Collagen + vitamin C + hyaluronic acid powder 250g

75,99 zł

Collagen + vitamin C + hyaluronic acid powder 250g

75,99 zł

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Collagen with hyaluronic acid in drinking powder, natural supplement - 250g


Collagen with hyaluronic acid powder - what is this product?


Collagen with hyaluronic acid for drinking is a supplement that is a great support and at the same time a solution for all kinds of problems with skin, hair and nails. Anyone who wants to improve their appearance, improve metabolic processes in their body and feel good should definitely reach for our collagen with hyaluronic acid in drinking powder. Naturalcollagen supplement And the addition of hyaluronic acid perfectly supports regenerative processes initiated by collagen. The combination of these ingredients is a healthy complex that cares for skin tissue health.


Collagen with hyaluronic acid powder - Product composition


In our ecological dietary supplement In the form of collagen with hyaluronic acid for drinking, there are only natural active substances. Among them is:

  • Collagen,
  • Vitamin C,
  • Hyaluronic acid.


The presence of such a mixture of substances guarantees quick and effective effects. They are improving the condition and visual condition of skin tissue, as well as a greater relief in digestive processes, joints and a fantastic appearance of hair and nails.


What distinguishes our collagen with hyaluronic acid powder? Features, advantages

Our collagen with hyaluronic acid for drinking is a highly biowyede form of hydrolyzed collagen, which is perfectly captured from the intestinal light and goes to target tissues, the addition of hyaluronic acid and vitamin C additionally improves the process of internal collagen synthesis, which ultimately contributes to increasing its total amount in the body. This is the most desirable effect.


In addition, the drinking form of our collagen with hyaluronic acid is free from GMO and does not contain gluten, which means that it can be used by people with food allergies, celiac disease and gastrointestinal disorders.


The purchase of a natural supplement with collagen and hyaluronic acid for drinking is a guarantee of improving lecture, hair and nails, and securing daily prevention.


Collagen with hyaluronic acid powder - properties how it works, what does it help?

The comprehensive effect of ingredients of our collagen with hyaluronic acid for drinking makes us feel better, the appearance of skin, hair and nails improves, and we also protect the preventive aspect of our body. In order to thoroughly learn the properties of collagen with hyaluronic acid, it is worth discussing the operation of individual ingredients from this natural supplement.



Collagen is a structural protein, whose presence is necessary to maintain the structure of many tissues. Collagen is a naturally occurring type of protein in our body and it is a component of many necessary processeswhich are responsible for the proper functioning of the whole body.

The form of hydrolyzed collagen in combination with other ingredients of our supplement is best absorbed by the human body, thanks to which the body obtains the best possible building material for regenerative purposes, as well as improving everyday health and comfort of functioning.

Collagen is responsible for:

  • correct bone mineral density,
  • improving the condition of the skin, hair and nails,
  • supports regenerative processes,
  • improves the functioning of the digestive tract,
  • relieving inflammation.


Vitamin C

This ingredient is important, not only from the point of view of immunity, but also helps in:

  • protecting cells against oxidative stress,
  • anti -inflammatory effect,
  • regulation of blood glucose levels,
  • more efficient synthesis of collagen inside the body,
  • alleviating excessive blood pressure,
  • leveling unfavorable skin lesions.


Hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is used not only in aesthetic medicine. Hyaluronic acid contributes to:

  • improvement of skin hydration,
  • reduction of fine wrinkles and skin cavities,
  • supporting the skin's protective functions against external factors,
  • shadow reduction under the eyes,
  • skin protection against water loss,
  • Improving the wound healing process, skin damage (minor).


Collagen with hyaluronic acid powder - who do we recommend this supplement?

Powder with collagen and hyaluronic acid of Intenson, we recommend above all people who want to take care of their external appearance, and also protect the health and functioning of the digestive tract. Additional supplementation with our preparation will undoubtedly also contribute to stronger joints, bones, muscles, better well -being and fantastic condition of hair, skin and nails. A group that we mainly recommend our product are women who want to take care of their health from the outside and from the inside.


