Kolagen Sport z Witaminą C to suplement diety, który łączy zhydrolizowany kolagen i witaminę C. Został stworzony specjalnie dla sportowców i osób aktywnych fizycznie, aby wspierać zdrowie stawów, mięśni oraz przyspieszać proces regeneracji po wysiłku.

90 tabletek w opakowaniu

Wystarcza na 45 dni suplementacji

Zhydrolizowany kolagen rybi

Wzmacnia i odbudowuje stawy

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Collagen for athletes in tablets with vitamin C - 500 mg
Collagen with vitamin C tablets - what is this product?
Collagen is a structural component of our body. It is necessary to maintain the proper functioning of tissues, regenerate them and to maintain the human body in health.
Collagen supplements They contribute to the effective complement of its deficiencies, due to the fact that it is better absorbed than from food. In addition, our product is devoid of fillers, artificial colors and additional substances. It is a completely natural collagen for athletes in tablets, which will also work for amateur training people.
Collagen with vitamin C in tablets - Product composition
OurCertified dietary supplement In the form of collagen for athletes in tablets is a guarantee of product purity. This supplement contains only hydrolyzed collagen, or 100% hydrolyzate of collagen protein and vitamin C.
What distinguishes our collagen for ponds for athletes in capsules? Features, advantages
Collagen for athletes in tablets does not contain ingredients such as gluten and lactose, it is also completely free from GMOs, which means that it is safe to use, also among people with food allergies.
What's more, the price of collagen for athletes is matched so that everyone can afford more effective prevention and treatment of injuries, as well as daily health improvement. The price of collagen for athletes is only PLN 38.99!
Collagen for ponds for athletes - properties how it works, what does it help?
Collagen is an essential protein to maintain the structure of the body and immunize the joints to mechanical factors. To emphasize the importance of the ingredients contained in Kolagen for ponds for athletes, it is worth discussing the operation of individual components of our supplement.
Collagen helps in:
- maintaining proper bone mineralization,
- soothes inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract,
- supports muscle work,
- It immunizes the joints for overloads,
- accelerates regeneration after injuries and after strenuous training sessions,
- It improves the body's immunity.
Vitamin C
This vitamin can not only be a support for immunity in active people, but also improve some health parameters. Vitamin C helps with:
- collagen synthesis in the ponds,
- reduction of excessive inflammation in the area of injury,
- accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissue,
- reduces the risk of infection,
- improves skin condition,
- regulates the work of carbohydrate economy.
The ingredients contained in the collagen for athletes in tablets, help not only people who undertake physical activity professionally. They can also be great for amateur training or elderly people, in whom collagen production and vitamin C concentration is definitely smaller.
Collagen for ponds for athletes, tablets - who do we recommend this supplement?
Our supplement with collagen for ponds for athletes, we dedicate to physically active people at different levels of advancement. A group of people who get health benefits from supplementation with our product are also elderly, physically active women and men undertaking physical work.
On collagen supplementation for athletes in tablets, people who want to protect the proper operation of the movement will also benefit, because everyone can be exposed to spontaneous overloads and injuries.
What are the contraindications for the use of collagen with vitamin C in capsules?
People who should not use collagen with vitamin C in tablets are Pregnant and feeding women, as well as people allergic to any component of our supplement.
How to use collagen collagen with vitamin C in tablets? Dosage, daily consumption
Collagen supplementation for athletes in tablets should take place as follows. 2 times a day, you should take one tablet during a meal, drinking a lot of water.
Collagen with vitamin C, tablets - storage
The product should be stored in a tightly closed packaging, at room temperature and in a place that is not available to sunlight.
The product should be protected from children.
The effects of the use of collagen for athletes in capsules from our store. When can you expect effects?
The first effects of supplementation our collagen may appear already After 2-3 weeks of regular use. Much depends on the dose used and the duration of supplementation, as well as the purpose for which our product is used. For a significant improvement in well -being and faster recovery in case of injury, you will have to wait about a month, one and a half.
Collagen in tablets with vitamin C - certificates
Collagen for athletes in tablets, like other products available in the online store Intenson.pl, has quality certificates and the correct production process GMP, GHP and HACCP.
What else is worth buying except collagen for athletes in capsules?
In addition to collagen for ponds for athletes, it is worth completing your supplementation shelf about Magnesium with Ashwagandha, which in the mentioned complex will greatly affect regeneration during the night and minimize excess stress.
See articles on our blog on collagen and its actions and properties
You can find out more about the properties and operation of collagen in articles about Natural collagen properties and in the entry Fr. collagen.
Additional information about the collagen for athletes, with vitamin C in tablets, from our store
Available in packaging: 90 tablets
Dietary supplements cannot be used as a substitute for a varied diet. To maintain the correct state, the most important is a balanced and diverse diet and an active lifestyle.
Best before:
The party number / shelf life / country of origin is on the packaging.
Manufacturer's data:
Manufacturer: Intenson S.A.
Kissing 94 g
05 - 480 Karczew
Bibliography H2
- León-López a, Morales-Pedaloza A, Martínez-Jaárez VM, Vargas-Torres, Zeugolis di, Aguirre-álvarez G. Hydrolyzed Collagen-Sources and Applications. Molecules. 2019 NOV 7; 24 (22): 4031. DOI: 10.3390/Molecules24224031. PMID: 31703345; PMCID: PMC6891674.
1. Can collagen with vitamin C in tablets be used during pregnancy?
Possible use of collagen in this form, during pregnancy, is a contraindication.
2. Can collagen for athletes in tablets be combined with its other forms?
Yes, by all means. Collagen as a protein necessary for the body can be combined with another supplement containing this ingredient, but you should remember about the daily limit for this type of protein.
3. Can collagen with vitamin C be used during an injury?
Yes, collagen has properties that support the regeneration of damaged structures during exercise or other activities. What's more, this type of supplement is dedicated to such inflammation. In this case, it is worth discussing the dosage with a specialist.
4. What is the date of collagen for ponds for athletes?
The shelf life of the supplement for consumption is always on the label of the purchased product. In the vast majority of cases it is a few months, even over half a year.
5. Can collagen with vitamin C in tablets be combined with drugs?
The combination of collagen in this form with drugs prescribed by a doctor is a contraindication. There is a risk of cross reactions that can adversely affect the body of the body and lead to many violent symptoms.
Składnik aktywny: | Zhydrolizowany kolagen rybi, witamina C |
Postać: | Tabletki |
Producent: | Intenson |
Ilość tabletek w opakowaniu: | 90 |
Długość kuracji: | 45 dni |
Waga tabletki: | 500mg |
Przeznaczenie: | Poprawa stanu kości i stawów, Poprawia regenerację mięśni, Wspiera pracę mięśni, Poprawia odporność organizmu, Wsparcie regeneracji stawów i mięśni, Zwiększenie elastyczności i wytrzymałości, Ochrona przed stresem oksydacyjnym |
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