Łączenie kolagenu Anti-age z lekami przepisanymi przez lekarza stanowi przeciwwskazanie. Powinna zaistnieć przerwa wynosząca przynajmniej 2h od momentu zażycia leku. Dokładne zasady stosowania kolagenu i leków warto przedyskutować ze swoim lekarzem prowadzącym.

90 tabletek w opakowaniu

Wystarcza na 45 dni suplementacji

Hydrolizowane białko kolagenu

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Collagen with vitamin C and hyaluronic acid, natural supplement - 500 mg
Tablets with collagen and hyaluronic acid - what is this product?
Tablets with hyaluronic acid and collagen with the addition of vitamin C are a combination that aims to comprehensively take care of your vitality, young skin appearance and full nutrition. Natural collagen with hyaluronic acid together with vitamin C is a great solution for people who want to ensure an adequate level of bone mass, improve the quality of skin, hair and nails, reduce the visibility of wrinkles, but also support regenerative processes of articular cartilage.
Collagen with vitamin C and hyaluronic acid - Product composition
In the anti-age collagen, there are substances like hydrolyzed collagen protein, L-ascorbic acid as a highly absorbable form of vitamin C, and health-promoting hyaluronic acid for skin. The 1 portion includes:
- 895mg of hydrolyzed collagen,
- 40mg of hyaluronic acid,
- 60mg vitamin C.
The composition prepared in this way in a daily portion ensures proper nutrition of skin tissue and improving its condition.
What distinguishes our collagen with vitamin C and hyaluronic acid? Features, advantages
Anti-Age collagen in the hydrolysis process is broken into smaller fractions, thanks to which its bio bioavailability in the intestines reaches the highest level, and also perfectly dissolves in water and favorite yogurt.
Tablets with collagen and hyaluronic acid and vitamin C They do not contain gluten and lactose, they are also completely free of GMOs, which makes it a safe supplement in use, even by people with food allergies.
Purchase natural collagen In the Intenson.pl online store, it is a guarantee of the best quality products, free from GMOs and additional substances. All Intenson products are free of artificial fillers, dyes and preservatives, which results in the best quality at an affordable price.
Collagen with vitamin C and hyaluronic acid - properties how it works, what does it help?
When discussing the advantages of our product, which are tablets with collagen and hyaluronic acid, It is worth moving separately the operation of each ingredientsto find out how our supplement shows a wide spectrum of action.
Supplementation using collagen is referred to as a natural way of maintaining beauty, despite the passage of years. With age, natural collagen production decreases, and thus regenerative abilities, elasticity and skin firmness. Also, the bones are not in the best condition, and the degenerative process begins around the ponds. Enriching collagen with vitamin C and hyaluronic acid improves the appearance of the skin by stopping water below the skin surface and naturally stimulate the process of creating collagen in the body, including in loaded joints.
Collagen is a naturally occurring type of protein in our body and it is a component of many necessary processeswhich are responsible for the proper functioning of the whole body. The hydrolysis process allows you to get even more benefits from collagen. It involves breaking the protein molecules into individual amino acids: proline, glycine, hydroxyproline and hydroxylizin. The form of hydrolyzed collagen is best absorbed by the human body, thanks to which the body obtains the best building material to regenerate damaged tissues, restore their vitality and young appearance.
Collagen is responsible for:
- proper functioning of bones and joints,
- preservation of skin, hair and nails in the right condition, health and vitality,
- supports regenerative processes,
- It is a building material for arteries and veins, providing them with flexibility and strong structure.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C not only supports the immune system, but also its operation is necessary in:
- protecting cells against oxidative stress,
- anti -inflammatory effect,
- impact on maintaining good health and mood,
- impact on the health and appearance of the skin,
- help in eliminating hypertension,
- maintaining anti -atigning prevention, relieving inflammation and help in slimming.
Hyaluronic acid
Hyaluronic acid is used not only in aesthetic medicine. His wide spectrum of action can also be seen by incorporating it in everyday meals. Hyaluronic acid contributes to:
- improvement of skin hydration,
- reduction of fine wrinkles,
- increasing facial tension,
- supporting the protective functions of the skin,
- shadow reduction under the eyes,
- skin protection against water loss.
Collagen with vitamin C and hyaluronic acid - who do we recommend this supplement?
Our tablets with hyaluronic acid, vitamin C and collagen We usually recommend women who want to take care of their external appearance and improve the condition of hair, skin and nails. Our supplement will also be useful in daily activity during pond protection and in preventive effect on various inflammatory factors surrounding us every day.
What are the contraindications to the use of our anti-age collagen?