What are the contraindications to the use of our collagen with hyaluronic acid for drinking?

People who should not supplement our collagen with hyaluronic acid in powder, are pregnant and during feeding, as well as people allergic to any component of our supplement.

Studies confirm that supplementation of natural collagen in combination with hyaluronic acid is in most cases safe, but it is worth consulting a specialist before using our supplement.


How to use collagen with hyaluronic acid for drinking? Dosage, daily consumption

With regular use of our collagen, It is worth following the recommendations on the product label

Method of use: Dissolve 0.5 teaspoons in 200 ml of water, juice or add to yogurt, cocktail. It is recommended to consume 1 portion a day. Do not exceed recommended servings for consumption during the day.


Collagen with hyaluronic acid powder - storage

Dietary supplement should be stored in a place inaccessible to young children, in the original packaging and at room temperature, protecting from light and moisture. Such action will ensure long durability of the preparation, and at the same time a guarantee of health benefits.


The effects of the use of collagen with hyaluronic acid for drinking. When can you expect effects?

The first effects of supplementation with our preparation from our Intenson store may already appear After 2-3 weeks of regular use. Maintaining the health effects obtained during time will depend on the duration of supplementation.


Powder with collagen and hyaluronic acid - certificates

Collagen with hyaluronic acid for drinking, along with vitamin C, like other products available in the online store, have quality certificates and the correct production process GMP, GHP and HACCP.


What else is worth buying except collagen with hyaluronic acid powder?

Our online store's offer includes many preparations that can perfectly complement the effects of collagen and hyaluronic acid. They are on example 1000g vital fiber and Bio spirulina powder. We also encourage you to familiarize yourself with the rest of our wide supplementation offer.


See articles on our blog on collagen and its actions and properties

If you want to learn more about the benefits of using collagen, you can't miss our specialist articles describing Natural collagen and why collagen for ponds is so important.


Additional information about collagenic hyaluronic acid for drinking

Dietary supplements cannot be used as a substitute for a varied diet. To maintain the correct state, the most important is a balanced and diverse diet and an active lifestyle.

Available in packaging: 250 g

Best before:

The party number / shelf life / country of origin is on the packaging.

Manufacturer's data:

Manufacturer: Intenson S.A.

Kissing 94 g

05 - 480 Karczew



  1. León-López a, Morales-Pedaloza A, Martínez-Jaárez VM, Vargas-Torres, Zeugolis di, Aguirre-álvarez G. Hydrolyzed Collagen-Sources and Applications. Molecules. 2019 NOV 7; 24 (22): 4031. DOI: 10.3390/Molecules24224031. PMID: 31703345; PMCID: PMC6891674.
  2. Papakonstantinou E, Roth M, karakiulakis G. Hyaluronic Acid: A Key Molecule in Skin Aging. Dermatoendocrinol. 2012 Jul 1; 4 (3): 253-8. DOI: 10.4161/DERM.21923. PMID: 23467280; PMCID: PMC3583886.
  3. Chambial S, Dwivedi S, Shukla KK, John PJ, Sharma P. Vitamin C in discaase prevention and cure: an overview. Indian j clin biochem. 2013 Oct; 28 (4): 314-28. DOI: 10.1007/S12291-013-0375-3. EPUB 2013 SEP 1. PMID: 24426232; PMCID: PMC3783921.



1. Can collagen with hyaluronic acid to drink can be used during pregnancy?

Considerated collagen supplementation with hyaluronic acid during pregnancy must be previously consulted with a specialist doctor.


2. Can collagen with hyaluronic acid in the form of powder be combined with its other forms?

Yes, by all means. Collagen with hyaluronic acid can be combined with another supplement containing this ingredient, it is only worth remembering the daily limit of this ingredient.


