alanine 40,5 mg ** 81mg ** Glycine 34.5 mg ** 69mg ** Leucine 61.5 mg ** 123mg ** Phenylalanine 77,1 ** 154.2mg ** Tyrosine 84,6 *** 169,2mg ** Aspartic acid 61,5 ** 123mg ** Histidine 72 ** 144mg ** Lysine 32,4 ** 64,8mg ** Serine 49,05 ** 98.1mg ** Valine 54,75 ** 109.5mg **   *Reference Dietary Intake for an average adult person (8400kJ/200kcal) ** No of the recommended daily intake standards   Manufacturer/Producer: Intenson Europe Sp. z o. o. Kissing 94G 05-480 Karczew Poland/Poland It is best to eat before: Lot number/Date of use for consumption/Country of origin are on the evening 100g 1 tablet 200off Tablet