People who should not use collagen with vitamin C and hyaluronic acid are Pregnant and feeding women, as well as people allergic to any component of our supplement.
According to research that supplementation with natural collagen, vitamin C and hyaluronic acid is in most cases safe, but it is worth consulting a attending physician or a dietitian before using our supplement.
How to use tablets with collagen and hyaluronic acid and vitamin C? Dosage, daily consumption
With regular use of our anti-age collagen, It is worth following the recommendations on the product label. They say clearly that one tablet is recommended twice a day during a meal, sipping with a lot of water.
The daily portion has:
- 895mg of hydrolyzed collagen,
- 40mg of hyaluronic acid,
- 60mg vitamin C.
This is a daily dose that should not be exceeded.
Collagen with vitamin C and hyaluronic acid in tablets - storage
Dietary supplement should be stored in a place inaccessible to young children, in the original package at room temperature, protecting from light and moisture.
The effects of the use of collagen with vitamin C in tablets. When can you expect effects?
The first effects of collagen supplementation with hyaluronic acid and vitamin C from our store may already appear After 2-3 weeks of regular use. Much depends on the dose used and the duration of supplementation.
Tablets with collagen and hyaluronic acid and vitamin C - certificates
Anti-Age collagen, like other products available in the online store Intenson.pl, have quality certificates and the correct production process GMP, GHP and HACCP.
What else is worth buying in addition to collagen with vitamin C and hyaluronic acid in tablets?
Similar, health -promoting effect to vitamin with hyaluronic acid, show our natural products, such as bio chlorella and bio spirulina Available in our online store offer.
See articles on our blog on collagen and its actions and properties
If you want to learn more about the benefits of using collagen, we invite you to familiarize yourself with blog articles describing Natural collagen and why collagen for ponds is so important.
Additional information about collagenic with hyaluronic acid and vitamin C
Dietary supplements cannot be used as a substitute for a varied diet. To maintain the correct state, the most important is a balanced and diverse diet and an active lifestyle.
Best before:
The party number / shelf life / country of origin is on the packaging.
Manufacturer's data:
Manufacturer: Intenson S.A.
Kissing 94 g
05 - 480 Karczew
Product composition Collagen Anti -Age + Hialuron + Vitamin C - 500mg 90 tablets
Composition: 89.5% collagen hydrolyzate, L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C), hyaluronic acid (sodium hyaluronate), anti-caking substances: magnesium salts of fatty acids (magnesium stearate)
1 tablet (500 mg) | %RWS | 2 tablets (1000 mg) | %RWS | |
Collagen hydrolyzate | 447.5 mg | 895 mg | ||
vitamin C | 30 mg | 37,5% | 60 mg | 75% |
Hyaluronic acid | 20 mg | 40 mg |
Reference value of consumption for the average adult (8,400 kJ/2,000 kcal)
- León-López a, Morales-Pedaloza A, Martínez-Jaárez VM, Vargas-Torres, Zeugolis di, Aguirre-álvarez G. Hydrolyzed Collagen-Sources and Applications. Molecules. 2019 NOV 7; 24 (22): 4031. DOI: 10.3390/Molecules24224031. PMID: 31703345; PMCID: PMC6891674.
- Papakonstantinou E, Roth M, karakiulakis G. Hyaluronic Acid: A Key Molecule in Skin Aging. Dermatoendocrinol. 2012 Jul 1; 4 (3): 253-8. DOI: 10.4161/DERM.21923. PMID: 23467280; PMCID: PMC3583886.
- Chambial S, Dwivedi S, Shukla KK, John PJ, Sharma P. Vitamin C in discaase prevention and cure: an overview. Indian j clin biochem. 2013 Oct; 28 (4): 314-28. DOI: 10.1007/S12291-013-0375-3. EPUB 2013 SEP 1. PMID: 24426232; PMCID: PMC3783921.
1. Can collagen with vitamin C and hyaluronic acid be used during pregnancy?
Possible use of collagen during pregnancy must be previously consulted with a specialist doctor.
2. Can tablets with collagen and hyaluronic acid be combined with its other forms?
Yes, by all means. Collagen with hyaluronic acid and vitamin C, as a protein necessary for the body, can be combined with another supplement containing this ingredient, it is only worth remembering the permitted daily limit.
3. Can Anti-Age collagen be used during an injury?
Yes, Anti-Age collagen has properties that support the regeneration of damaged structures during exercise or other activities.
4. What is the shelf life of anti-age collagen?
The shelf life is always on the label of the purchased product. It is usually a period of several months or more (depending on the type of product).
5. Can collagen with vitamin C and hyaluronic acid be combined with drugs?
Combining anti-age collagen with drugs prescribed by a doctor is a contraindication. There should be a break of at least 2 hours from the moment the drug is taken. The exact rules for the use of collagen and medicines should be discussed with your attending physician.
Składnik aktywny: | Hydrolizowane białko kolagenu wieprzowego, kwas hialuronowy, witamina C |
Postać: | Tabletki |
Producent: | Intenson |
Ilość tabletek w opakowaniu: | 90 |
Długość kuracji: | 45dni |
Waga tabletki: | 500mg |
Przeznaczenie: | poprawa elastyczności skóry, poprawa jakości włosów, poprawa stanu paznokci, poprawa stanu kości i stawów |
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