3. Can collagen with hyaluronic acid powder be used during injury?

Yes, collagen in combination with hyaluronic acid and the additional presence of vitamin C, has excellent properties that support the regeneration of damaged structures during physical or unfortunate accident.


4. What is the expiry date of collagen with hyaluronic acid for drinking?

The shelf life of the supplement is placed on the product label. It is usually a period of several months or more (depending on the type of product).


5. Can collagen with hyaluronic acid powder be combined with drugs?

Connecting collagen (together with support substances) in combination with drugs prescribed by a doctor is a contraindication. The exact rules for the use of collagen and medicines should be discussed with your attending physician or other specialist.


Jak stosować suplement diety Kolagen z witaminą C i kwasem hialuronowym w proszku?

Sposób użycia: 0,5 łyżeczki rozpuścić w 200 ml wody, soku lub dodać do jogurtu, koktajlu. Zaleca się spożywać 1 porcję dziennie. Nie przekraczać zalecanej porcji do spożycia w ciągu dnia. 

Przechowywanie: Suplement diety należy przechowywać w miejscu niedostępnym dla małych dzieci, w oryginalnym opakowaniu i w temperaturze pokojowej, chroniąc od światła i wilgoci. Takie działanie zapewni długą trwałość preparatu, a przy tym gwarancję korzyści zdrowotnych.

Dodatkowe informacje: Suplementy diety nie mogą być stosowane, jako substytut zróżnicowanej diety. Dla zachowania prawidłowego stanu najważniejsza jest zbilansowana i zróżnicowana dieta oraz aktywny tryb życia.

Najlepiej spożyć przed: Numer partii / Data przydatności do spożycia / Kraj pochodzenia znajdują się na opakowaniu.

Składnik aktywny: Kolagen wieprzowy, Witamina C, Kwas Hialuronowy
Postać: Proszek
Producent: Intenson
Długość kuracji: 60 dni
Waga opakowania: 250 g netto
Przeznaczenie: Poprawa kondycji skóry, Anti-Age, Zdrowie włosów i paznokci, Wsparcie dla stawów i kości, Regeneracja tkanek, Profilaktyka zdrowotna

Dzięku subskrypcji oszczędź czas i pieniądze. Zdobądź aż -15% rabatu na każde zamówienie! Korzyści z subskypcji:

  • Nawet kilkaset złotych oszczędności rocznie,
  • Możliwość zarządzania subskrypcją: edytowanie, zmiana produktów w subskrypcji, czy częstotliwości ich dostawy,
  • Możliwość anulowania w dowolnym momencie,
  • Oszczędność czasu, nie musisz pamiętać o ponownych zamówieniach.

To suplement diety w formie proszku, który łączy kolagen, witaminę C i kwas hialuronowy. Pomaga poprawić kondycję skóry, włosów i paznokci oraz wspiera zdrowie stawów i kości.

Korzyści obejmują poprawę jędrności i elastyczności skóry, wzmocnienie włosów i paznokci, wsparcie zdrowia stawów i kości oraz przyspieszenie procesów regeneracyjnych.

Produkt zawiera kolagen, witaminę C i kwas hialuronowy.

Produkt jest dedykowany osobom dbającym o zdrowie skóry, włosów i paznokci, osobom aktywnym fizycznie, oraz każdemu, kto pragnie poprawić swoje zdrowie i wygląd.

Nie, produkt jest wolny od glutenu, GMO oraz sztucznych dodatków.

Customer Reviews

Based on 15 reviews

Kolagen + wit C + kwas hialuronowy w proszku 250g

Agnieszka L.

wszystko ok

Bogdan S.


Magdalena S.
Kolagen z wit C i kwasemhialuronowym

Jestem bardzo zadowolona, spełnia swoje zadanie.

Sandra K.

Kolagen + wit C + kwas hialuronowy w proszku 250g

Marzena S.

Produkt bardzo dobry

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